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Luna's POV
"Hmmm, not bad." I said as I scan my reflection in the big mirror situated just across the counter.
I was wearing the uniform that Natalie had given me. It was a plain pale blue collared polo for women which I partnered with my black ripped jeans underneath, still fashionable enough for my taste.
Since I hate the feeling of getting choked, I decided to left a few button of my shirt open.
My long brown hair was up in a ponytail letting some of the loose strands fall freely on my face.
Instead of wearing my contacts, I decided to just wear my spectacles to feel more comfortable.
Since I am never really fond of wearing makeup, I just settled myself with applying just a face powder and a light lip tint just enough to make my lips show color.
I checked my watch. It is just past 10 in the morning so it means it has been three hours since my shift started and I was so sure there at least four people who came in the store.
Where are those customers by the way? I thought a lot of people comes in a convenience store?
I sigh as I play with the bottle in front of me. This is a little boring than I expected.
How will I be able to survive for three months with this?
"Natalie..." I called the girl who is crouched down across the hall, busy doing the inventory.
Me and Natalie are the same age and honestly, she acts exactly likes Yessa so I feel really comfortable with her.
I laugh as I remember that it only took me ten long minutes to fix myself while Natalie stayed at least an hour in the restroom just to change and fix her makeup. Like Yessa, this girl looks like she would literally die if she faces people without painting her eyebrows.
"Is there anything else that I can do? This is so boring." I told her which she just returns with a smile. Despite her full make up, Natalie face exudes kindness and affection. Maybe that's the reason why I don't feel a lack of indifference from her.
"Don't worry, Luna. It's still early. I assure you, you'll have a lot of shoes to fill later and you'll be thankful you had your free time this morning."
The sound of the door opening caught my attention. I looked around a saw a little come in.
My brows furrowed. This girl seems familiar.
I studied the kid's face as she starts roaming around the store.
"Hello, Sarah. Do you need help?" I heard Natalie said to the little girl.
So, her name is Sarah. She's pretty huh. I told to myself.
The little girl was actually wearing a pink dress with flowers on it as a design. I don't need to check its tag to know that it is from an expensive designer brand.
"NO. Tsssss" she scoffed. I was sure I saw her eyes roll even from where I was watching.
What a brat. I can't help but snickered.
I remember when I was like her age. I was pretty sure I was as snobby as she is, thinking too highly of myself.
I'd spat on our maids and even make fun of them. I was so mean, until my grandparents came and they had to make sure I learn my lesson.
Seeing this kid acting like the way I did brings back so many memories.
Moreover, I hope she has someone like Grandma and Grandpa to guide her back to what is right and wrong.
"By the way, didn't I tell you not to talk to me?" the little kid remarked, arms crossed.
To say that I was shocked was an understatement. I looked at Natalie and I saw her looked down and get a little embarrassed after being told off by a kid. To my surprise, she didn't say anything about it as if she's used to the kid 's attitude.
I can't help but get pissed off. Natalie had been a sweetheart. All she wanted to do was help the kid but this pretty little demon disguised as an angel was really something. I wonder why she acts that way though. Nonetheless, I don’t like it when kids are acting up like that.
"Hey, I don't think that's the right way to talk with someone who's offering you a little help. Well actually, that's not how you should be talking to someone that's older than you." I told the kid as I walk towards her from the counter. I am sure this is not the best way to approach a young kid but her sassiness is getting on my nerves.
There are no other customers anyway.
I looked at Natalie and mouthed, "Are you okay?" She just smiled in return.
"Why do you care? I don't need any help from poor and ugly people like you guys!" she said as she walks towards the section full with chocolates.
My eyes widened and I was not able to rebut immediately. I did not expect the kid to really be talking back like she’s doing right now.
Wow. This kid is one another level. And she's totally pissing me off.
"Who's ugly?" My hands both landed on my hips. This kid is getting a piece of it. I don't care if she's just a kid. I can't tolerate that bitchy kind of attitude. No one should top my bitchiness, not that I am a full pledge one because I still know when to be one and when I shouldn’t.
"Hey there you little kid." I said as I walk towards her. Natalie already followed and pulled me back.
"One second Natalie, I need to teach this little girl a lesson." I told her.
"Don't bother Luna. She's just a kid" she muttered.
I put down her hands on me and look back at the kid who's not even paying attention. She was trying to grab the last piece of chocolate, I didn't notice the brand, at the top of the shelf.
Too pissed off, I decided to pull a prank.
"Oh, sorry. This one is out of stock." I told her as I grab the chocolate away from her, her surprised face landed on my direction.
I can't help but grin.
That's right kid. Who's ugly now? I told to myself as I notice how she looks. Her face turned red and her eyes started to tear up. By the looks of it, she's trying so hard not to cry as she balled her fist.
"Give that to me. I found that first," she said, her voice a little shaky.
"Nope. I got it first."
"You're ugly. Uglier than how you looked yesterday."
My brows furrowed. Yesterday?
"What yesterday"
"Yesterday at the rooftop. You're that scaredy-cat old lady." And then she started to scream like how I did yesterday.
My blood started to boil.
"That was you?"
"Yeah, and you look stupid by the way."
"What???!" I almost screamed in anger. And then I lost it.
"Well for your information. I screamed so hard last night because you look so ugly and scary. You're the ugliest kid I've ever seen."
Natalie tried to stop me but I can't back down to a little kid so I motion her to stop worrying.
I knew what I said is a little mean but this girl is going to get it.
"My brother said I'm the most beautiful girl she's ever met."
Well, you're actually beautiful but your attitude isn't.
"He's lying. That's what brother's do. But you're not so you better be good. Now, I need you to apologize to me and to the lady over there for being rude." I told her.
"No. I don't like you. And give me back that chocolate. That's for my brother." She said as she raised her hands to me.
"No. Not until you apologize." I said firmly.
"No. I don't want to. Give that to me or I will tell my brother about you. You'll surely lose your job!"
I chuckled. "Babe, that won't work. If you want this chocolate, apologize or I'll eat this instead."
I saw her face panicked. What's with this chocolate anyway.
"You won't?"
She pressed her lips together, her face a little uncomfortable that I felt my conscience eat me a little.
"No!!!!!!!" she said as she started attacking me with her hands, hitting my body.
I was so startled I had to move and step backwards when she suddenly slipped and fell on the floor. She screamed in pain and she started crying so hard.
I looked at her and noticed that she actually twisted her left ankle.
I immediately crouched down and touched her. "Are you okay?" I said a little worried.
"No!!!!! Go away!!!!!?" she started screaming so loud and Natalie moved a little closer, in panic.
"Sarah?" I looked around and saw a guy. I can't see his face because the sun is facing my direction.
"Oppa..." I looked back to the little girl.
Oppa? Is he her bother? Good. I might as well talk to his brother about this kid.
"What did you do to my sister?!!!" his voice a little louder. I can sense how angry he was.
Or I guess I can't talk to him either?
I stood up and faced his direction, while Natalie remained seated on the floor, trying to help the kid.
"Hey Mister..." I started but I had to stop once my eyes landed on his face.
I gulped.
You know what happens in those love flick movies where the girl's surroundings suddenly started moving in slow motion? This is exactly how it is.
Standing before me was a guy with a face that can launch a thousand ships. His facial features were so perfect I can’t even find anything bad to point out. His lips were so red, his nose were pointed and his deep set eyes are mesmerizing to see. Shoot, I just fell in love.
Screw Helen. This one is a god.... an angry looking god to be exact... I think I just found my future husband.
His face is so perfect; I never knew someone who looks like him can exist. I can kiss his lips this instant.
Why is God not fair?
"I said... what did you do to my sister!!!?"
I was break off in a trance upon realizing that the gorgeous guy towering in front of me is fuming in anger.
"What are you-----" then my eyes wide. Oh right, he was asking about her sister.
And then it hit me. This guy I claim to be my future husband is this brat's big brother?
"You're his brother?" still a little shock.
He just looks at me, his face still fuming in anger while his eyebrows furrowed.
Well, there goes goodbye to my future husband....

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