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Chapter 1: The de Espiranza's

It took me a month long to realize that I, did really passed through another world, as per what my shitty father said when I was still in the Immortal Realm. I was shock when I came to know that I retained all of my memories as a goddess.
Suddenly, I was cut off from my thoughts. Because of an annoying human being.
"Father!Mother!Why is our Princess Dianne not smiling!?It has been a month..."
"Oh my dear boy...I personally don't know either..."
"Nevertheless, our little Dianne is still looking cute as ever."
When I first heard them call me princess, I merely thought that it was just a nickname that parents normally give to their new born baby girl.But that was not the case. I was a princess. A real life royalty.
A first princess of the Zephyrus Empire, of Hydros, to be exact.
'Dianne de Espiranza'
Was the name given to me by 'my family'. Hearing the word Dianne repeated far too many times before I was able to think properly made me feel like I was being...brainwashed.
I was kind of sleepy and was about to fall asleep only to awake from the touch of someone's hand pressed on my cheek.
Blue eyes were staring down at me. I froze in place.
'What in the heavens?'
His face's too close to mine! I'm now embarrased.
"Look at her, sweetheart. It's like she's staring back at me. Oh, I think our eyes met!"
"Oh dear! It seems that our Princess Dianne is starting to recognize her parents --- and of course her brother, prince Leonard."
My parents was looking so young, that I found it difficult to believe that they were my parents the first time that I saw them.
I was like ... Father?Mother? Aren't they more like my older siblings? Yes it was proper to assume that they would be an older siblings of mine with a large age gap.
But believe it or not, 'My parents' are already in their late 30's
My father, Emperor Marcuz Luke de Espiranza had a blue-colored-eyes which my eyes resembles and specks of silver hair.While my mother, Empress Rose de Espiranza had eyes brighter that the sun, and specks of shiny-curly-blonde hair,which I inherited from her.
My brother, Leonard laughed. His finger was running over the corner of my eyes. Then my eyes opened slowly, he was giving me this creepy looking smiles.
"She's my little sister, all right. Recognizing us right away. Huh! My sister is so smart!"
'Yes, yes. Not bragging but I am smart indeed, but why are you always shouting?'
My brother, Prince Leonard de Espiranza -- the Crown Prince of The Zephyrus Empire, of Hydros had a blue-colored-eyes and specks of silver hair. He's like the mini version of Emperor Marcus.
Father's sight was locked onto mine. I thought he'll just stare at me until I fall asleep, but seconds later he finally spoke.
"Dianne, I promise that your father will do his best to protect and love you." he said and his large finger touched my slightly opened palm. I unconsciously gripped onto that finger tightly.
That was an unintentional move! It was as if I wasn't in control of my own body.
It was a common knowledge that babies would reflexibly grab at things that touches their hand.
The people inside the room was in awe.Father smiled blissfully,staring at his grabbed fingers.Pure happiness was overloading the man's face.
"What a cutie..."
I never expected it, a family's love.Even though I've lived longer than this world.
"My cute little Aure!"
My shitty Father, I remember those sweet memories well, him kissing me on the cheek,and him promising that he will give 'everything' to me because he loved me. However, he changed not long after.
I don't have high hopes for this family.Sooner or later they will also abandon me just how my Father King Constantine And Queen Hera did.
The Great Rulers of Zephyrus Empire, The Emperor and The Empress, had four major problems in hand that plagued their minds recently.
One was about the drought that was slowly eating the whole land of Hydros.Second was the sudden rise of the Sea Levels at the Borders of the four Empire's of Hydros.Third was the poisonous air that's slowly killing all of the animals of Hydros. And lastly their beloved daughter Dianne, who was just around a month old.
Marcus and Rose decided to set aside the other three problems for now.
'There's nothing more important than our little princess Dianne anyways.'
The reason why it became the Empires national problem was because of the high number of visits from the priests of the Holy Capital. Proclaiming that Princess Dianne was a Daughter of the God,King Constantine, and that they needed to bring their almost a month old baby girl to the holy capital of Physis for Dianne to receive the last name 'Aquilon' and to also raise her there.
The priests talked about visions and prophecies that they saw on the day that Princess Dianne was born and used them as an excuse to bring their beloved daughter to the holy capital.
Declaring, that one day Princess Dianne will save the whole land of Hydros from its self destruction.
"Tsk, I hate their guts." Empress Rose said in pure disgust.
Emperor Marcus nodded in response to his beloved wife.
Those priests came rushing inside the palace a week later, after Princess Dianne was born and declared their visions.
The Zephyrus Empire was located in the Southern part of Hydros. On the day the Princess was born, the rain was pouring hard throughout the Zephyrus Empire and a lightning struck right above the palace. This matter was known to all of the citizens of the Empire. Even Marcus who held his beloved wife, Empress Rose's hand tightly during her labor, heard the sounds of the terrifying struck of lightning.
Marcus's expression was sharp and fierce. His eyes then landed through the mountain of letters the priests sent to them.
In the end the Emperor and The Empress decided to burn all of the letters.
Marcus and Rose looked at each other.Both of them had a beaming smiles visible on their faces.
The two Royal Maids whose inside the Emperors Royal Office watched their King and Queen exchange creepy smiles to themselves. The Emperor's aide, Evans Quintopelia who watched Marcus at the side, mentally groaned painfully and had his right palm at his face
Marcus slightly glanced at his aide,his words was cold and piercing ...
"Tell those lowly priests that we, the Emperor and Empress of Zephyrus Empire decline and have no thoughts of reconsideration."
"Yes,of course...Your Majesties."
Marcus planned to ignore the priests's pleas completely but he's quiet sure that the damn holy capital would send their requests constantly until he and his Empress gave in.
The priests said that since The Zephyrus Empire had their first Prince Leonard de Esiranza and is also the Crown Prince,there would be little chance for the Princess Dianne to hold the throne and become queen.Therefore,it was far more acceptable to have Dianne raised in the holy capital instead.
In that case,they needed to find a way to stop the holy capital's persistence to snatch their daughter away from them.
"Oh my, would you look at the time.It's almost time for our little princess to eat." Rose said as she smiled sweetly at her husband, the Emperor.
Marcus was cut off from his thoughts. He slowly stood from his chair and walk towards his Queen. Then lowered his head to give Rose a peck on the lips.
"Let us go see our lovely daughter."

Book Comment (335)

  • avatar

    nice! keep updating po hihi 🥰


  • avatar

    Highly recommend! It’s a one of a kind story. I love it.


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    Rona Mae Faraon Amistoso

    Highly recommended story, Good job author keep it up👍👏


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