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One Last Friend

Chapter two- One Last Friend
  Emily’s POV
  ‘The school president? No wonder he feels familiar but then it feels like I know him apart from the fact that he is the school president. ’ I thought.
  “Okay guys let’s forget about this president and tell me how you feel about finishing your last work on campus?” I asked.
  “Good” they replied together.
  “Come on guys, why are you still angry at me? I am definitely sorry about yesterday. You already know my problem I really wanted to make it to the club but I couldn’t, please do forgive me okay?” I asked pitifully.
  “Well it’s not like we are angry at you but it’s just weird how a father would stop his child from making any friends. It’s not like you are rich or something that we are going to rob you of your money. In fact we even know where you stay not to talk of meeting your parents. One thing though if you are a ghost please let us know, we promise we won’t be scared of you” replied Frank.
  “Okay let’s not be rude here, you know it isn’t her fault Frank, EU apologies accepted” said Enoch.
  “ Alright buddy.. sorry for that now come on and give me a hug and let’s go and submit our work” said Frank.
  We hugged each other and went into our department office. As we came out, I saw the school president standing in front of the office with another guy. He stared at me without speaking and I stared back at him. I still dare to say he looks familiar and this president is rather handsome than all the guys I have seen on campus. He had captivating eyes, I guess that’s why I couldn’t help but stare back at him. Looking into his eyes I felt something for him but what is it? As I was thinking Frank came out of the office and saw him too.
  “ Hey …. Presidoo what are you doing here?” asked Frank.
  “I came to meet your friend here” he said.
  “Emily?” asked Enoch who has just walked out too.
  “Yes we came to meet her” replied nobody.
  Since he had not introduced himself.
  “Well you don’t seem to still not recognize me. My name is Eddie Rickson. Euedy do you remember me? We use to call each other Euedy, we attended Sunshine High school together” spoke Eddie.
  “No dear I don’t know you and the truth is I never attended Sunshine but right choice high school I am sorry you have got the wrong person” I replied.
  I really didn’t remember the high school I attended. ‘Daddy says it is Right Choice high school so it must be it. ’ I thought.
  “You mean you never attended Sunshine? Isn’t your name Emily Smith?” asked nobody
  “And who are you man? I am as you have said” I said.
  “Oh sorry for my manners, my name is Matthew Mills. I thought you knew me that’s why I didn’t introduce myself. I was the vice president of this institute” he replied.
  “Okay nice to meet you Matthew” I said.
  “Nice to meet you again I have heard a lot about you that I feel like I know you” replied Matthew.
  “Heard a lot about me? I just said I don’t know any of you” I said.
  “Yeah you are right I was wrong” replied Matthew.
  “Yeah he was wrong can I get to know you? I mean can we be friends?”
”Yes we can” I replied hastily surprising myself. But why wouldn’t I? The president of our institute was asking to be my friend even though I was graduating, I was excited that I could make one last friend.
  But you must come and see Frank and Enoch’s faces. I guess they were surprised since I have not made any friends apart from them.
  My friends looked at me in bewilderment and Enoch had his mouth gaped so I kept my hand and it and asked,
  “What’s so surprising here?”
  “I guess you already know what is wrong here, I guess the president must have bewitched you for you to be acting this way. ” said Enoch the talker.
  “I’m just trying to be friendly that’s all. ” I said smiling.
  “Okay we are done here, let’s get going. ” said Frank.
  We got out of the place making our way out of campus and I bid them goodbye. They had insisted that I attended the graduation congregation and I promised them I would try all I could to make it. I took a taxi to where my convoy was waiting for me.
It might surprise you but don’t be after all I was the richest man in the country’s daughter. He could do all he could to protect me and if it was I in one car with two to three bodyguards and the others in other cars, he would do more trust me.
  The way to our island was one way so it was obvious when one drives on that road, where he was going. Hence the protection or so that’s what I thought, we got into the island and I was driven to my mansion in which I stayed with my father and a few servants.
The servants had their family too staying on the island, the island had everything needed for self actualization starting from basic needs to secondary and tertiary. Well not tertiary institutions, if you wanted to attend the university, you wouldn’t be allowed back on the land. It will be your last time seeing or staying on it, yes it was mysterious island.
  With the exception of his lovely daughter. I got inside the mansion and lo and behold there he stood with a smile on his face as usual.
He opened his arms towards me asking for a hug, I smiled back at him and ran to him then hugged him. He swept me off my feet and swung me in the air as I laughed, he kept me down after a few swirls. He then peck me on my forehead and caressed my cheek carefully before asking,
  “How are you doing? ”
  “I’m doing good dad how was your flight back home?” I asked.
  “As usual, it was boring without you by my side. ” he answered.
  “You could have gone with my mother if you had married again you know?” I jested.
  “Yes I could but you know you are my wife so I can’t do that. Do you want me to cheat on you?” he joked.
  “Yes, do stop joking dad I’m so serious about this matter. I want a step mother daddy. ” I insisted.
  “I know you do but there’s no one like your mother. If I wanted a woman, I wanted her as perfect as your mom but there’s none that can compare to her except you. So how about we make our marriage legal?” he narrated.
  “Dad!!!! ” I shouted at him fuming in anger and made my way upstairs.
  “Hey don’t forget to come down for dinner, I will be waiting for you. ”
  “Don’t wait for me, I won’t eat with you order some pizza for me. ” I said angrily.

Book Comment (52)

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    Lanie Dacules

    nice 👍


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    Matos de souzaHelo



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    thank you


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