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Chapter 6

Chapter 6
The bell for the closing hour rang and everybody came running outside without the teacher leaving the class, it's very conversant with the final year student....
David, Malia and the others were also parking their books and went outside chatting together, of course excluding the quiet nerd, Kelly Martin, who was walking towards his own car which has arrived together with the others....
David as a jovial person noticed that he was not with them and searched for him, when he saw him, he waved at him and Kelly did too.... David was surprised that he didn't really get to close with them after the tour....
"Wait, isn't that Kelly" Davina said pointing towards Kelly who had entered the car and it's has started going...
"Yeah, that's him" Mabel shrugged
"He had been ignoring us since we finished the tour"she said watching the car driving out till they couldn't see it again
"He isn't ignoring us, that his character" Alexis said
"Well, how do you expect an introvert to act"Grace added
" Really"Davina said amused
" Yes, that made him more amazing" Mabel said dreamily
"Mabel, don't start again with your fantasy love story about him"ivy said glaring at her
" Don't tell me you like him"Davina scoffed
" nope, she loves him rather"ivy said with sarcasm
" hmmmm ok"Davina said staring briefly at Mabel
" I don't care if she likes him or not, the most important thing is that I will get him no matter what"Davina said to herself
" Hey sis"Isabel came and interrupted the moment
"Hiii" Malia responded
"Can we go home, today was so stressful, I had to deal with a dickhead" Isabel said ignoring her seniors
" Ohhh, so I'm a dickhead, huh"Theo barged into the conversation who had joined them too
"Then what are you, motherfucker" Isabel snarls at him
" Language, Isabel, language" Malia said frowning at her while Isabel rolled her eyes..
"Theo, what is wrong"David asked frowning
" I don't know, she just has this kind of hatred for me"Theo shrugged
" Too bad , you have a ugly shit as a brother, tch, I wonder how you put up with his attitude"she said and walked towards their car and said to Malia, "get inside quick"
"Sure mum" Malia said half mocking
"She shouldn't have said that in his presence"Davina said staring at Theo who is almost tearing up
"She said..... said I'm ugly, like seriously,I'm i" Theo said running to the car crying
" Ohhh no, Theo wait,"she paused and continued"we will see each other tomorrow"Davina said and ran after Theo
" I think I have to go too"David said smiling and faced Malia
" See you tomorrow, pretty"he grinned at her and bade them goodbye and left to meet his siblings
"He is so cute" Mabel said beaming
"Wait a second, don't tell me you are having a crush on him"ivy frowned
" No,I only stand for Kelly and no other person"Mabel said
" That's better"ivy said
" Do you like him" Alexis asked staring intensely at ivy
"Is it bad" ivy responded
"But this is your first time" Grace replied
" Is there not something called love at first sight"ivy shrugged
" Whatever"Grace scoffed
"Bye, girls" Malia who was not even paying attention on what they were saying said she entered the car and the driver drove away and the others left too....
The drive was as silent as a grave yard,none of them uttered any statement,both of them were in their own thoughts..
The car drove straight into the Stewart's compound without hesitation and packed in the parking lot......
They both came down hugging their bags to themselves like their lives depends on it....
Some worker's who were outside greeted them immediately they came down, they just only waved at them without uttering any statement...
As they heading towards the main door, Isabel noticed their parents latest version of Lamborghini in the park lot parked as if it they were around for long...
"Isn't that mum and dad car" Isabel asked Malia surprised
" Sure, it is"Malia replied astonished
"Maybe they took another car" Isabel said not believing
" Or they forgot an important file"Malia added
" Or is it your birthday"
"They have never remember,so it shouldn't be an expection and rather it's not yet my birthday"Malia scoffed
" Yes that true, including mine" Isabel said sad
"Or wait is granny coming here"
Isabel nodded and gasped, "no I don't think so,or maybe they have another ball party to attend here and in Boston"
" Hmmmm, we don't know,these are all guesses"Malia shrugged
" The only way to know is to check it out ourselves"
" Sure what are waiting for"Malia said and they started making their way inside the house
They entered inside the sitting room and met nobody there, they looked at each other and shrugged giving their selves body gesture
As they stepped on the first stepcase, they heard their mum's voice like she is talking to someone from a far
"I think, I need to go to the hospital for my ear" Isabel said chuckling when she heard her mum speak..
" Yes you need to beca...
"You don't need to worry, I will get back to you" they had their mum's voice again and this time it's getting closer every seconds
"Hope it's not what I'm thinking...." Isabel said and they were staring at the place the voice is coming from
"I will call you back" Elizabeth said to the caller when she noticed that they are back
"You girls are back" she said smiling
"It's seems so" Isabel said with less important
" Well, I'm happy for that"
" Really, I hope you are"Isabel said frowning
" ermm, why are you here"Malia asked
" I want us to spend time together like family you know,"
" Wooow, never knew that could come from your mouth, mum"Isabel said with sarcasm
" Isabel"Malia scolded her and faced her mum smiling," really"
" Yes, I'm sorry" their mum said walking closer to her, "I'm ready to amend"
"Ok, that's good" Malia said smiling and hugged her mom
" I hope you don't regret it later sis" Isabel scoffed
"Hmmm, go upstairs and change, then come downstairs for lunch, while I call your dad" their mum said
" Really"Malia said beaming
"Yes" their mum nodded smiling
"I'm sure they are doing this for a reason, I can't withstand this pretence"Isabel said frowning and went upstairs
" Don't mind her, she will come around" Malia said going upstairs.. and her mum nodded...
Their dad came down together with their mum to eat, the maid's has set up the table with varieties of food including desserts...
Immediately they sat down,Malia and Isabel came downstairs to join them...
Malia greeted their father while Isabel muttered a greeting instead.... while their dad only nodded...
They sat down and dished their food, then they started eating without anyone telling them to...
After some minutes, their dad broke the silence,
"How is your studies going" Morgan Stewart, their dad said
"It's fine"Malia and Isabel mumbled
"Ok, I hope you are in your good behavior, so you won't repeat the same mistake"He stated bluntly
" Why is he bringing up that incident again"Malia said to herself as she is staring at him
" Why are you bringing it up again"Isabel asked frowning
" It's because of what I want to say next," he said staring at them....he dropped his fork and cleaned up his mouth with the napkin on the table...
"It's seems you've lost that necklace," he paused while staring at her neck," it's good like that for a change"
"Anyway, next two weeks, we are having visitor's and I want both of you to behave yourselves"he added
" So you mean this impromptu lunch is all about the visitors you are having" Malia said frowning
" Yes, what do you expect, so you thought maybe I will sit down and be discussing rubbish with you guys"he scoffed
" I said it, I knew it, "Isabel threw up her hands," I knew they will never be a time for family get together"
"Watch your tongue, Isabel, he is your father"her mom shouting at her
" And so what, did he even act like one, huh" Isabel said glaring at them
" When are you gonna have time for us" Malia asked tearing up
"I don't know and I would never be"he said bluntly
" Really, both of you were among the reason why that incident happened two years ago"Malia said crying
" We are doing it for both of you"their mum said
" No,we need your attention"Malia said
" I don't think so"he said operating his phone
" I hope you regret this" Isabel said gritting her teeth, when Malia knew she couldn't take it again any longer, she ran to her room
"Isabel, how old are you that you're talking to us this way" their mum said
" You should be asking yourself that question, tch"Isabel said," since you carried me for nine months, and took care of me"she paused
" No, you didn't, you left me for granny, miss moris and sis, while you looked after your company"she hissed
" Don't mess with me, I might be young but I can do many things to hurt you,trust me" she said on a final note and left while her parents stare at her with shock on their face".....

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    This is highly recommended!


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    highly recommended 💜💜


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    Amelia Azmi



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