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Chapter 6 Memories or Dreams?

Day 2. It's been 2 days since my mother collapsed. I'm still here in the hospital, my mother is still unconscious.
The doctor said they didn't know when she was going to wake up. I'm hoping, as soon as possible.
I decided to go outside, because of my boredom. While I'm walking, I saw different people with different diseases.
Many of them are losing their hope, and some of them are not. However, I am not like them.
I have faith in my mother that she will be going to wake up just for me. She will ask me how's my day and how was my school work.
Not only that, but I should have a strong hope. I am not alone in this battle. My mother is with me.
I'm going to help her and support her. I just want her to wake up.
A child is sitting on the bench, holding an ice cream. I smiled at her, and I went to sit beside her, “How are you?” She glances at me.
“The sky is beautiful, isn't it?” She nodded. I sighed. If I can turn back to the day that Amethyst is still alive, I will hug her.
“I have cancer, but I'm still fighting, is that good?” I heard her voice. I'm shocked when she told me that. She looks like an angel.
Her angelic voice, and cute smiles. She has straight black hair and pouty lips.
“Yeah, that's good.” I closed my eyes for a while, “Actually, I'm tired, I want to tell to my family, but I'm scared.”
“They wanted me to fight, and continue living.” I think it's just my imaginations, but I heard Amethyst's voice. I opened my eyes.
The little girl beside me turns into a woman. I don't know what happened. Maybe, it's just my hallucinations. She smiled at me with her weary eyes.
“Why you didn't tell me about your childhood?” I asked her.
“It's not worth it,” she replied.
“What am I to you?” I'm saying this because I want to know something.
“You are important to me, I don't want to lose you.” She looked at the ground. “Why did you leave me?”
“I'm not. Listen, that's why I'm here because I don't want to leave you all alone!” she exclaimed. “Why did you kill yourself?” I said with a husky voice.
“Do you still believe in that? Because I want to,” she answered to me. I don't have any words to ask, since I already asked what I wanted to know.
At the same time, I don't have any words to say. I held my phone, I need to write. “Chapter 143. ”
“I talked to her ghost and dealt with my feelings. I want to trust her, but my instinct can't,” I whispered.
A loud bark came from the dog in front of me.
“Hey, come here.” The dog wagged its tail, “Why are you here? Are you lost?” I gently pat its head, it makes her sit down.
“Hey! There you are, Keighra.” The dog's white fur makes her look neater and cute.
“Hi?” the owner said with a shy smile. She looks familiar.
Hmm, Right, she's the girl from 8th grade, “May I know your name, Miss?”
“I'm Sapphire, you're the guy,” she whispered.
“Yeah, I'm sending my apologies again.” I scratched the back of my neck.
She puts the leash on her dog, “Thank you, I thought my dog is missing already, but you've found her, I might get a heart attack if something bad will happen to her.”
“Nah, I'm just sitting in here, then the dog barked at me.”
“Goodbye for now,” she paused. I think she wants to know my name.
“Zhian,” I uttered.
“Right, nice to meet you!” She smiled genuinely. I leaned back to the bench and took out a sigh. I can't let myself sit in here peacefully.
At the same time, I stood up and decided to go back to my Mom's room.
I knocked at the door three times, and Sammy immediately opens the door.
“How's Mom?” I asked her while I'm walking towards my Mom.
“Uhm, nothing, the nurse comes in a specific time to inject the medicine to Aunt,” she explained.
I nodded at her and held my mother's hand. Her hand is tired, you can see the veins.
I guess, this time is her break from daily stress, and struggles.
“Mom, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disobey you,” I said with a weak voice.
In my peripheral vision, Sammy is staring at me with a casual look.
“Sammy? Can you promise me that you will not leave my mother? I need to do some important things.”
“Yeah, sure,” she replied.
It's already 3 in the afternoon, I went outside the hospital. I drove my car, and I went to the nearest convenience store.
Three kinds of donuts, and two cups of noodles. My instinct was right. Zoe Amethyst is sitting at the vacant table.
She looked at me, and I smiled at her while holding the donuts, and noodles.
People might think that I'm already crazy, but I can see Amethyst even though they don't.
I put down the food at the table, “It's been a while, I miss you,” she said with a sweet smile.
“Here are your favorite foods, Amethyst.”
“I'm not hungry, I just want to see you, Zhian.” Yeah, right. No choice, I forgot that she can't feel any hunger. I should eat these foods.
“Since the day that they left me in the graveyard, no one visits me.” Her shoulders slumped. From my perspective, I think she's sad.
“Sorry, I can't visit you, because my mother is in a coma.”
“It's okay, I understand.” I sip to a cup of noodles, beef is the best! She stared at me for a while. Nothing changed in her looks and attitude. She's still the same.
“Do you know what is the difference between memories, and dreams?” I didn't reply. Instead, I keep sipping to the cup of noodles.
“Memories, It's the events that you don't want to forget, and it stays in your mind forever. Even though your mind forgets something, but your heart can't forget something or someone.”
“So, dreams are the events that you want to fulfill, or you want to reach in the future. It can be the part of your memories, and it can be just your imagination.”
“How about you? How would you define the memories and dreams?” she asked.

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    Thank you'


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    very good story


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