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Rachael could have felt comfortable if she was in Joy's car or that of Kevin, but she could not think straight, being in the car of the boy she was and still is attracted to.
The SUV car of Zack has this familiar scent that she has become accustomed to, a strawberry smell. The drive was rather a silent one and Rachael was less tensed up as she looked outside the car window, different thoughts running through her mind.
'Crushes, infatuations, and attractions are part of those distractions in a teenagers life', her mum will always tell her
'And that is why it should be properly controlled', she would always conclude.
It was easier said than done as she is attracted to Zack's physical features, and her best friend Joy also seems interested in him. The big bang is Kevin whom she has not developed any kind of feelings for aside from their friendship tag.
If Kevin figures out her big secrets, he would probably break up their friendship with her. It was not the first time Rachael was developing any kind of teenage feeling, and she could not help but write down her fantasies in her diary, which she later deemed as wrong.
Zack and his family moved opposite their house, and while the both of them, Zack and Rachael acted as cat and mouse, Rachael finds him pretty handsome.
That was a nightmare for her as she would look out of her window just to take a peek of Zack secretly. That came to a stop the moment Kevin confessed his true feelings for her. She became more confused and extremely guilty, for not seeing how her best friend Kevin has displayed his true intentions to her.
Now she is attracted to a player, who must not figure out her feelings for him. Even if Zack never knew of the attraction she has for him, the real problem is Joy. What if she gets played.
Rachael groaned at her thoughts as she sent Joy a message that someone had picked her up at school. Joy however apologized for being late blaming her mum for her nagging.
Rachael rolled her eyes seeing Joy's message, as she smiled, gently putting her phone inside her bag.
"What are you thinking about?" Zack probed, his two hands on the steering as he glanced slightly at her.
" None of your business, so buzz off," she replied, not sparing him a glance.
"Haha, I am used to it. A little birdie told me you occasionally look at my window. Why do I feel you are in love with me," he explained, a devious smirk on his face
'That was months ago," Rachael thought, his eyes furrowing.
"You sure are cocky. That only makes me wonder why you are given a driving license at age 18. You should grow up stupid," Rachael trolls at him.
He started laughing, making Rachael look up at this man, whom he both has mixed feelings for. Their eyes met, sending different thoughts down her mind. She quickly shook her head as she turned to face the window, obviously angry at Zack laughing as a form of reply to her.
" Wow, wow, wow, little Rachy is angry. She is still denying she looks at me through her window. I think you have a huge crush on me, just admit it," Zack did not give up, prompting Rachael's heart to thump for a while.
'He is good at figuring things out. Can't he just leave me alone, Rachael thought, whipping her head to face Zack.
"How will admitting it help you? Don't make me get out of this car or you will face the consequences," Rachael quickly said hoping she would remember all the life lessons she has taught him the past few months they were here.
" Nerdy girl, I am scared. I will visit you soon, you and I alone, and I will figure everything out. Just wait and see you petrified rabbit," he expressed dramatically, making Rachael shudder a bit at his words
"All the best Mr. Zack Grande. May the muse be with you," she retorted dramatically, not wanting to give him the benefit of doubt.
Zack chuckled taking a peek at this stubborn girl, as he slowly turned on soft music
Rachael just continues looking and trying to figure out a way to avoid being seen by the various students who might have thought she is one of Zack's new toys.
Even though she is a Senior and has a good stand in the eyes of the junior, some would not want to let her go without bashing her with snide comments. It seems all the girls in Golden Grace High School are in a love web with Zack. Who wouldn't be? He has the perfect set of eyes and nose. His smiles and winks alone are enough to make a girl fall at his feet.
" I have to buy a pad, my monthly flow might come today. Please drop me here," Rachael said, pointing to a place not too far from their school.
Zack smiled, looking at the brilliant, yet cautious girl beside him.
"You do not want to get to school with me because you thought others might think you are my new chick right?" he stated as he continued driving.
" Fine, you won, "Rachael decides to give up, feeling Zack knows her too well.
This brought a half-smirk on Zack's lip as he continued driving. Zack finally drove into the school which had some students walking in peers in a to and fro manner.
Rachael quickly took off her seat belt as she tried to open the door but it did not open.
"Open the door, you dumbo," Rachael hissed, not wanting Zack to be in close contact with her.
" You forgot the magic words," Zack removed his key as he looked intently at Rachael who wore a frown.
She hardly gets angry but being around this guy has only made her turn into an angry fellow', Rachael thought.
"Thank you for the ride. Please open the door," she glared at him.

Zack pressed his car button as the doors unlocked. He kept looking at Rachael's receding figure with a thought in mind. It is only a matter of time before she falls deeply for him.
Rachael got out of the car, her face meeting with natural air and smell and not the one she had in Zack's car, a mixture of fragrance and cologne that can send one into a fantasy world.
It was lunch break as Rachael and Joy made their way to their lockers.
" Sorry for being late this morning. My mum insisted I make my breakfast at a late hour. It was so annoying, "Joy rambled, throwing her hands off in the air dramatically.
Even though Joy was short compared to Rachael's height, she still has the best mouth. Sassy and has a no care attitude especially for those that try to step on her or her friends. In short, she hates bullies.
"Why don't you give your mum a little support. My mum and I made a timetable for cooking. While I cook during the weekends, she cooks from Monday till Thursday," Rachael explained as they reached their lockers, dropping their books inside, before heading to the cafeteria.
" Can you try to be on my side for once Miss Do this and that? You are not helping me," Joy made a face as she face-palmed
"Hey, do not be sad, dear friend. I just feel it is better to learn more about cooking before you get into college and also get married. I hope you get it," Rachael pulled her friend closer, trying to explain her thoughts clearly.
" You know how I find it difficult to assimilate, I also find cooking stressful, it takes energy out of me okay. Let's stop talking about me. My conscience is pricking me, "Joy stated, as Rachael snickered, surprised by her friend's change of demeanor.
"We are almost at the cafeteria. What else do you want to talk about?" Rachael asked, staring at Joy who looked rather complicated with her look.
" Who brought you to school this morning?"As she asked that question, Rachael stopped on her track, her heart beating as fast as possible.
Joy squinted her eyes looking at her friend who seemed rather shocked by the question. Rachael swallowed the lump of saliva down her throat, not knowing what to do, either to say the truth or lie.

Book Comment (2531)

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    Ireen Joel

    Thank you for all


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    Nadine Cefania

    so niceee


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