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Luna's POV
"So this was where your parents stayed when they were still managing the store..." I looked around the house and noticed how incredibly small it is, my rest room is actually twice bigger.
Well, not bad actually because at least it still has a kitchen, bathroom and a separate room from the living room.
"And this is where you would be staying for three months, sweetie, that is, if you'll be good." I looked back to both my Grandma and grandpa who despite, the old age, went around and showed me my apparently, new place...
I pouted. "Grandma, can't I just stay with you and Grandpa?" I said as I put down my backpack and made my way towards my grandma.
I know said that they were strict but nevertheless, I still love them as much. Plus, I actually don't know how to cook so I don't even know how I will survive on this house on my own.
My grandpa just messed my hair. "You'll love it here. Don't worry."
I doubt that though.
"We have to go. We need to meet some people. Arrange your things and make yourself comfortable." I moved closer and gave both of them a hug.
"I'll help you and Grandpa to go downstairs." I told them as I wear my shoes so I can assist them to go down.
We're actually on the rooftop of a two-storey building which my grandparents own, the ground floor is the convenience store, the second floor is an apartment and my house is basically at the rooftop.
"Don't bother, my child." My grandpa. "You can take a rest. Remember, you'll be starting tomorrow. Make sure to be down before 6am so Natalie can tell you everything you need to know."
"Ow." I said as I stop tying the lace on my shoes. I look up to both of them. "Alright, take care Grandpa and Grandma." I told them as I watch them carefully make their way down to the stairs.
Once they're out of my sight. I closed the door on my new house. I plopped myself on the sofa bed situated on the living room.
I looked around once again, trying to absorb the fact that for three months, I will be staying on this almost run-down rooftop apartment.
There shouldn't be any problem right?
I mean, what other reason should my stay be extended. All I need to do is help in the store downstairs.
That should be easy. I said to myself, getting a little confident.
I smiled when I remember the huge open space just right outside my house. I was sure I saw a big low table where I can lie down or drink alcohol if I like. At least I have a rooftop terrace that I can share with Yessa.
Beside, this house can actually host at least three people. Again, I looked around my new home.
The house looks very warm and cozy. It is already equipped with kitchen utensils which I doubt I can use since I don't cook.
A cable TV was sitting in front of the sofa bed. I grab my phone from my pocket.
So okay, a FREE Wi-Fi. Not bad.
Through the large windows in the room, I can actually enjoy a surprisingly great view.
What's actually funny was, our building is connected to another one, so there was another house just across just like mine. The only difference is, their place looks like it is being taken cared off, with plants outside while mine looked like it has been vacated for years.
I hope I don't have a noisy or old neighbors. I actually like playing a loud music so having an old neighbor means problem.
The room inside was surprisingly clean. My grandparents might have actually hired someone to clean it before I arrive.
Tomorrow, my three-month hell period will be starting.
I hope Natalie or whoever she is, is around my age and friendly.
I closed my eyes after remembering everything that happened.
Our very first store was located just a few hours from where our real house is so I'm not technically far from the city.
The only problem is, my parents had confiscated my cards and my car telling me that I won't be needing any of those while I'm here. Plus, it appears that I will be receiving my salary while I work in the convenience store.
As far as I know, not a lot of people knew that this is actually our company's mother's or main store. My family had always been low-key in media. One thing that I was thankful for because I don't want to be surrounded by fake people.
Of course, you know when people befriends you just because they knew who you are.
When I was in second grade, some kids used to bully me and Yessa stood up by my side, hitting those mean kids. After that incident, we became the best buddies.
Imagine her shock when she found out who I was. Nevertheless, it was fine. At least I have one friend who I can trust. I'm more than satisfied with that. Besides, her family is actually well-off to be honest.
With that in mind, I closed my eyes to try to get some sleep. I need to get ready for my journey for tomorrow.
I swear, I was almost getting my very much needed sleep when I heard a sound of something hitting the lower metal of the screened door just right after my wooden door.
Okay, don't mind that. It was probably just some small stone that was carried by the wind.
"Don't mind it Luna." I talk to myself.
Okay, it's starting to get a little creepy.
That's it, I stood up from my short slumber and opened my goddamn door.
"Why do I have two doors anyways? What a bother." I told to myself.
I angrily stood outside of my door, just in front of my rooftop terraces but I see no one. Not a single soul.
"Weird..." I muttered.
The cold breeze brush past me. It's already getting dark.
I swear, the hairs just above my neck stood up upon realizing how creepy it was.
"Shoot, this house isn't haunted, right?" I talk to myself.
If there is anything I am afraid of, it’s a ghost and any other paranormal things.
You can ask me to jump off a cliff with a parachute any day, Bungee jump in Dubai or even run in Macau Tower Skywalk but I can't really deal with anything ghost related.
My body shivered at the thought and the darkness that is almost enveloping the sky isn't helping really at all.
Before I can even go back inside my room, my body stood frozen when I saw a reflection of a girl in white dress, with long wavy hair covering half of her face, on the glass window of my house.
"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs while I desperately covered my eyes.
I lost my balance and fell on my bottom while I still scream in horror.
"Oh God, mom!!!!" I cry for my mom's name. Tears started streaming down my face in shock.
I'm sure I was crying for a good old fucking minute and then I heard small chuckles just behind my back.
Does ghost actually laugh?
"You look ugly; do you know that?"
I turned around and saw a little girl, roughly five years old laughing her ass off because of what happened. She's looking at me like I'm some stupid shit as fuck.
My blood started to boil.
Did she actually just make fun of me?
I started wiping the tears on my face.
"Hey, you lit------" Before I can actually finish, the little kid run away to the exit and I soon lost her in my sight. "-tle tiny mole...." I continued as I whisper.
I grab the roots of my hair with both hands as I grunt all by myself.
That's why I hate kids. They are a pain in the ass.
I then I pinch my cheeks to make sure I did not just hallucinate. I'm pretty sure that was a real kid and not some rooftop ghost.
Don't tell me, that kid is actually living right across my house. Hell, no right?

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