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A Dummy's Guide To Love

A Dummy's Guide To Love


Chapter One - The Start of A Nightmare

     Chapter One - The Start of A Nightmare
People think I'm weird.
And no, I'm not some girl who picks her boogers and eats it not-so-discreetly in class. When I mean weird, I mean those type of people who loves the paranormal side.
     Because of that, I'm currently a member of the social pariah in school. I don't know who the other members are, but a meeting is long overdue.
     That's right, I love horror and because of that, people were frightened of me, that I might unleash some cursed ritual. Everyone scurries when I get close and some say that my gaze bestows misfortune--to which no one bats an eye at me.
    Rumours are supposed to be just--well, rumours. Then again, people will believe what they want to believe. It had gotten worst to the point I'm the so called 'witch girl' of Class Two.
"Avery, why don't you invite your friends?" my mother asked across the kitchen counter. She was humming an unknown yet lovely tune whilst she fried the tempura for breakfast.
I stared by the window with an empty gaze, then I rest my hand under my chin and mumbled. "I don't have friends. Did you forgot about that?"
"How about you ask Lance? I'm pretty sure you both get along pretty well," my mother suggests.
     Lance Martin is the kid across the street---which I unfortunately, babysit. Don't get the wrong idea; he's not some toddler or some stupid kid that picks its nose and flings it at your direction.  He's twelve, and rather a kid with a sassy tongue.
     He's the smartest of his class---which he quote-on-quote is "filled with monkeys." I generally don't like him because one, I don't like children and two, because he's insufferable with that blunt tongue of his.
    Well, our relationship is complicated. It's love and hate, really.
      "I'm not on babysit duty," I murmured, less enthusiastic as the day goes on with nothing eventful  happening. I'm so bored that I might as well count the amount of leaves on our front porch.
       The delicious aroma of fried tempura enters my nostrils and I get entranced with it's savoury smell. I hear my stomach grumble in hunger, then my mother suddenly pipes up too happily. "I forgot to tell you."
She grabs the plate of tempura and rice, then placed it on top of the dining table. I stood up from my seat near the window and followed, taking a seat across my mother. She smiles and hands me the platter of rice.
   "A family is going to move next door."
   I furrowed my brows in confusion, then took the platter of rice and scooped up enough for me. "Why would anyone live there? I thought it was going to be demolished?"
    My mother takes a tempura, then continues. "The old owner decided to sell it; apparently, the husband of the family moving in, had just gotten promoted and transferred here---not to mention their child's school is closer."
      "So they have a child," I say to no one in particular.
We said our prayer before meals and dined in. I take a scrumptious bite and my mouth waters with the crispy yet tender shrimp tempura in my mouth.
"This is delicious mother," I say as I took another bite.
     My mother clasps her hands in delight. "I'm glad you like it. I do hope that our new neighbours would have a kid your age."
       "Why so?"
"So you can finally mingle with people your age," my mother then pouts, knowing that she was a bit upset I didn't care about being all alone. "--you can't just stay all by yourself, you know?"
      "I can and I will continue to be so," I frown at her out of spite.
     She sighs, looking at me in pity. "Oh Avery. You're going to grow old all alone, you know? As your own mother, I'm worried."
      "Well, continue to worry then," I mumble, silencing myself with the tempura.
New neighbours huh? It's none of my business really.
. . .
"What the hell are you doing here, Lance ?" I cross my arms while I look at the kid casually watching television at my own home.
He even feels like he's comfortable enough to put up his feet on our glass table---which I absolutely looked with abhorrence, but knowing his attitude, chose to hold it in.
  If only he was a bug, then I would've emptied the bug spray solely for his existence. 
He turns to give me a glance, then reverts his gaze back to the television. He mutters, uninterested. "I'm basically family here, Avery. I was thinking that you missed me, so I came here."
"We're not blood related," I point out with nonchalance. "--also, I was quite happy before you came here, so get the hell out of my house, will you?"
"Whatever. Now shush Avery. I'm watching a very important episode," he murmurs, aggravation laced in his tone whilst he stares ahead on the screen. "--I swear you don't have an ounce of gratitude for me. In fact, you should be happy I pitied you."
My eyes twitch because he struck a nerve. I grimaced. "I don't need pity from a twelve year old who can't be left alone without supervison. I swear the world would've been a better place if you weren't here."
  "Ha! How humorous, Avery," he dryly replied. "--unlike you, I'm a fully functional citizen, in contrast to you, an ostracized 'freak'."
I narrowed my eyes at him, out of insults to throw back at him. It pisses me off, but I'd have to be the bigger person this time. "Shut up, shrimp. What are you here for anyway?"
"Well I'm only here because your mother asked me to help you with greeting the new neighbours," he shrugs casually.
My eyes twitch in exasperation. "And why are you going with me? I can't believe this!"
I scoff out of disdain. "A twelve year old helping me? With greeting the new neighbours? What am I, five?"
This is absurd! I can totally greet people like any normal person. I don't get why my mother was inclined to ask this little brat to help me greet the neighbour out of all things! I'm not some cave woman who doesn't know any manners.
"Let me remind you that I'm more mature than the average twelve year olds," he commented, giving me a look.
     OohHH I'm NoT LiKe OtHeR KiDS. That's how annoying he sounds right now.
"--and the only reason I agreed is because you're anti-social. You might use that sassy tongue of yours and put the new neighbours off."
"I'm not sassy!" I proclaimed, getting all riled up by this kid's accusations.
I'm not sassy, okay? Well, I'm more of blunt---if you ask me. The truth hurts, you know?
He ignores me and it makes my blood boil. I fuss but eventually gave up and calmed down as I watched the television with him.
. . .
"Avery, wake up," I groan when I felt a slight nudge on my shoulder. I stirr awake and glance around with my blurry vision as I rub my eyes, trying to get rid of the sleepiness.
   I looked at Lance who was looking back at me and I realized I fell asleep by his shoulder.
"I swear you're so heavy," he narrows his eyes at me. "---and I'm grateful you didn't drool at my new shirt. It would've reeked with your bad breath."
I rolled my eyes, pushing myself off him and yawned, smoothing down my skirt and jacket which was slightly wrinkled.
"Anyway, we're going," he states and stands up from the couch, heading first towards the front door.
I sat still, eyeing him in confusion. "Going where?"
"To the neighbour's house, duh, " he briefly states, then opens the door wide. "--they arrived just now while you were snoring away like a pig."
"I-I wasn't snoring!"
He smirks. That stupid brat. "Hurry up, Avery! You take so long I'd turn eighty before you get off that couch!"
I mutter curses under my breath as I finally stood up from the couch. I begrudgingly walk towards him as we both closed the door behind us.
We walked to the new neighbour's house as their car and the moving truck was parked in front view. Lance whispers, not too soft that I wouldn't hear it. "Be in your best behavior amazona or I'd put a leash on you."
I look at him, threatening to punch his stupid face when the couple noticed us and their gaze shifts to us. On cue, we arrived in front of them and Lance starts speaking, flashing his plastic smile. "Hello, I'm Lance Martin, aged twelve. I live across the street. Nice to meet you!"
  "Oh, how lovely," the woman says in delight then looks at her husband with pure admiration for the brat. Tch. If only you knew how evil this kid was.
"---well, we're the Becketts. Nice to meet you."
  "I'm Anne," the woman smiles, extending her hand for a shake.
    The man beside her follows, his eyes squinting whilst he grinned with both of his hands occupied with stacks of boxes. "And I'm Paul."
   I yelp in pain when I felt Lance jab me from the sides. I try to smile but I worry it might look wry. "I-I'm Avery Summers. Nice to meet you, ma'am, sir."
  "May I ask how old you are, Avery?" Mrs. Beckett inquired, staring at me with her pretty olive eyes.
   "I just turned sixteen last month."
  Her eyes twinkle, like something ignited inside her. She held out my hand with a firm grip and grins. "That's perfect! I have a son the same age as you. You two could get along well."
      I doubt that. I only flash her a wry smile in response while her hand still clung onto mine like a death grip. I'm not really the crowd's favorite, so I reckon I'd ever get into good terms with her son.
"I hope we'll all be good friends, " Mrs. Beckett beams, a bit too hopeful to my liking and finally releases her grip.
"Can we help you with unpacking?" I wanted to curse at Lance when he suddenly suggests something without consulting me.
He's not speaking for me! I glare at him, trying to get my point across, but he shrugs me off the shoulder, not noticing my glare.
"Oh, we don't want to trouble you," Mrs. Beckett says modestly but Lance persists like the pest he is.
After a couple of exchanges and Lance's persistence---to my growing dislike, Mrs. Beckett gives in with the offer.
"If you insist then, we'll take your kindness," Mrs. Beckett smiles warmly and leads us inside the house where the boxes were all stacked and scattered in the front door.
I pull on Lance's ear when they weren't looking and he yelps silently in pain. I whisper at him brashly. "What the hell are you doing making decisions on your own?"
"This is common courtesy, Avery. " he looks at me like I'm the idiot. "--this is how we greet neighbours, geez. Do you want me to buy you a book on how to socialize with people?"
I was about to give him another smack when I pause mid-way, seeing some guy's eyes land on me. I fling my hands to my sides quite slowly and before we know it, I am currently engaging on some sort of staring contest with him.
  I wasn't planning to, but he seemed intent with staring at me like I'm one peculiar thing. 
  If I could say something, I'd say he has pretty, alluring olive eyes, perfect eyebrows and a nice jaw-line which would put mine to shame. I snap out of my delusion and watch as he breaks into a smile. "You're our neighbour, I presume?"
I barely nod as I feel my dark soul vanish and become purified by his bright and shining aura. He's too different from me. Good looking people--do not land with me.
"I'm Tom Beckett."
He reaches out for his hand and I reluctantly accept it, shaking it awkwardly with a half-assed smile. "Avery Summers."
"You go to Margarette High School, right?" he asks and I nod.
   He breaks into a much wider grin, which I thought he could never do, considering that his smile looked extremely painful for me, but I guess that's me and my grumpy self. "--so we're going to be neighbours and schoolmates?  This is fun!"
I sigh, lifting my hands and pulled my beret down---which was enough to cover half of my eyes. I glance at him, frowning. "No, not fun. Sorry to burst your bubble amigo---but we can't be seen at school."
He tilts his head, slightly confused. "Why so?"
"Because," I trailed off, planning to roll off the words I always say like a broken record with my tongue. "---I'm an outcast. Rumours spread around me and if you are seen with me, then consider yourself a goner too."
"How so?"
He ticks me off. Doesn't he get the idea already? Stay away from me---that's it! That's the point--and yet he's so curious he's bugging me off.
   I groan, eyeing him in slight distaste. "Just stop asking questions, will you?"
"But I want to know why I must avoid you," he replies, quite calmly despite my riled up state.
  "Are you retarded?" I harshly ask him, letting the words slip off like it was the norm.
"Woah, that's kinda far-fetched don't you think? Now, why are you an outcast exactly?" he peered, heavily fixated on me. "---got pregnant, killed someone, ate the forbidden chee----"
"No! God forbid I will ever get pregnant!" I scrunch my nose in revolt, thinking about raising children. Gross. Totally not me.  "---I'm a damn witch, okay? Get it? A witch. I can cast spells. I can curse you by just looking into these dull eyes of mine," I pointed at my own pair of eyes, then reflected it back to him.
  He stares at me, trying to comprehend what I just said, then he lightly chuckles.
   I was a bit offended. I don't know why, but his laughter annoyed me to the inner bits of my own soul. I was expecting some disgusted and cold shoulder once I told that, but he, laughed at it, like he actually knew how stupid it sounded.
And I hated him for that.
"I'm fine right now," he states, lips curled up into a smile. "---I'm still alive. So I think I'm rather immune to your curses, Ms. Summers."
  "Whatever," I roll my eyes, clicking my tongue in the process. "----just stay away from me. Forget we know each other okay?"
  "But we just met today," he pouts. "--plus, you seem fun to be with, Avery."
I cackle, narrowing my eyes at him. "Fun? You make me laugh, Beckett."
"I'm serious," he eyed me. "---that rumour of yours is stupid. I think that's what's laughable."
In the back of my mind, I think to myself, "he gets me." Then again, that's all the more for me to push him off. Being with me just leads to misery and I don't want to get other people involved.
"Just stay away," I glare at him, deciding on this day onwards that I must push him away--by all means necessary.

Book Comment (324)

  • avatar

    buku ni best sangat sumpah korang kena bace


  • avatar

    Lmao not the type to read romance but when I read this is actually interesting and funny


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    an amazing story! congratulations, I rewarded you, I'm new here. but congratulations!


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