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Luna's POV
"Hey, stop daydreaming and start eating!" Devon flicked my forehead as I sit in front of him still gawking at his handsome face. He's already wearing a black shirt and sweatpants below, though I honestly don't mind seeing him half-naked every day.
A blush crept its way to my cheeks when I realized that his friends were laughing at us, the thought of the earlier incident still sticking on my mind.
The incident was quite funny actually and I was glad the boys were crazy enough to distract me so I won't have a chance to do anything stupid in front of Devon - stupid and indecent to be exact. Though I was pretty sure Noah thought quite differently because he kept on looking at me funnily, I don't even know why.
On the other hand, the one with a bunny smile, who I found out is Jack, kept looking at my direction discreetly but of course, I can't help but notice. And every time I catch him staring at me, his face would start blushing, so cute.
And lastly, the guy with a pink hair, Jiro, I thought was quite familiar but I can't seem to remember where I saw him. I hope he's not one of my ex-flings or something because that would be weird and awkward as fuck right, considering that I'm almost all out open flirting with his gorgeous friend right over here, who, by the way, is looking at me weirdly.
"What?" I asked after I eat my second chicken leg.
"Stop staring at me. You're so creepy, do you realize that?" he replied, his eyebrows furrowed, I had to stop the urge to smoothen the creased look on his face.
"Shut up Dev," Noah interjected. "She's so kind enough to share her food with us so be a little grateful, will you?"
"Whatever." he replied and rolled his eyes.
"It's fine, actually. I am glad I got to have a companion while eating. It's hard to digest food when you're alone." I said as I smile.
The truth is, I'd be more than willing to share my food anytime so long as I have these wonderful looking human beings in front of me.
"Oh, noona, are you living alone?" Jack chimed in, his cute face puffed with food inside his mouth.
"Uh-huh. I live at the rooftop house just across the one above this building."
"You mean, you're the new tenant just across our playroom?"
"What do you mean playroom?"
"Oh, the rooftop room just above this is part of this house and that's where we normally stay when we're here."
"Ow..." I nodded in response.
"You should meet the others. Our hyungs will be coming over later this evening!" Jack said, a little too excited.
"No. Not going to happen." Devon butted in but I did not look at him. I'm starting to get a little interested in what his friends are going to say.
"You mean; you have other more friends who usually come over?"
Noah chuckled.
"Uhuh. The older ones are not here yet."
Again, I nodded in response. I put the chicken in my hand down, half-finish and no longer interested. My woman hormones taking over.
"Hey you, idiot. Are you seriously putting down your chicken because you're more interested in boys rather than food?" Devon snickered as he took the chicken from my plate and started eating it. I gulped.
We basically kissed indirectly, isn't it?
You, maniac. I thought to myself.
"I'm a girl so that should be normal. It'll be weirder if you're the one who will be interested in boys, alright." I rolled my eyes on him but I had to stop abruptly when a thought came into mind. "You're not gay, are you?"
"What-oh God, fuck, NO!!!" he said, a relieved sigh escaped on my lips.
And then I heard the three laughing their ass of the corner.
"Hyung, I never thought you'd pass as a gay," Jack said in between his laugh.
"Shut up, all of you or I swear to God I'm going to kick you out of my house, you dimwits."
Noah raised his hand in surrender. "Okay, okay..." but obviously, still unable to stop from laughing.
"Oh, by the way, where are your parents?" I asked Devon. It was then that I realized that he actually finished four chicken on his own. he must have been hungry. I'm glad I bought a lot because if not, I might not have been allowed to come inside.
"Abroad." he simply answered.
"That's why we normally stay here." Jack added.
"How do you know each other?"
"Ahm,” he looked uncomfortable for a moment while some of them looked confused for a bit but smiled nonetheless, “We're high school friends. Like, the seven of us." Noah said.
My eyes went wide. Seven of them?
"You mean; seven good-looking men stay here?"
Again, the three of them chuckled excluding Devon.
"I think you need to do something about that habit of yours." Devon said to me, probably talking about how I unconsciously spoke what I had in mind even when I don't intend to. "I'm starting to think that you're scary. We might end up getting molested here in our sleep if you're around." he added. He was obviously teasing me but I just chuckled.
"I don't mind." Noah raised his hand.
"Me neither." And Jack.
And then my eyes landed on Jiro. He just shrugged his shoulders.
I just remember, Jiro hasn't talked to me yet nor utter a single word the whole time, though he sometimes laughs at me and Devon's bickering.
"Hey Jiro," I caught his attention. "What's your last name?" I asked, curious. I think I might have an idea why he looks so familiar.
He looked a little uncomfortable when he I asked his last name, so the boys all turned to him.
"Park." he replied. "My name is Park Jiro."
My eyes went wide. Now everything clicked. So that’s why he was familiar.
I was right. He was that one cousin that I have who always bully me when I was younger.
I remember how hard I cried because of him. After that, our parents decided that it's not good for us to see each other because we always bicker. Every time we were together, we would fight and end up getting physical. I don’t even understand now why we were like that or how it actually started. But it has been what, ten years since I last saw him. We even try not to see each other even in our family occasions. Or maybe he was busy. I am also not one to attend most of our family occasions to be honest.
I looked at him slyly. So that's why he was uncomfortable. I laughed a little when he uncomfortably shifted from his seat beside Jack.
He know I figured it out.
"Do you know each other?" Devon asked, his voice a little strain.
"You're not ex-lovers, right?" Jack added.
"Because that will be a little awkward, if I may add." Noah chimed in.
Jiro looked at me, his eyes a little regretful.
"Nope." I said then laughed a little. I noticed how the three of them sighed, relieved.
We may not have a good past as cousins but that was a long time ago. I won't let him bully me any longer. I can kick his ass if I want.
He looked at me smiling a little.
"Friends?" he shyly asked as he offers his right hand to me.
I gladly took his hand and smiled in return, the past nearly forgotten.
"Hey, go home. It's getting late." Devon butted in as he stood from his seat and yanked my arms to follow him, I wasn't even able to protest.
"I was having fun, hey!" I told him but he can't seem to hear what I said. He still continued to guide me out.
Once we reached the door, he pushed me out and put his body on the entrance so I can't come back in.
"Thanks for the food. And don't go back here." he said, his face frowning.
"Can I stay for like, five more minutes?" I told him in my puppy eyes.
"For what? so you can flirt again with my friends?"
I smiled at what he said.
"Are you jealous?" I teased him.
"No. I don't like you. Go."
"But I like you." his face turned frozen, shocked about what I said.
Oh God, he looks so cute.
"Stop that. I told you to go home." he said a little pissed.
I don't care. You're still cute to me.
"Okay. See you tomorrow." I told him as I started to make my way home but before I can reach the stairs, I looked back to him as he stares back, "By the way, you can't meet some random girl from now on. I call dibs on you first, okay?"
I laughed out loud when his face blushed crimson red.
I guess my three-month stay in here won't be boring as hell.

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