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Chapter 6

I instantaneously shot up from my bed once I woke up, I opened the windows in my room to look at the streets of our neighborhood. My room is at the second floor of our home so the view from my window is very vivid.
Days had pass and hello, Monday! It's the Sapient University annual fundraiser event this afternoon, and we are all beyond excited. I'm also thrilled for tomorrow, I even packed my bags last night before I went to bed.
The smell of bacon and eggs caught my attention, I went downstairs to eat breakfast with my parents. After this, I'm going to S.U for preparations, and because I handle some of the stalls.
"You seem to be in a good mood." My mother handed me a glass of water, she's busy cooking an omelette for my father. "Excited about something?"
"It's the annual Sapient University fundraiser event, ma." I started eating so that after this I could take a shower to prepare for the event. "The school will be live on social media tonight, there's a mini concert later. You could watch it if you want to."
"Of course I will watch, Sav."
After eating breakfast, I rested for a while before taking a shower and wearing the outfit I chose last night. I wore a black fitted dress that ends above my knees, I paired it off with black three-inched heels.
I sat down on my bed to call my friends, Theia is already in school. Vrylle is on her way and Venylie stopped by at the mall to buy something, I didn't get any response from Amee though. Then, I called Korics.
"Hi, I hope you didn't forget.." He started chuckling, I paused for a bit to think about it. "You forgot, didn't you?"
"No, I didn't." He mumbled something about me lying but I could hear it clearly. "Yes, I'll be your date. Do I have to repeat it?"
"No, but you could say that I'm handsome." I laughed. "I'm serious."
"You're handsome, Korics." I smiled while looking at myself on the mirror. "See you there Kor."
"I'll pick you up." He said before hanging up, I waited for him outside near our gate and it took a while before he arrived. I can't even stop myself from smiling, he looks so handsome.
I wore the helmet he gave me, I was smiling the whole time because he won't stop complementing the way I looked. Well, I did put a lot of effort for today. He drove us all the way to S.U, when we got there, everything was jaw-dropping.
The stage is on the middle of the campus oval as all of the food stalls and game booths are on each side, Korics and I looked around. Miss Ram and all of the other teachers are in the lounge, also preparing.
Gaeb's Volkswagen pulled up, Korics and I were startled when he arrived with Amee. It turns out they were together that's why Amee didn't respond earlier. Theia, as emcee, looks very nervous.
"Savelle Elviera." Mister Alvern Jimenez said as he approached us. Wait, he's here? Gaeb suddenly excused himself so the others followed him to leave me with Mister Jimenez. "I am impressed. This is yet one of the best annual Sapient University fundraiser event setups. I'm proud."
"Thank you, sir. Although it was a team effort." He nodded while staying silent, looking around the oval. "I want to thank you as well for doing everything you can just for the event to happen, you don't know how much this means to me."
"No, Miss Elviera, thank you for believing in me." We both laughed while eyeing the stage, the decorations were all very ravishing and to think we pulled it off on a budget makes me feel more proud. "I see you're friends with Gaeb Flores."
"You know Gaeb?" I asked. If he does know a lot about Gaeb, then that makes me more curious about who he truly is. He's a very private type of person, I only know a few things about him, not enough for me to even consider that I know him. "I'm not really that close to Gaeb. I only met him when Missis Vaun introduced him to me for the event, he's actually going to perform later."
"I may know a thing or two about Gaeb.." He says before walking away, and then stopped to look back at me. "I must go now Savelle. I only came here to check if you really did your best to not disappoint us, and clearly, you did a splendid job. Enjoy the event, good luck."
After that conversation with Mister Jimenez, I went around each and every food stall and game booth to attach containers where people can put their donations and the money stations will earn individually.
My feet were getting sore for walking around and wearing heels, I sat down on a stool I found near the gate and I feel very thirsty. All of a sudden, someone extended their hand to offer me a bottle of water. I looked up and saw Korics there, standing.
"Drink up and rest for a while, it's almost 2:00 p.m, save your energy." I took the water bottle from his hand and tried to open it but my hands were sweaty, it was difficult. "Give it to me, I'll open it for you."
"Here." I stared at him while he casually opened the bottle, I stifle a smile. He handed it once it was open, I started drinking to hydrate. "Thank you, Kor."
Korics and I started walking back to the group since the event was about to start, they opened the gate and a lot of people arrived. I can see students from Wright High and other people from our town.
Wright High also canceled their classes exclusively for today just to attend, almost half of the school's population is here. They're here because their school board decided to donate a huge amount, and to show support towards Gaeb. Whom is one of their outstanding students.
Miss Ram went up to me, telling me that the program will start soon. I gathered the officers and announced to man their stations, while Korics and stood in the space closest to the stage in the midst of the crowds.
"I'm so proud of you." Korics whispered. "You pulled this off, the officers managed to pull this off because you took lead. Congratulations Savelle."
"Awe, thank you Kor. I really appreciate that." We both smiled at each other, then Theia caught our attention as she steps up on stage. "I think it's starting!"
"Hello everyone! I am Nettheia Aranda and I will be your host for today, welcome to S.U FUNdraiser!" The entire oval is filled with cheer and applause. "This afternoon will be all about fun games, food, and good costs! Sapient University is indeed gratified for having all of you here. To feed you more excitement, the fun doesn't stop at 4:00 p.m because there will be an afterparty!"
I feel very proud just by looking at everything we've accomplished for today. Most importantly, I'm happy that we didn't fail the children of the orphanage.
"Before anything else, I would like to call on the person who worked so hard to lead all of us and making this event happen." Korics averted his gaze towards me. "President of S.U student council, Miss Savelle Roxia Elviera!"
Henceforth, I walked towards the stage while hearing other people cheer. By this time, the oval is already packed with people! It even looks like this year has more people than last year, it made my heart flutter knowing this turned out as a very successful event.
"Good afternoon everyone, thank you for coming. I have nothing much to say except, have fun and enjoy this afternoon's activities..." I started. "...and I hope some of you are interested to stay for tonight's afterparty, we prepared performances to entertain you and to serve as an appetizer, we will present some of these performances now."
Korics cheered me on, I could see him clearly because he's in front. I can't contain my smile because of how he's been today and the following days before. When I went down, Vrylle and the others kept on giving me these thumbs-up sign.
"Oh come on guys, that was nothing. Thank you though."
From the backstage, we could see Gaeb holding his guitar and preparing since he's going to perform first to start as a little appetizer for the guests, and he's also Wright High's representative.
"Good luck..." Amee waved at Gaeb, who flashed her a dashing smile. I pinched her side to tease her. "What?"
"You're okay now?" Vry crashed on our conversation. We looked at her blankly. "I'm just asking."
"We were always okay." Amee shrugged. Me and Vry exchanged stares, not believing Ameelya. "You both know I can see you talk about me through your minds."
"Let's just watch Gaeb, okay?" Vry said, and the crowd went wild when Theia called out Gaeb's name. "Ahh, Gaeb!"
"Okay everyone, hold your emotions and let us all welcome, the charming musician heartthrob of Wright High, Gaeb Angelo Flores!" Theia said and everyone started cheering, especially me and the girls. Korics just stood there, silent.
"Sup guys." Gaeb kept his smug face while sitting on a stool and holding his guitar. "I'm going to sing Rainbow by South Border."
As he started singing the song, the people were just so loud and singing with Gaeb. When it was almost the chorus, he stood up and started to sing the parts of the chorus.
"Take a little time baby, see the butterflies color's..." I could see him stare straight at Amee and because of them, I felt butterflies in my stomach too! "Listen to the birds that were sent to sing for me and you.."
"Can you feel me.. this is such a wonderful place to be..." Korics looked at me, and I smiled at him. I went back to watching Gaeb own the stage, then I felt Korics' hand on my waist. I turned, and we locked stares. "Even if there is pain now, everything would be alright."
"For as long as the world still turns... there will be night and day.." He pulled me closer to him, and right there my heart could almost jump out of my chest. What are you doing to me Korics Villaverde?! "Can you hear me? There's a rainbow always after the rain.."
When the song finished, Gaeb waved to everyone and promised that he will have more performances later at the afterparty. Even if the performance was over, Korics and I stayed that way. Earning stares from people closer to us, especially Vry and the others.
"And that was Gaeb Angelo Flores of Wright High, it was very beautiful Gaeb! I love the song choice." Theia said when she stood back up at the stage, then what I heard from her next shocked me! "Guess what Sapients? Our very own Korics Lource Villaverde offered to perform too!"
He looked at me and winked before removing his hand on my waist and heading up to the stage, he even borrowed Gaeb's guitar! I was still stunned though, I just stared at him there. Still processing what just happened from earlier.
"Hello, before I start, I just want to say a few things." I was left speechless there, watching him on stage. "I poured a lot of courage and strength to do this, but it's all worth it. Let's say, I like this girl, because she's different from all the other ones I see. With her, I always feel like I don't have to hide my pains. She... she's strong..."
He looked at me, we were stuck staring at each other. I can feel a sting in my heart, but it's not the type of sting that hurts, it does hurt, but it hurts in a good way. I don't think you'd get it but that's how I feel.
"I dedicate this song to her, because I know she's hurting too and she has been through a lot. It scarred her, and I want her to know that everything will be okay soon, through this song..." He smiled, the girls in the crowd started shrieking and giggling. "I get scared and there are certain times that I don't want to do anything because I'm scared it won't work, but this girl, she made me realize that I'm capable of risking, if it means I'd risk for and with her. I dedicate this song this girl."
My heart was beating fast, the way he said those words and the way he looked at me while saying those... My emotions were getting mixed up— Nervous, happy, thrilled, and these fluttering butterflies. What is he saying? Is this all for act? Or is it true?
I was starting to lose my head out there because I was overthinking a lot. Right there, it's clear that I really do like Korics. I like him a lot, and I can't even deny it to myself anymore. I knew it! I was going to fall all along, and with what I heard, there was this sense of ease in my heart and my mind.
"Miss Savelle Roxia Elviera, I dedicate this song to you..."

Book Comment (353)

  • avatar

    we all wishes for happy ending in our lives, but not everyone is that lucky 😔 love the book ❤️


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    Jouet Amina



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    Crizhel Ardon

    Very good


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