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The Moment I Wake Up

The Moment I Wake Up


Chapter 1: Awakening

Chapter 1: Awakening
The soft hum of machines and the sterile scent of a hospital room enveloped Roman as he slowly regained consciousness. His eyelids fluttered open, and he blinked against the harsh fluorescent light above. Blinking away the blurriness, he tried to piece together his surroundings.
"Roman? Oh my God, he's awake!" The voice, a mixture of relief and surprise, cut through the haze in his mind.
Turning his head slightly, Roman squinted at the figures standing by his bedside. A middle-aged woman with warm, teary eyes leaned in close, her hand reaching out as if to touch him but hesitating at the last moment. Beside her, a man with salt-and-pepper hair clutched her arm, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and emotion.
"Roman, sweetheart, can you hear us?" The woman's voice wavered with a mixture of hope and trepidation.
Roman's throat felt dry and scratchy as he tried to speak. "Who... Who are you?"
The woman exchanged a glance with the man, her lips quivering as if holding back tears. "Roman, it's us. It's Mom and Dad."
Mom and Dad? Roman's brows furrowed in confusion. The terms felt familiar, but he couldn't place them. His memory was a foggy mess, like trying to catch water with his bare hands.
The man, presumably his father, cleared his throat and leaned in. "Roman, you've been through a lot. We're here for you."
The weight of their words settled in, but Roman's mind was still struggling to catch up. "Where... Where am I? What happened?"
His mother, Emily, looked at her husband and then back at Roman. "You're in the hospital, sweetie. You've been in a coma for a long time."
The word "coma" hung in the air, heavy and confusing. Roman's eyes darted around the room, searching for clues, for something that would make sense of it all. But the sterile walls and beeping machines offered no answers.
"How long?" Roman managed to croak out, his voice barely audible.
"Ten years," his father, Thomas, replied, his voice laced with a mix of sorrow and empathy.
Ten years? The words echoed in Roman's mind, leaving him stunned and overwhelmed. He felt like he had been dropped into a different world, disconnected from his own life.
"Why... Why did this happen?" Roman's voice cracked, the frustration and fear finally breaking through.
Emily's eyes welled up with tears, her voice trembling as she spoke. "There was an accident, Roman. A fire."
Roman's heart pounded in his chest as he struggled to grasp the implications. Fire? Accident? The images were like fragmented pieces of a puzzle, and he couldn't make them fit together.
"We... We didn't want to tell you right away," Thomas added, his voice strained. "We were afraid it would be too much for you."
Despite the fog in his mind, a pang of gratitude welled up in Roman's chest. They had kept this burden from him, tried to protect him. But he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story, that the fragments of his memory held secrets he couldn't yet access.
"I need to know," Roman said, his voice more determined now. "I need to remember."
Tears streamed down Emily's cheeks, and she reached out to grasp Roman's hand. "We'll help you, Roman. We'll be right here with you every step of the way."
As Roman looked into his parents' eyes, he saw the love, the pain, and the unspoken stories hidden behind their gazes. The journey to reclaim his memories was just beginning, and he was determined to piece together the truth, no matter how painful it might be. With his parents by his side, he would find the missing pieces and uncover the story of the past ten years.
**Side Story: Echoes of the Past**
Evelyn was a beloved figure in the small village nestled at the base of the mountain. With her flowing silver hair and twinkling eyes, she seemed to carry the wisdom of ages within her. As the village's storyteller, she held a treasure trove of memories and tales that spanned generations.
Every evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the village gathered around a crackling bonfire, Evelyn would take her place on a weathered wooden stool. The flames danced in her eyes as she began her storytelling ritual.
"Once upon a time," she would begin, her voice a melodic blend of warmth and intrigue. "This mountain, with its towering peaks and hidden valleys, has witnessed countless stories."
Her tales were not only about the mountain itself but also about the people who had called it home. She spoke of the settlers who had tamed the wild landscapes, of love that had blossomed under its watchful gaze, and of the trials and triumphs that had shaped the village.
The villagers, young and old, would listen with rapt attention, transported to another time by Evelyn's storytelling magic. Children would lean in, wide-eyed, while the elders would nod knowingly, their memories stirred by the familiar tales.
One evening, Roman sat among the villagers, captivated by Evelyn's words. He had spent weeks exploring the mountain, trying to unearth the pieces of his past. The stories, he hoped, might hold a clue, a thread that would lead him back to the life he had lost.
Evelyn's eyes met Roman's, and for a moment, it seemed as though she could see the turmoil in his heart. As the stories continued to unfold, she weaved in tales of mysteries and hidden treasures, of souls finding their way back home, and of the healing power of the mountain.
After the storytelling session, Roman approached Evelyn, his curiosity evident. "These stories... do they hold the truth?"
Evelyn smiled knowingly, placing a gentle hand on Roman's arm. "Stories have a way of connecting us to our past and our future. They may not always tell the exact truth, but they carry the essence of our experiences."
Over the next few weeks, Roman and Evelyn formed an unexpected bond. He would visit her often, sharing his own journey of rediscovery, and listening to the tales she spun with such grace. Evelyn became a guide, helping Roman see the mountain through different lenses – as a witness to love, loss, and the ebb and flow of life.
One evening, as the sun set behind the mountain's peaks, Evelyn took Roman to a secluded spot overlooking the village. "You see, Roman," she said softly, "this mountain has seen it all. And it will continue to do so long after we're gone."
Roman gazed at the vista before him, a mix of emotions stirring within him. Evelyn's stories had given him a newfound perspective on his own journey. The mountain's whispers seemed to echo in the wind, carrying the promise that he was not alone – that the mountain itself held the key to unlocking the mysteries of his past.
As time went on, Roman continued to explore the mountain, drawing inspiration from its tales and mysteries. And while he might not have regained all his memories, he found solace in the stories that Evelyn shared, knowing that each tale brought him a step closer to understanding the intricate tapestry of his own life.

Book Comment (24)

  • avatar

    Good novel. Gret plot


  • avatar

    this story so dam beautiful


  • avatar

    nice story


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