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4. Unanticipated

"Where were you? I've been looking for you like crazy. You really had me worried sick!" Sian exclaimed, finding her husband suddenly returning at 9 PM.
"But in the end, I came back, right?" Cater patted Sian's head affectionately. "You were worried about me?"
"Of course, you fool!" Sian hugged her husband tightly. "I don't want to lose you."
Cater felt confident enough that his heart was genuinely pleased to receive such attention from Sian. However, for some reason, his heart felt burdened instead and seemed to reject the possibly sincere feelings bestowed upon him.
"Let's go to bed; it's already late. We should rest," he suggested to his wife. Cater then guided Sian to the bed, and they both fell asleep embracing each other tightly.
"I love you," Sian whispered in her husband's embrace.
Cater didn't respond to her words. Instead, he kissed Sian's forehead and closed his eyes.
"I'm sorry...."
Sian could barely hear the faint murmurs coming from Cater's mouth. Her restless heart almost revolted. Now she felt even more confused about her own situation.
The English breakfast menu was being enjoyed by the married couple who were on vacation in the birthplace city of The Beatles.
The traditional English breakfast, which usually consists of fried or boiled eggs, bacon, sausages, baked beans, grilled tomatoes, and mushrooms. Usually, this meal is served with toast or fried bread, along with a cup of tea.
"You're having my tomato." Sian moved her grilled tomato onto her husband's plate.
Cater snorted, "eating tomatoes is good for health; don't be picky." Nevertheless, he still ate the grilled tomato from his wife's plate hungrily.
Sian smiled happily as she watched her tomato being devoured by her husband. "Alright, I'll eat it later. By the way, you seem to really like tomatoes," she commented.
Of course, because that crazy woman always forces me to finish her tomatoes. Making all sorts of excuses just to get me to eat her portion. Damn you, Erina! Huh?!
Cater suddenly flinched, causing him to choke. For some reason, thoughts about Erina surfaced in his mind.
"Oh my, are you alright?" Sian panicked, quickly offering her husband a glass of water. "Was my question just now too strange?"
"No-no, uhuk... uhuk... I'm fine," Cater cleared his slightly messy mouth. Strange thoughts always seemed to appear and disturb him. He then took the offered water from Sian.
"What's gotten into you?" Sian shook her head in confusion. "How about we go shopping today?" Sian suggested to her husband.
"Okay. Let's go to Liverpool ONE later," Cater suggested, agreeing with his wife's idea.
Sian cheered with joy upon hearing her husband's suggestion. Liverpool ONE is a major shopping and entertainment center in the city center of Liverpool, with over 170 shops, restaurants, and a cinema. Going to Liverpool ONE would be the perfect choice when vacationing in Liverpool.
Satisfied with their shopping, Sian and Cater decided to go to the Cavern Club. Of course, this would be an unforgettable experience for Cater, and it was Sian's hope.
Arriving at the Cavern Club, Sian secretly observed her husband's expression. It couldn't be denied that Cater looked very happy; he might not talk much about his happiness. However, his joyous expression and sparkling eyes were more than enough to show his enthusiasm.
Sian puffed up her chest in satisfaction. Her decision to go to Liverpool and plan this vacation trip was a gift from her to her beloved husband. Sian hoped that her love would further convince Cater that she was serious about her feelings.
"Let's go in," Sian said, holding Cater's hand as they entered the Cavern Club.
As Sian led Cater inside, he briefly turned his head and saw a woman who seemed very familiar to him passing by.
Unconsciously, Cater called out the woman's name, surprising Sian and causing her to stop in her tracks.
"Who did you call?" Sian asked, staring intently at her husband.
Cater swallowed hard. The woman he called walked very quickly and disappeared from his sight. Meanwhile, Sian, who was already curious, became a little nervous.
"It seems like I mistook her for someone else. I thought I saw an old friend of mine, so I called her. But she seemed to be in a hurry earlier. Let's forget about it; let's go inside," Cater pushed Sian's body, leading her inside. It was dangerous to linger outside like this in his current state.
Sian simply complied. She was a bit confused but looked very surprised by her husband's strange behavior.
Who? Who was the person he referred to? Sian's mind was filled with questions about the person her husband called. She didn't want to think about anything strange, but the unsettling feeling successfully made her start feeling restless.
"Don't drink too much. Remember your limit!" Cater gently reminded her, moving Sian's drink away. She had a low tolerance for alcohol.
Sian was almost drunk, but she could still think clearly. She was aware of her restless feeling, which she vented by continuously pouring gin into her glass.
The Liverpool Gin she was drinking was a local drink from Liverpool. The harmony of classic juniper taste with fresh fruits and spices filled her senses.
When her glass was taken away instead of causing a scene, Sian just remained silent, looking like she was contemplating. Her behavior made Cater feel guilty for her.
"Is there something bothering you?" Cater asked cautiously.
"There is," Sian replied shortly.
"Just say it; I'll listen openly," Cater waited for his wife's answer.
"It seems too early for me to say it now. I feel uncomfortable, but I don't want to let go of all this just yet. Especially our time together now," Sian said with a blushing face. She seemed to be starting to get drunk.
Cater sighed. Sian still didn't want to be completely open. Honestly, this made it somewhat difficult for him to find the right judgment.
"You keep avoiding, and it makes it harder for me to find the answers. Are you comfortable with this uncomfortable feeling?" Cater tried to be patient, but for some reason, his own emotions were starting to overwhelm him. Continuously pressing himself like this was starting to make him feel frustrated.
Sian turned her gaze to Cater's face, staring at him for quite some time. "Then aren't you enjoying our time together, especially now?"
Cater initially didn't want to answer. He just remained silent. However, he also chose not to avoid and decided to maintain eye contact with his wife. "I am enjoying it, but strangely enough, there's no explosive feeling that makes me feel like flying. I just feel happy, like when I have a good friend accompanying me on my journey," he said, trying to be honest.
"Is that so?"
Sian smiled, her smile wide on her face. Until finally, she closed her eyes and didn't let that smile fade from her face. "If that's your answer, then I'll continue to be stubborn, believing that this discomfort is just a way for me to try harder to make you believe in
me." After saying that, she immediately fell asleep. Now the alcohol had taken over her.
For some reason, hearing those words made Cater feel like he wasn't worthy of being loved. The burden on his heart became even heavier. A feeling arose to end all this drama as soon as possible.
"If that's your choice. You still choose to be stubborn. Fight as hard as you can, and surrender when you realize the truth," Cater whispered into Sian's ear softly.
Cater stepped on his cigarette butt, then took a new cigarette from his pack. He took a deep drag, letting his lungs be filled with smoke. After escorting Sian back to the hotel room, he decided to go alone and wander around Mathew Street again.
He saw a box of Esse Change Applemint cigarettes lying in front of him. Cater picked up the cigarette box and looked at it for a moment.
"Hey. We meet again. Try this cigarette for a change," said the young man who appeared from the end of the street.
Seeing the young man, Cater's lips automatically twitched, showing a wry smile. Cater felt it was strange every time he smoked; the young man would appear out of nowhere.
"My taste suddenly changed to feminine." But despite saying that, Cater still intended to try the cigarette.
"There's no harm in trying, right?" The young man had now arrived and stood in front of Cater with a visibly happy face. "Following your journey was quite enjoyable. Somehow, I feel very happy."
Cater grinned, "that's proof that you are indeed a rascal, San. You really have no shame and always seek profit," he said.
The young man, alias San, laughed so loudly. Instead of feeling offended, he was rather amused to hear it.
"Hahaha... well... thank you for the compliment; I'm quite entertained by it. Do you want to go for a walk with me?" he offered shamelessly.
"A dreadful vacation. When I should be walking around the city with a woman. I ended up enjoying it with a man instead," Cater retorted.
"Oh, come on, buddy. Don't be so uptight. Just consider this, you need some time to clear your head. Honestly, I could see how you and Sian seemed to have quite a tense time earlier," San said honestly.
"You're a bit crazy." Cater didn't want to dwell too much on it. Honestly, he didn't care too much if San kept following him and Sian.
"Wanna have some wine with me? I have good taste when it comes to choosing drinks," San offered.
The sound of glasses clinking was heard. Currently, San and Cater went for a drink together at one of the bars suggested by San.
Nyetimber sparkling wine was San's choice. Nyetimber sparkling wine itself is a type of sparkling wine produced by Nyetimber, a famous wine producer in England. Nyetimber uses traditional methods similar to the way champagne is made in France. Secondary fermentation in the bottle creates bubbles and flavor complexity.
"How does it taste?" San asked.
"Not bad." Cater had to admit that the young man indeed had quite good taste.
San smiled contentedly. He sipped his wine gracefully. Even without him realizing it, Cater was amazed by the simple movements made by the man.
Casanova, Cater thought. The man was amazed by his drinking companion's demeanor at the moment.
The atmosphere of the bar was not too busy and rather quiet. It made Cater feel peaceful. Slowly, he began to enjoy the atmosphere in this bar, especially when he heard the tune of a song that felt so familiar.
"Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be. Whisper word of wisdom, let it be."
Cater realized that as this verse was sung, his intuition seemed to be telling him something. Suddenly, his head turned towards the small stage in the bar. His eyes widened instantly as if he couldn't believe what he found there.

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    Frag King

    thank you for admiring me


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    Hashimah RM

    I like the story


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    Christopher Dictado



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