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Chapter 2: Peek-a-boo

Seeing an unknown creature that only you can see will freak you out and scared you of course. Just like the gray sky and the smell of upcoming rain, the sight is not too peaceful but rather scary for a girl who is alone. Elena is scared, she saw someone yet it seems like her parents can't even feel that there is a person with them and when that man approach her after her parents left the room, she freak out. She almost scream but the man covered her mouth and put a finger to his lips as a sign of silence but she lost her conscious and fell down into her own bed. The feeling of defeat of wasn't able to utter an explanation made the man sigh and left or rather let himself not to be seen by others. 
The next morning when Elena woke up she thought that all that she saw was a dream at least that's what she hoped. She did her morning routine and walk down the stairs then went to the kitchen where she saw a note on the refrigerator.
It reads:
Elena sweetheart we're sorry if we are not there to celebrate your birthday with you something happened to your grandfather so we drove to the city and we don't know when we are coming back but don't worry we will send you money every week if we are not able to be back so soon, be a good girl okay? We love you
- From your loving parents
Her grandparents are important for her and her parents. It is fine if her parents went to the city just to see if they are alright, she didn't mind but she is sad. They are not with her to celebrate her birthday plus she knew that her mother didn't cook anything because the ride to the city is quit long. She doesn't mind, she can cook anyways. She start preparing the ingredients, it's Saturday anyways and besides it's only 7:30 in the morning. It's good to start the morning by being productive if you can call cooking a productive activity.
She start cooking while humming to the song that her grandmother always singing to her when they always visit their grandparents house. She enjoy cooking with a song playing on the background but because she is too lazy to plug her cellphone to the speaker, she just hum it.
"Nice song" a calm smooth voice behind her said, she slowly turn around to face the owner of the voice only to found out that this is the man she saw last night. She was about to scream but the man cover her mouth again.
"Please don't scream I'm not gonna do anything bad I'm just here to explain" the man said but she furrowed her eye brows and push the man in front of her to make distance between the two of them.
"How can I trust you? and how come that my parents didn't saw you last night? " she asked she really have a big doubt at the person in front of her but the man just scratch the back of his neck.
"My name is Scorch and I'm going to explain to you why am I here" he said while walking forward
"STOP! Right there Mr......who ever you are" she said while walking backwards, Scorch do what she said and stop walking, he is like a robot in her opinion
"Now explain why my parents didn't saw you last night" she said while crossing her arms into her chest.
For Scorch, he regret appearing in front of her because it's really hard to explain their situation. He didn' know where or how to start and besides Elena might freak out again if he said the truth.
"Okay..... So.... Where do I start? " he asked her and she rolled her eyes at him ready to punch the guy because of his question. 
"You are going to start from end to beginning" she sarcastically said to him, he sigh and rub the back of his neck again. 
"Okay so you saw me--" he didn't finish his words when he saw Elena facepalm herself because of his stupidity.
"I'm being sarcastic in my previous statement okay..... Start from the beginning until the end" she said then turn around, turn off the stove and then sat on the chair she signalled the guy to sat on the chair and he gladly took the offer. Scorch keep on thinking about the risk he will take right now, he thinks that if she will know the truth she will be safe from the enemy because she is aware that they exist not only in books, movies or dreams but they really exist to this world.
"First my name is Scorch as I said before and second I'm your guardian angel" he said with a very calm voice even if he is panicking inside, on the other side Elena didn't know if she would laugh or just stay calm. After a very long silence she finally said something. 
"Are you kidding me? " she said then laugh and now she thinks that this man is a clown but Scorch just look at her as if she is crazy. 
"No, why would I? " he said in his mind she shouldn't laugh because for him this is a very serious situation and her life depends on it.
"Angels don't exist even the other supernatural creatures didn't , you see this is the modern world any supernatural creatures or Greek mythology what so ever only exist in books or in movies, so tell me what are you doing here at our house or else I'm going to call the police" she said in a serious voice right now she doesn't have a clue if this Scorch guy is a killer or a robber something like that.
"Look, the creatures you thought that only exist in your imaginations are real and that includes us, I'm here to protect you from evil creatures that wants to kill humans existence in this world actually I've been guarding you since you were born to this world and I don't know how can you see me but the thing is, no one can see me except you.... and I'm not a killer or a robber" he said and her eyes widen because of the last thing he said like she only said it into her mind.
"How do you know what am I thinking? " she said while pointing at him but he just smile at her
"I'm sorry if I read your mind I'm just curious of your thoughts about this angel thing" he said but now she still doesn't think that it is real because he is wearing a modern style clothes instead of being naked like the angels she saw in movies, not that she want him to be naked of course. 
"You know what never mind I think your crazy" then she stood up and went to her room to change her clothes. She decided to go out with her friends instead of cooking and celebrating inside their house with that crazy Scorch. She texted her friends to meet her in their favorite cafe near the park. When she is standing in front of her mirror, her hairbrush fell down, she bent down to grab it but when she stand straight again and look at the mirror she saw him looking at her and she shout making his eyes widen.
"Hey don't scream you're neighbors may thought that something is happening to you" he said in a panic voice he is just worried about her if her neighbors found her screaming in front of a mirror they might think that she is crazy.
"What are you doing here in my room?! " she yell at him because she still needs her privacy and no he can't just break the so called girls rules
"You're taking too long so I decided to check on you I thought something bad happen at you" he said while backing away from her, she seriously looks like a man eater for him right now and if looks can kill, he might be laying in the coffin right now. But for Elena, it's a little sweet that he checks on her but at the same time not, right now she thinks that he is a pervert.
"I'm a girl what do you expect I spend thirty minutes in the bathroom and another thirty minutes for doing my make up and this is my room can you at least knock on my door " she said because this guy needs to know how the girls work hard for their make up.
"Are you that dirty? " he said a little bit confuse why do girls spend their time in the bathroom for almost one hour, 
"What the" and there she just keep on hitting him like there's no tomorrow and he just keep on blocking her hits with his both arms like his life depends on it, until she decided to stop and something hit his mind like a wrecking ball.
"How can you hit me? " he ask her while looking at his now red arms. 
"Why? Am I suppose not to touch you? " she ask and laugh at the silly man and his silly questions. 
"Yes because no human can touch us" he said seriously and then he look at her just to found out that she is laughing again.
"You know what? I'm not going to believe you not until I saw someone who can't really touch you nor see you because I think my parents didn't saw you last night because it is quit dark in my room so don't expect me to believe you know, to see is to believe" and with that she walk out of her room after she grab her handbag and left him behind with his arms healing it's own. He sigh and follow her downstairs, he can't understand how Elena can touch him? Other people can't touch him nor see him so how could she do what others can't? Is guarding her since she was born is not enough to answer his questions?
He just followed her behind while walking and he make sure that his distance is enough for him to watch Elena. He knew that if he went closer, she is going to talk to him and people may think that she is crazy for talking to the wind. Elena slowly walk and she look at the park full of children that are playing and some adults that watching their kids she thinks. She miss the time when her parents are bringing her to the park to play with the other kids. She look down and still feel sad because her parents are more busier with their work. Little did she know, Scorch is reading her thoughts and he felt sad for her, he knew that her parents barely have time for her but he knew that her parents love her more than anything in this world, she is their only child after all.
They just continue to walk and on their way he saw his angels friends with the humans they are watching. He wants to ask them about his situation but he can see that they are busy watching the humans, some of them are watching children, adults and some infants. Of course, if angels are there the  demons are present too. They are bothering the humans and the angels keeps on arguing with them, he smiled and continued to look at Elena.
Aroma of fresh coffee welcomed her when she went inside the Cafe. For her this is the most wonderful thing, the coffee reminds her how much her grandfather loves to drink coffee, he can drink twenty different coffees a day that her grandmother made. She smile at that thought and because of that she love coffee so much, talk about the  influence of her grandparents. She sat down at their usual spot waiting for her friends and to her horror, she saw Scorch in the other side of the road, staring at her. People are passing through him like they didn't saw him or they didn't see him at all because right now he looks like a ghost.

Book Comment (131)

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    Muhammad Shahril

    Ok ngam


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