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Luna's POV
"You know what? You can go and visit her if you like. Your sighs had been too long I can basically hear it from the storage room." Natalie told me as I sit on chair behind the counter. As usual, there aren't a lot of customers since most kids are in school.
I looked at her, my brows furrowed.
"You think so?"
So yesterday, me and this bratty kid Sarah had a little episode. I never meant any harm to the kid as all I want to do is teach her some manners.
The problem is, my poor attempt of teaching the little girl a lesson actually leads to a bigger disaster. She ended up getting hurt.
My heart still beats a little faster than normal every time I remember the frustrated look on her brother's face. If I had been a guy, I am sure as hell I'd probably received a punch in the face.
Doing a first aid treatment on Sarah didn't actually went as smooth as it should be. Sarah cried louder every time I try to touch her and his brother isn't really a great help either. Though I can't blame him for not trusting me.
After explaining to him that I know what I was doing, he allowed me to proceed while he hug his little sister. The ambulance soon came. It was pretty chaotic and I was just so glad my grandparents did not find out that I messed up on my first day at work. Or maybe they actually know but is not bothered by it.
Somehow, I wonder if they really trust me enough to push through with this shit. I was never trained for this.
I should have accompanied them to the hospital but that gorgeous guy whom I later found out is named Devon, told me to back off and stay away. I guess he really hates me. I can’t blame him though. He probably thought I was being mean to his sister which in my defense isn’t the case. But it’s basically subjective anyways.
And now, my stupid conscience is eating me since last night. I was barely even able to fall asleep.
Why do I have to be so stubborn?
"But you know..." my mind went back to where we are when I heard her speak. "I think you're actually more interested into seeing her brother rather than apologizing to the kid." she said as she slightly covered her mouth while chuckling.
My cheeks turned red.
"Am I that obvious?" I asked her which she returned with a nod.
"Actually, the first aid treatment shouldn't have lasted more than ten minutes if I wasn't really distracted because of him. Girl, that guy's face is a masterpiece!"
Heck, even if she just met Natalie, she felt comfortable expressing herself with her.
"Does he have a girlfriend?" I thought loudly.
"Well, I haven't seen him with a girl apart from her sister. Besides, that little girl loves her dear brother so much, I'll bet a dollar, she'll kill any human being who'd dare flip their hair on her brother." she exclaimed!
I nodded as I kept in mind what she said. Then something crossed her mind.
"Do you think he'll like me?"
She chuckled. I just looked at her.
"You serious?"
I nodded.
"Oh my God." she then smiled cheekily. "You little flirt. Hey! I don't want to see you heartbroken. That guy was so nasty. Weren't you scared?"
"I actually think he's hot."
"You're really something. But you can give it a try. You're so fucking beautiful; he'll regret it if he rejects you."
I laughed at what she said. Way to boost my confidence, huh.
"That's why I liked you the first time I saw you."
"I actually thought you have a boyfriend."
I shrugged my shoulders in response.
She never really had some real boyfriends. She had a lot of male friends, mostly those she meets on her short escapades but of course, she can't say she ever had a relationship. Technically speaking, the longest "fling", if that's what she can call it, is most probably two weeks when she went to Italy. Of course, you need to enjoy Italy with a companion.
Nevertheless, her past relationships were purely platonic or if not, the farthest she had gone was kissing, like a not even a full make out session.
She has a liberated mind but she has self-control.
"It's almost the end of your shift." she reminded me.
"How about you bring a little peace offering for her sister? You'll need to get close to her if you want her brother."
"You're good at this huh?" I told her and she smiled. I'm loving the friendship that is blooming over us.
"Let me just buy something to eat. You need to visit my house sometimes and cook for me." I told her as I stood on the chair while she replaces me on the counter.
Before I can even leave, she hit my butt so hard I yelp in surprise.
"Go sway that nasty hip of yours and get yourself a man!" she remarks which made laugh all the way outside.
She sure is weird. And I like weird, so....

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