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Life is very complicated for us to understand. When we thought it is the end, a new beginning will start, when we thought no one will guard us when we are alone well, we are wrong. Sometimes the things we thought that are only made by our imagination are real but we didn't realize that until we saw it with our own eyes.
Some people believe in things other people didn't. These are the things that people are afraid of, Heaven and Hell, God and Satan, Angels and Demons. In this world, we didn't really know what is real, people say this and people say that but in this world that is full of mysteries, the unknown creatures are around you but you didn't know. Can you hear that voice whispering into your ears? it's either good or bad and you didn't know what to choose. Good things and bad things happen into our life but death is our greatest enemy we didn't know when it is going to happen and before that time comes all of us are wondering are we going in Heaven or Hell?. They said that good people go to Heaven and bad people go to Hell but do you realize that 'Nobody is perfect' because all of us can do both good and bad things.
Sometimes the things we thought that are right are actually wrong and the things we thought are wrong are actually right, you're confuse right? But we can't do anything the world is confusing.
Angels and Demons, two different things that cannot be put together, they can't be together. It's forbidden and if they did , a war will start just for the things that they want and that is love. They thought it was right but the others thought it is wrong but the thing is, what is real? We didn't know because the world is like love it is wonderful yet confusing. Angels and Demons are like oil and water even if you do everything they cannot be mixed together it is unfair for both because destiny have it's way, whether you're good or bad you have to accept it even if you didn't want to.
Life is unfair for all the creatures in the world that's what we thought but the thing is destiny is hidden behind the life we are saying, your life can end in any minute and that's your destiny when we thought no one will love us just wait and see because destiny is coming. Does Angels and Demons have this too? That's the thing that I always ask and I figure out yes they have that too even if they are good or bad.
Sometimes good are bad too and bad are good too you just need to open your eyes and see.
Life, Destiny and Love, three things that can confuse you because you can't predict what can happen in the future, your life may end or your destiny will come or your love may bloom, you don't know what is going to happen next
Angels and Demons, one that will protect and one that will pursue to do bad things, you don't know if they exist or not but we still believe in them. 
But do you know their stories? No we don't, no one knows if they are real or they are just the product of our imaginations.
If one human have the ability to see things that we can't, we're afraid because we can't accept them but that's their faith, other people only do is to judge even if they didn't know the truth and the people will hate even if it's a small reason, even the very genius human can't explain life and where do humans really came from, does science can explain it? or God and Satan are the only one who knows. We believe even if we didn't saw what happened, it is not enough to answer the question, what is life? Because no one really knows the answer. Good or bad, we can't choose what we are in life because we are the one who make it, we need to think what is right, we hold our destiny not the other way around.
 Love is not just a word we are saying to anyone, love can't define everything but how is it related to Angels and Demons? Like life and love have some good and bad too because some people don't really understand it.
In this situation a new love will bloom that no one will expect, no one knew that it will come even them didn't know, it is just a pure luck, one that is trying to do a good thing and one is trying to do a bad thing, love will bloom on their journey to future but one has to sacrifice for ones happiness that really hurts like it is piercing your heart.
Destiny have it's own way if you want to be happy you need to control your destiny even if it seem to be impossible for us to do. We always have a choice we just need to be smart when it comes to choosing but can we really choose the right thing when we only saw the wrong things, it is like we don't know what is wrong or right. Being confuse at everything that is happening like when you thought that good can help you they are the ones who is going to betray you while the bad are the ones who will help you to all things it is like you are in between them but clueless of what's happening.
Life, Destiny and Love three things that we have and we can't choose between them, we have to accept our faith, we have to accept everything that our heart and mind say so, we may not know the future but we hold it not destiny because we are the one who holds our future, don't believe in things that you think is wrong just like them, they believe that it is wrong so they let go because they thought that they are weak to fight for something they want.

Book Comment (131)

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    Muhammad Shahril

    Ok ngam


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