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Will let go of his tight embrace and went back to face the beasts. At that time I also felt uncertain. Race a worried and happy mixed into one. Don't know what to call it.
Instantly I thought back to the purpose of Will's attack on them. I distract myself by shouting as loudly as possible, “HEY! LISTEN TO ME!" My screams suddenly made people panic to shut up and look at me.
My chest is getting tight. I shouted again breathlessly, “EVERYONE, GO BACK OF THE HOUSE! FOLLOW ME!" I waved my right hand and pointed to the wide open back door of the house.
The guys looked at each other and didn't immediately follow my lead.
"Hey, hurry up!" I shouted back to those who were close to me.
They came to their senses and finally followed my lead.
Will who also heard my scream stopped walking and looked at me from a distance. That's when I realized he was looking at me. And I can see her charming smile. Then he walked back hastily.
After that, my vision returned to the people around me who panicked and rushed to the back of the house, according to my instructions.
Many of them wanted to get out of the house quickly , but were held back because there were women and children who were moving slowly.
I approached the women who were holding their children's hands, “why are you still here? You have to go quickly!”
One of them replied, “Didn't you see for yourself? The door is blocked by young men and men !”
I was surprised when I saw the men and young people scrambling to get out first.

“Hey, I was the one who came out first!”
"No! Me first!”
“You guys should succumb to the young ones!”
"You can't interrupt the nobles!"
They exchanged words of pride at each other. Which doesn't really matter to them now.
Some of those who are still patient, accompany the women and children. I looked at one of the men who was clinging to his wife who looked worried . He smiled elegantly and said quietly, "Relax." I smiled back then nodded once.
I saw a five year old child next to him. He is so funny and easygoing . I don't know what makes it so , even though the atmosphere is very tense and unsafe. Little child. I mumbled, then smiled wryly.
Then my eyes turned to those who were still fighting for the road . When I was about to approach them, I felt someone holding my hand firmly. Immediately I turned around and saw her, “Sheryl!” I exclaimed then.
Then I hugged my best friend for a while and said, "You have to get out of here quickly!"
Sheryl shook her head as her eyes closed, “no, Rumi. I have to help Will to restrain the werewolves.” His answer was so emphatic that I couldn't argue with it.
He quickly backed away and turned his back on me. Running towards Will who was fighting the beasts. For a moment I forgot Sheryl's true identity, that she was a descendant of werewolves. What are the abilities of the werewolf Sheryl, able to get out? I thought with a feeling of hopelessness.
"You have to survive and win," my wish that didn't necessarily come true. But I believe and are optimistic about their abilities .

Among the humans running and swarming out through the back door, I still haven't met any of my family members.
My mind was already pessimistic and gave up on them. But Peter brushed it off.
When my gaze shifted to the corner of the room, I saw several people walking towards me. At that moment Peter ran from that direction and quickly hugged me. But I repel both his hands that are ready to embrace . He looked confused, “Rumi... ? ”
"I'm glad you're safe. But that doesn't mean you can do anything to me."
He looked down again, then looked at me coldly, "Okay Rumi. It seems, I have absolutely no place in your heart. Unlike William, who immediately gets a kiss from you.”
My eyes narrowed, "are you jealous?" I said without looking around.
Peter fell silent with the same look. Then he went to those who were fighting and took part in it.
I watched them with a confused feeling, "they all can fight?" mumbled Royce heard.
My family has been with me after Peter left.
“It seems that their strength is not only from the blood of their descendants. But they also have above-average abilities that the rest of us don't have,” said Royce, patting my shoulder.
I was surprised to see them, my eyes widened, “you guys!” I cried trying to hug them all at once.
"Come on, you don't have to do this." Reyna said feeling uncomfortable.
I looked at his face with forward lips . He stared back sarcastically, "what?!"
I immediately looked away with a groan . Mom and Dad chuckled at that.
“Even though the atmosphere is not conducive like this, you can still behave ridiculously. Ha ha!" The mother who suddenly burst into laughter. It was a miracle for us to see Mother like this.
My two brothers and I smiled with relief seeing our parents free from their flat habit of restraining each other.
Even so, that smile was only for a moment. Suddenly the people stopped running and froze to the spot.
"What's going on now?" I looked around. They were all shocked and panicked unable to move their legs.
“Sala! I can't move my legs!” Mother panicked as she tightly held Dad's hand.
“My feet too,” Dad looked at me and Reyna. We tried to move the legs, and the result was the same. Dad looks resigned now.
When Father saw his first child, Royce didn't seem to blink for a second because he was looking at Kayra.
"Royce!" cried Dad worriedly.
Royce came to his senses and turned to Dad as he tried to take a step. His eyes bulged when he realized his legs were stiff, “Father, Mother. My feet…”
Father nodded, “we are all Royce. We can't move our legs." Dad replied, his eyes showed sadness and concern for all of us.
Fear enveloped me. Suddenly my gaze fell on Will who was panting as he resisted the attack of a werewolf baring its sharp fangs.
“Will… you have to win,” I muttered then lowered my head.
Both my parents and my sister, glanced cynically.
"You like him, Rumi?" said Mother suddenly.
I rolled my eyes and turned to Mom. I opened my mouth, but didn't have time to say because Reyna was already ahead of me. "Not like. But fell in love. I saw he had a chance to kiss the strange young man's lips."
My parents' eyes bulged, "Is that true, Rumi?" Dad asked, his voice shaking.
I lowered my head, then nodded slowly.
Mother snorted in annoyance, "I can't believe it... it turns out that you harbored your holy love for a lowly wizard like him."
Hearing Mother's words, my head lifted for a moment. And when he was about to reply, Royce answered. "What's wrong with witches? Anyway look, what is he doing now? He fought for our safety and put his life on the line!”
"What's our safety? Look at Mom's feet! Look at your feet! Look at all of our feet! Will we survive this way?” Mother's emotional outburst made Father furious. "Shut up!" Dad snapped at once, breaking the tension between Mom and Royce.
They lowered their heads and said nothing else. Pe rasaan inflamed inner guilt me. I shouldn't have done that. I thought then.
Reyna watched the youths trying to move their legs to no avail.
"Coward," he said, suddenly taking us by surprise.
"What's wrong, Ray?" Royce asked worriedly.
“Those boys, they're cowards for letting Will and Sheryl fight off the beasts so they can escape. Even if it's the same in the end. We will all die.” Reyna said confidently.
"Reina!" Mother snapped. Reyna was surprised, then glanced at Mother sarcastically. "Watch your words! Don't talk carelessly. You are a princess who should speak gently and full of kind words.” Mother said confidently.
Reyna snorted, “how can I always be like that, Mom? I'm not Mom! And I'm sick of being told to behave the way you want! Because I'm not a princess, I'm an ordinary human. An ordinary girl who wants to always be free of expression.”
A hard slap landed on Reyna's thin cheek. His eyes widened violently, his hand suddenly touched the cheek that was slapped. Then looked into the eyes of the person who slapped him, namely Dad.
We were all surprised. We just learned that Mom and Dad can laugh out loud, now we're surprised again by Dad's unexpected action.
I understand why Father slapped Reyna. Because my sister's words made Mother's heart ache. Until without realizing it, my mother sobbed when Reyna spoke harshly.
Father's eyes reddened, "Enough Reyna. You've made your mother suffer."
“Father, Reyna… never mind. Now is not the time to fight!” Royce tried to intervene.
But Reyna's anger was at its peak. His eyes flashed the emotion he had been suppressing for so long, “Once my legs can move again, I will go with Hans. And will never come back again!”
We were all very surprised by it. Mother's crying stopped, turned into silence. Dad scowled and looked down. Royce was silent with a cold sad look. Meanwhile, I looked at Reyna without blinking a bit.
Reyna looked satisfied after saying it all. He snorted, “drama!”
His words again made Mother's heart ache even more and shocked us.
I can't say anything else. After what they found out about what I had done to Will that had disappointed my parents, all I could do now was just shut up and follow the way things were going.

Book Comment (175)

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    Yhang Osman

    nice story po....


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    Djksarin Edkofsrb

    bfk ud


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