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Chapter 2

Suddenly my face wrinkled when I said my daddy's name.
Oh my God wow just wow I still have a father?
I thought I was an orphan now? It so Funny to think.
"Oh, it's annoying! Why did I say that?" I whispered to myself.
"If you want someone to hang out with here, let's have a drink." He said while smiling.
"Your moves too, stop right there? It's so smooth that I want to choke the hell out of you"
"You should left before I handed you over to the guard, Handsome people not allowed here they will be in jail" I said sound irritable
"But why?? He faced me and confusedly asked
"They get Locked in my room" I said with a wink and laugh
"That's why I like you." He said while laughing at me.
"Anyway I'm Drake Wilson Salazar" He held out his hand to me
"Nice name, but I prefer" baby "Drakey baby." I said in a flirty tone. while I ignored his hands.
"Sure, can I call you" Covidea Baby "? He response when he got over with what I said.
"Jerk!" At the same time, I raised my middle finger to him.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm just kidding baby"
"I'm leaving, you're a nuisance, bye." I said to him as I walked going to the mansion.
I turned my back on the bitter man and entered the village.
I kept walking until I found this old man in this mansion.
As soon as I entered the door, a sign of him appeared sitting in front of me on the expensive sofa.
“What do you think your doing young lady? He said while puffing his cigarettes.
I was shocked by the question and could not move. I'm dead again what the fuck!
"I'm from the club why? You want to join with me? You should've said it earlier though. I'm just having fun why are you so kill joy?" I' answer back.
"Stop talking nonsense. From tomorrow you won't live here and you'll work so you know the importance of money"
"As far as I know I'm not spending your money? I'm even making money for you" I answered sideways.
"Really??" Disgust with what I was saying was obvious in his voice.
"You bought five cars and then you burned them? What kind of thinking do you have?" annoyed sign from him
"I'm just having fun, what can I do eh their ugly that cars are so boring."
"Having fun ?? You lost 50 million for that fucking cars! Damn it Maliah are you thinking straight? You just only know how to flirt what a slutty bitch you are" He shouted that echo the whole mansion.
"Dad are you done?" I asked annoyed.
"Pack up tomorrow and you'll be leaving here. I'll ask you to do something and when you failed here again you'll expect to be picked up in the basin" He said with gritted teeth.
"It's tiring to raise trash like you" He said then turned away.
"I'm way more tired of you dad. I'm also tired of what you're doing, but I didn't complain" That's what I think.
"Sure, I've been waiting for a long time. It's good that you thought about it. Thanks dad!" I said in a sarcastic tone
I turned my back on him and quickly climbed into my room and immediately jumped on the bed.
"Accccckkkkkkkk !! This is what we called freedooooommmmm !!! Yuhooooooo !!!!!" my tongue is stinging.
I lay down well and there were tears in my eyes.
Why the hell I'm so emotional these days?
"Is my period coming?" I silently ask then shook my head.
"You're so stupid Maliah are you really going to be dramatic now?" I whispered to myself.
I must not be weak, I must be steadfast. I wouldn't be Maliah if I was just crying here.
God damn it I'm crazy.
I quickly went to my walk in closet and searched for my suitcases.
I need to hurry, I don't want to see that old man face here. He just stressing the shit out of me!
What a crazy old man.
I removed all my clothes from the hanger and put them in my suitcase. Do I really have a lot of clothes? It's so hard to pack all of them. Damn it.
"This would be okay I guess" I whispered to myself.
I looked at the clock.
"What the fuck! It's 3:00 am? I've been packing for so long??" I was shocked.
I got up and carried all my suitcases to the door.
I looked at the whole of my room first.
I will miss it. But I won't grow if I just hide here.
I couldn’t help but to cry.
I want to start a new life. Just me first.
I don't want to depend on him anymore, especially on his money.
I also don't want to use it, especially if it comes from something bad.
I want to be like mommy. She's very strong.
Mommy ... I whispered in the air.
I wiped the tears on my cheeks so I shouldn't faint. That's not right. I should be strong and stand for myself because no one can do that for me.
I quickly went down the stairs and saw the sign of this old man who was still sitting in his seat earlier.
Damn it really It didn't hurt his ass there? He's been sitting there before, I don't know. And the hell I care if his butt hurts.
"Go away, make sure you don't come back here, Now your mission will begin." He said with a smile.
Sure that's it.
“Be careful here Dad.
Maybe later when you wake up you'll run out of money because of your ugly mistress "I said it while laughing.
"Sure my dear."
"Sure, bye!"
"I'm out of the mansion. Where am I going now ??" I asked worriedly
I still have the courage to leave the house, I don't have a place to live shit !!
I just stomped my feet with so much annoyance.
"It's a frog!" I said in surprise.
"Wow is that how you say good morning to your baby?"
"feeling, are we close?" disgusted I replied.
"let's go to my place, I will help you" he reached out his hand to help me get into his car.
Oh, maybe even feeling close, you're a gentleman too.
I got in the car, he also put on my seatbelt.
"What do you think of me no hands?" disgusted I asked him.
He just looked for a moment and smiled at me and started the car.
Oh, isn't it really annoying that you don't talk to me? rude too like me.
I don't know exactly the road but I think we're going to Makati and the traffic is really heavy.
I slept first because I don't know I don't have anything to do. I'm so tired not physically but mentally oh the drama no? There is no complacency.
"Dea baby wake up" He also patted my cheek.
I opened my eyes and stared at him.
"Oh dea baby chill It's just me!" He laughed knowingly while still raising both hands.
"Don't call me baby because you're crazy." I said while looking away
"So you call me drakey baby and then you don't want to call me Dea baby? It's so unfair." He said.
"Why are you still pouting? You want to hit me if you have something on you? You just look like a fool" I said sourly here
"Ouch! That sound so mean Dea baby" He said while still holding his chest.
"G *** really". I whispered to myself.
"Anyway let's go, you need a rest I know you're tired."
"Good thing you know." I smirk
"Chill babe here it is" He laugh like a fool
We go to the elevator and hit the 40th floor.
I closed my eyes for a while because I don't really feel well right now.
A few moments later, the elevator sounded to signal that we were already here at the destination.
And we walk as we came and entered his unit.
I looked at it carefully, hmmm not bad either.
at least I have a place to stay somehow.
The interior design of the room is good, almost all the furniture is brown, but you know it's relaxing to look at.
"So he likes the color brown, right?" that's my mind.
I went to his bed I'm really tired.
"Hey! That's my bed!" He shouted.
"Do I claim it? I'm just lying down." I said in annoyance.
I got up from his bed and spoke again
"oh there, you stab it in your lungs asshole" I shouted as I left him there.
I went to the comfort room and first thing I did is check my face
I patted both my cheeks at the same time
"Oh my god you're such a beautiful girl" I said myself and smiled.
I went out and approached drake who was now eating breakfast.
"Hey asshole you didn't even wait for me, you didn't even offer me a breakfast." indignant I said.
"What's it again? Besides, my name isn't asshole." he replied irritably as he sliced ​​the bacon.
"Whatever you say." I answered obliquely.
I sat down next to him first and started drinking water.
"Oh hey, where can I sleep?" I asked yawning.
"Turn right you'll see a door there. That will be your room."
He said that without even looking around.
I just stared at him in response.
I left him and went to my room.
"Hmmmmmm not that bad well well well" I said smiling while holding my chin.
Looks like I can do the plan well.
We have already started this foolishness.
"Watch me old man, when I finish this you might kneel in front of me" I whispered softly.
I just sing in my mind as my eyes rotate every corner of this room.
I lay down for a while before thinking about my next steps.
Damn it will make it difficult for me to adjust
My smile furrowed when I remembered that I didn't have a concrete plan yet.
I don't want to sacrifice my money!
"If I don't do it properly, I might lose my breath" I whispered sadly.
"Why the hell I'm scared?" annoyed I asked.
"Argghhhh !! I'll Take care of that damn thing !!" I said in frustration.
I just went to bed and I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep because I was so tired.
I just woke up to the crackle of handcuffs, as if someone was being tied.
I opened my eyes and saw drake on the side of the bed fidgeting.
I was going to stood up but I couldn't move. I felt shiver
I turned to drake "what are you doing?" I'm confused question.
"Dea baby you're here first ha I'm leaving because I have things I need to do in the office" He said while adjusting the handcuffs on the side of my hand.
"Is there something like this? Are you crazy what does this mean?" In all my life now I have felt this fear again.
"You're safe here. I'll just take care of you and don't try to escape. I have a lot of ways to find you"
I calmed myself down, I need to think carefully damn it's really true that you cant trust handsome people.
Instead of getting tired thinking because I didn't have anything, I just went back to sleep.
I have no choice.
Damn I've just been completely asleep in my life.
Well, this place is better than old man's house, I can't even sleep peacefully there.
I feel like anytime he has something to do with me. oh maybe he'll shoot me.
He is a selfish and a bad father
You will really regret that you met him.
I closed my eyes and imagined things
This is how I really am, I have a hard time sleeping.
So what I do is I imagine things first, then I will fall asleep later.

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