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It has been over two weeks, and few things have happened. Grace was beginning to recover from her mental state, as she was operated on again.
Her whole family relocated outside the States, to give Grace a new beginning. To them, once Grace completely recovers, they will do everything within their power to make her life the best life possible.
Rachael stared at her reflection in the mirror and for some seconds, she felt like she might end up making a bad decision. Grace has been like a second role model to her, apart from her mum being the first. She learned a lot from her, as she was one in a million.
She could not help but wonder why the good ones end up making the bad decision. She was not trying to mock Grace in any way, but somehow she felt shallow. She had a feeling, she might end up making a bad decision. 'I just have to be careful, she told herself
Her phone beeped as she picked it up to read the message Joy sent to her. A smile curled up to her lips, as she realized that the last but not the least person in their friendship group will arrive back to school today.
Andrew was the 5th on the list. Andrew happened to be just like Grace except that he was a boy who sees things in a more realistic sense, more like out of the experience. While Rachael, Joy, and Kevin have been friends since childhood, Grace and Andrew joined their best friend group while in their early years at high school.
Rachael quickly put on a black denim skirt that reached her knee and a white top with a black set of sneakers to match. She made her blonde hair into a bun, which was not that easy as her blonde hair was very long, almost reaching her waist.
Getting downstairs, she greeted her mother who has placed her breakfast on the dining table. She quickly gulped down her milk, munching the sandwich alongside which find its way down her throat. Not quite long, she began to cough, as she has choked on her food.

Her mother quickly rushed to her and stood behind her, placing her arms around her waist and bending her forward. Rachael felt a sigh of relief as she began to breathe well.
Her mother furrowed her brows and wanted to snap common sense into her 17-year-old daughter.
"Mummy, I am sorry. I will try to eat gently okay," she tried to beg her mum who kept looking at her with a complicated look.
" You should be careful and not eat like someone that has not been fed in weeks. I believe they have taught you table manners and etiquettes while in school"
Rachael's mouth dropped as she realized her mum must have been very worried about her. She was a single mother in her early 40's who got divorced by a man who claimed to love her.
Rachael's mother, Mrs. Eva Harlowe was previously known as Mrs. Eva Jenkins divorced Rachael's dad when she discovered his promiscuous activities to the extent of having a family outside. Rachael's dad accepted the divorce and has left them ever since then, leaving the house to them, as the only thing for their daughter.
"Mrs. Eva, don't get mad at me. I am guilty, I accept that. I do not want to keep Joy waiting since she will pick me up today," Rachael turned on her last card ready to make her mum less worried and angry.
" It is okay, eat your food. You need it for growth and energy," she replied, giving her a warm smile as she looked at her beautiful daughter, constant thoughts running through her mind.
Rachael gently finishes eating her food, not wanting to provoke her mum. She took her backpack as she made her way outside, her mum behind her.
As she got outside, she halted as she groaned realizing she has forgotten something important. She turned to face her mum as she folded her fist, thinking of the stress of going upstairs to pick her History assignments.
"You forgot something?" her mum asked as she nodded.
" My History Assignment. I forgot it on my study table," Rachael answered
"Do not worry, I will get it for you," her mum said sweetly as she went inside.
Rachael decided to sit on the chair outside as she awaits her mum's arrival. She started pressing her phone as she looked through her Facebook posts.
" Hello, beautiful",
Rachael almost froze, realizing the voice of the person. She raised her head as it came in contact with a dark brown eye twinkling with mischief, as he looks rather manly in a blue hoodie and blue jeans with black sneakers to match.

'What is he doing here?' she thought, a flash of Joy seeing them together came to her mind. She doesn't want to see her best friend jealous.
"Zack", she pursed her lips unable to say another word.

He smiled and winked at her, as her face blushed. The feelings she thought she had buried came back to life.
'Stop this Rachael', she cautioned herself as she kept a straight face.
" What brings you here?", she started staring back at her phone.
"Haha, is that the right way to treat your neighbor?", Zack moved closer as he stoops down to gaze at Rachael whose heartbeat has become rather plummeted as she avoids looking at the attractive figure in front of her.
" I am here to take you to school in my car," he said, as Rachael rolled her eyes, trying to reduce the tension in her mind.
"No thanks, my friend is picking me up," she deadpanned as she stood up.
Zack picked a little grass, as he stood up becoming a little bit offended by the rejection. For the time he has been a player, he has never been rejected by girls he turned to as they tend to fall for him easily.
His well-built body exposed his tanned body, his tall height adding to his features. His light skin with soft pink lips looks irresistible, his pointed nose as well as his well-carved face.
" Zack, you are back," they both tilted their heads to see Mrs. Eva out of the house.
"Good morning Mrs. Eva. Yes, I came back yesterday. Hope you are doing great, "Zack spoke, exposing his snow-white teeth.
Rachael wished she never knew the personality in front of him as it has brought her nothing but distractions and nightmares.
"I am doing fine. Thank you," she responded as she gave Rachael her history assignment.
" Ma'am, I was thinking of driving Rachael to school but she does not seem to accept my offer. She is not nice to me," Zack put on his drama look as he said those words of his, which appeared to be sincere from Mrs. Eva's point of view.
'Can't he just leave me alone?'Rachael could not help but groan inwardly.
'And why is Joy late today, argh', she screamed inwardly
Rachael quickly stepped forward glaring at Zack turning to face her mum.
"Mummy, Joy is coming to pick me up with her driver. Zack can go to school. I will just wait for Joy," Rachael tries to sound gentle, as she seems angry at Zack's determination.
" Go with Zack now, will you? I will tell Joy you left. Be polite to him too and try to catch up with him. We are neighbors, remember?"Mrs. Eva cautioned her daughter.
Rachael breathes in andto get rid of Zack, afraid Joy might miss interpreting the relationship between them.
"Okay, mum. Goodbye, see ya later," she smiled and hugged her mum as she walked past Zack, who smiled as if he had won a lottery.
" Thank you, Mrs.. Eva. See you later," Zack stated as he followed Rachael who had crossed to the other side where his car was.
He pressed on his car key button as the car doors unlocked. Before he could help Rachael to open the door as a gentleman should do, she has already jumped into the car. Not because she views the car as fancy but because she wanted to avoid any kind of close contact with him.
Zack smirked, different thoughts running through his mind.
'One step at a time. It is only a matter of time before my plan brings a positive result', he thought as he got into the car.

Book Comment (2531)

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    Ireen Joel

    Thank you for all


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    Nadine Cefania

    so niceee


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