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Chapter 5 The Letter

In the land of Xynnar, where the Duchy of the Donovan Family resides, Duke Raziel Valen Donovan was found huffing as he came back from Lady Vienna's house using his horse.
He could have used the carriage, but he's disguising as Dillon for now. People would get suspicious of him.
No one has to know.
No one.
But now that someone is aware of his identity, he can't stay still.  Out of all people, it had to be Lady Vienna, the precious daughter of Duke Xaviera.
He wanted to kill her, to silence her but he couldn't.
Everything was already planned out. His army, the planned battle...but he decided to delay it for now. 
He removed the mask he wore as Dillon and put on his mask as Duke Raziel. The wind blew as the night sky filled with stares. He stroked his horse named Tiberius and gave him a pail of water. "You did good for tonight, Tiberius."
Removing his hood, he opened the door and was greeted by the head maid of his house. "Welcome back, your grace."
He nodded, not even sparing a glance at the maids lined up in front of him. The whole room was silent, as the maids trembled at the sight of the duke. All his maids wore a mask, just as he had ordered. Even his subordinates in the Rouge Library do this. It’s his rule. And he does not have any plan to change it. Scanning his eyes, he looked for his personal attendant. "Where's Huxley?" He asked.
A man, almost the same age as him, showed up from nowhere and bowed in front of him. Like the maids, he also has a mask. "Here I am, your grace."
"Come, I have a task for you." The young duke walked towards his study, and his personal attendant followed.
"Have you cleaned the entire house?" He asked Huxley.  The man nodded in reply, "yes your grace, just as you had ordered."
He hated the idea of feeling dirty that he ordered all his maids to always clean. It irritates him to see the disgusting dirt on his house so much that he ordered his maids to wear masks all the time, especially when they meet him. They have to maintain cleanliness.
Sitting on the chair, he grabbed parchment paper and ink before writing down some words. He put it on a clean envelope and sealed it with their family's seal, the eagle symbol.
"Send this to Xaviera's residence tomorrow." Handing it to his personal attendant who was waiting for him, Huxley replied.
"As you wish, your grace. Is there anything else that you need?"
The duke stood up, "Just prepare my bath." He replied, heading to his room.
When his bath was prepared, he removed his clothes and got on the bathtub.
He sighed, relaxing himself and feeling the weariness finally loosening up.
His red eyes stared right back at his reflection in the mirror and his black hair was wet. His skin was lightly tanned from all his training outside as his toned muscles were visible. Removing his mask, he placed it on the sink, revealing his handsome face.
He knew it himself, and he didn't want people to see his face. If they'll know how handsome he is, they'll surely take advantage of it.
He touched his cheek, seeing the scales still there. No matter how much medicine he applied, it wouldn’t disappear. 
And if they’ll know his other secret...then he’s sure that they’ll drive him away. 
He can't help but think of Lady Vienna. Now that she knows his true identity, he'll have to do something about it.
And he already planned ahead.
But seeing Lady Vienna's strength back at the Rouge Guild, a spark ignited inside him. She can fight. That piqued his interest. He knew she could do it.
He's a powerful man. What he wants he always gets. And now, he wants Lady Vienna. Smirking, he's sure that she'll agree to him. Even if it takes anything.
He felt a pang of pain on his head and groaned. Ugh, not again. He had already gone to famous and skilled healers but not one of them knew what was happening with his body. They could only offer him suppressants to keep him alive from the pain of it. 
If only he could find a cure for this...soon...endure the pain for now. 
“Are you awake yet, my lady?" Lady Vienna heard her maid, Roxy, asking from outside the door. She yawned, opening her eyes and stretching her body.
"Yes, Roxy." She replied. "What is it?" She asked as Roxy entered the room and opened the curtains. The sunlight gleamed from her large window. Her eyes blinked from the sudden source of light, adjusting from it. 
Roxy then gave her a bowl of water to wash her face with and when she was finished, she spoke up. "The Duke and Duchess forbid you from going out, my lady.”
She scowled at the announcement. "What? Why?"
That's unfair! She has somewhere to go for today! She even had already laid out a plan for today in her head last night. Why now, father?
"It’s because you returned late last night," Roxy replied, knowing that this would be the lady's reaction. “And a rumor is circulating about you again.” 
She furrowed her eyebrows. What rumor is this about now? There were too many rumors about her that she did not care anymore. One was telling her that she kills people out of boredom. Or pick out her maid's nails when they mess up. She has to say they were all outrageous. She would never do that.
She may be harsh and bratty sometimes, but she knows her boundaries. "Rumor about what?"
"You don’t have to know my lady. I know you did not do it." Roxy said, grabbing a hairbrush and brushing her lady’s hair. “Surely you will not disobey your parents, my lady?" 
She nodded. "Of course, I am a noble lady with manners. I would never."
"As expected of my lady!" She clapped.
Locked in her room for the whole day, her thoughts kept on running. 
That incident last night...It felt like a dream, but the bruise on her hand says otherwise. It was real. The duke visited her last night to warn her.
She facepalmed, now what? She shouldn’t have visited the Rouge guild in the first place! She even prepared herself all these weeks. She had thought of the worst-case if her plan failed. Well, it kind of failed since she went to Dillon, and didn’t expect that he’s the villain himself.
Good thing that the duke didn’t kill her last night. But perhaps, he will today. She’s sure that he had already started his plans, and any minute now, he’ll appear to take her head. 
But hours have passed and he’s still not appearing. Is he late?
“Ehem.” She heard a clearing of the throat. Speaking of the devil. 
Turning around, she didn’t see the duke, but instead it was his personal knight, Titus, his bright silver hair and purple eyes gleaming through the sunlight. “Please excuse me, my lady, but a letter just arrived. It has the Duke Donovan’s eagle seal.” He said. 
She halted at that. 
She took the note from Titus's hands and read the letter. With her mouth opening wide from shock, she can't believe what it says.
Dear Lady Vienna 'Estelle' Thaleia Xaviera of the Duchy of Creneia. I, Duke Raziel Valen Donovan, from the Duchy of Xynnar, wish to ask for your hand in marriage.
Details should be discussed within these next few days as I am also waiting for your father, Duke Xaviera's reply.
However, in the meantime, I would like to get to know my lady better. I would like to meet you in the famous coffee shop in the capital city, Moressley. Pardon me for the rush, but I can't wait to meet my future Duchess.
Truly Yours,
Duke Raziel Valen Donovan
Duchy of Xynnar
He had his signature at the end. Lady Vienna reread it again and felt like vomiting in disgust. What the hell is this man spouting some nonsense? Asking for her hand in marriage?
Was it a prank? A game he wants me to participate in? The lady laughed at the thought, feeling like she's losing her mind. She never remembered that the villain would propose to her from the book.
Wasn’t he supposed to be killing all the nobles and head over heels for the female lead?
But why is he sending a letter and asking for marriage? She thought to herself.
Her eyes widened in shock, realizing it.
No..it was all her doing. from visiting the Rouge Guild, and finding out Dillon’s true identity, her actions changed the flow of the story.

Book Comment (654)

  • avatar

    so good


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    Debbz Artz

    very interesting nice story


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