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Chapter 7 Dish

I COULD see her slight shock because of my question so I smiled broadly.
"I'm sorry for my question."
"No, its okay. I'm used to being asked about it." I heard her sigh and even walked over sitting on the bed.
"I met him when I was in collage. He work our family company, luckily my older brother Marcus liked his performance so he was immediately promoted. We became close and he courted me. Everything happens so fast, because after one year of In our relationship, he proposed right away. You know the feeling that you've already seen the man for you? " Her smile widen.
My lips draw a bitter smile at what she said.
"So, you've known each other for almost two years and got married?" I asked more.
Maybe she noticed my out of place question so I quickly smiled at her.
"Oh, because my husband and I were five years in relationship before we got married," I said and shrugged my shoulder.
"Really? I want to meet your husband someday, so I can introduce to Gabriel."
"Yeah," I agreed.
"So, see you tomorrow. I'm leaving for Galla Via Island early. I have an up coming event there. So, good night!"
"All right, thank you for keeping me here, as well as for helping me in the hospital."
"What the heck, in the first place it's all my fault so no worries?" She smiled broadly at me.
My lips are pressed, I wish I have chance to ask her more questions but I decided to say good night as well because I have been enduring the wound on my arm.
When I lay down I did not fall asleep immediately. A lot things comes to my mind. Especially since I have the man I have been looking for under the same roof.
I don't know where to start. I also didn't think about whether I made the right decision or not. But, what if they found Hezekiah was still alive?
I was going to wake up the next morning, even though I still felt the pain of my wound, I got up to cook breakfast.
But before I could enter the kitchen, my legs were numb. I even slightly shook my head because of the sight my sinful eyes could see.
Gabriel was holding a newspaper while sitting at the highchair facing the granite kitchen. My eyes scanning his perfect body wearing a white sando shirt and pajamas.
I looked at him for a while. I wanted to step on my feet to hug him but I restrained myself and shook a few times.
I also thought he didn't notice my presence but I was wrong when he turned to me.
Our eyes met immediately, so there was no reason to hide anymore.
"G-good morning!" lively but weakly I greet.
He didn't bother to greeted me like I did, instead he put down the newspaper and he sipped on the cup of coffee.
"Didn't Alessandra tell you what time you should be awake?" he pulls back his chair then stands up to head to the coffe maker and pour coffee again.
"I'm sorry..."
He didn't speak so I opened the cabinet one by one and looked for something I could cook. I also opened the refrigerator to get eggs and bacon. The left over fried chicken last night I also plan to heat.
I turned to the table to put there what I got without looking up. I feel like he is watching my every move.
"You know how to cook?" he suddenly asked.
"Yeah, actually I don't have a skill when it comes to cooking before, only my husband taught me," I utter.
My eyes rose to him sitting back in the highchair while his two arms wrap around his chest. He transparently looking at me in his black plain eyes.
"Basically I've only known how to cook fried ever since, but he trained me how to cook and taught me everything he knows, especially his specialty menudo." I smiled remembering those times.
"Menudo?" he asked again.
"Yeah!" I smiled broadly at it hoping he would remember it
"I never tasted menudo since then." He shrug.
My smiles faded at his answer. His attention returned to the newspaper he was reading.
I took a deep breath before speaking again.
"I will cook you menudo if you want?" then I bit my lower lip.
He lowered the newspaper slightly and stared into my eyes.
"It's your choice." Again he just shrugged and returned the attention to the newspaper.
I smiled sparingly and decided to focus on what I was cooking.
I smiled broadly as I served the cooked breakfast, because I still can't forget the conversation Gabriel and I had earlier. It's gone but the smile is still on my lips.
"Good morning!" Alessandra greeted me wearing her cream pencil skirt and white blouse while wearing a brown trench coat that did not exceed her knee.
"Breakfast is ready!" I said and landed her a cup of coffee.
"Thanks, it looks like I can eat more, right?" she sat down and quickly sipped the coffee I had made.
I just sparingly smiled at her.
"Where's Gabriel?" she asked as I straightened up back.
"He was awake earlier, mayb he's in the garage. I'll just call him," I replied with a slight nod.
I hurried to the garage and looked around.
"G-Gabriel?" I call him, my lips twitched slightly because of the name I called to him.
But no one answered so I walked to the row of their car to look at him the other way around.
"Gabriel?!" I called his name again.
I went to the back of the car to peek but I was shocked when I met his, so I immediately backed away.
"Oh, I'm sorry," I mumurs with a shudder in my heart. I could not help but swallow because I could see his sweaty arms.
He could not speak immediately due to my panic reaction.
He waited for me to say more while wiping his greasy hand, even the T-shirt he was wearing was full of grease so I bowed down.
"Alessandra is looking for you, breakfast is ready." I couldn’t help but tremble because of the closeness between the two of us.
I heard his violent sighed before speaking.
"Tell her, I'm going," he a seriously answered.
I didn’t leave first because I didn’t know how to step on my feet because it was already stripping in front of me. .
My mouth half open when he started to wiped his sweat body using his T-shirt.
"Anything you want to say?" puckered his forehead at his question.
There I seemed to be taken aback by his iretable voice.
"W-no, I'll go first." I took a big step out of him. I stopped walking for a moment and had no strength to hold on to the pole for there to take a deep breath.
Oh damn Meredith! What are you doing?! I shout to myself. You can't just act like you had something wild feelings towards him if you don't want him to suspect you! I said angrily to myself.
"Oh, what happened to you?!" trace the astonishment at that question to me by Alessandra when she saw me.
My face dripping in sweat even more as she stepped closer to me.
"Whats the matter?" she grabbed me by the arm.
"Ah, I-i just slip but I'm okay." I lied.
"Are you okay? Did you take your medicine? You were cold!" I concerned voice lace on her lips.
"H-not yet!" I said quickly averting my eyes.
"Then Gab and I will have breakfast together, so you can take your medicine on time," she told me.
I wanted to refuse but she immediately looked behind me so I was suddenly froze for a moment.
"Oh, here you are, come on let's have breakfast together, it looks like Meredith cooked delicious foof for us." she quickly pulled Gabriel's arm that he was the only one past me.
I followed Gravriel was again wearing the T-shirt full of grease that I freely watched away from me.
"Meredith, come with us!" Alessandra called my attention so that I obeyed.
Again I witnessed how sweet they are to each other as a couple. It was as if I wasn't in front of them when it came to flirting and sometimes openly kissing him, which I quickly avoided.
"If we can't go to work today?" Gabriel's hand dropped under the table as he stared at his wife.
"Gabriel! You know I can't, I need to go to Galla via Island today for the big event. You know how important this project is for me!" he eyes squinted forward.
"Yeah, I know." His answered is obviously compelling.
"Honey, I'll try to get home early, promise!"
"Promise is made to be broken, remember?" He raised his eyebrows at Alessandra.
I tightened my grip on the cutlery because of what I heard. What did he say? I can't believe he came out of Gabriel's mouth.
"Alright, I will be home as early as I could," she said softly before looking up at her husband.
"That's my girl!" He caressed the trunk of her hair which made her giggle.
At that point it was raining again
their lips. That was a fucking torrid kiss! What the hell?!
I bit my lip hard because I could no longer stand the scene I was witnessing so I quickly drank some water before I choked.

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