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Chapter Four

Jerson hadn't noticed the small cut on his face earlier, but now facing himself in the mirror, he was greatly agitated. When did he get it? Was it when he dragged the man? Or is it when he throws the smoke bomb? He didn’t know. He just noticed the cut when he felt a slight sting on his face and checked it in the comfort room. He decided to rewash it to prevent the blood from spewing around his face.
“I should have cut his finger to get back with this. How could they do this to my face?” he mumbled. He wanted to punch whoever punk made this. He couldn’t afford to have a scar on his face! Although he looked like he didn’t care at all, Jerson treasures his face most, more than anyone.
He examined himself in front of the mirror once again. He made sure to look neat before leaving the comfort room. When he’s finally satisfied, he walks out of the four-cornered room and finds his way to the de Oliveira brothers. When he finally entered the main hall, he saw the two men elegantly sitting, facing each other. Anyone could tell that the two came from a well-off family just by looking at them.
The French-style restaurant doesn’t suit Jerson’s taste. Although the ambiance looks clean and peaceful, it still doesn’t make him honor the environment. Moreover, the restaurant was too crowded even though it was only past 9 am. The crowd made Jerson sigh. He really didn’t like jammed places.
Jerson strode his feet smoothly without making any noise. He was wearing his casual outfit. He just kept on walking without scrutinizing the people who would glance at him with their curious looks.
Jerson’s indifferent expression enthralled some customers. He could even hear some girls talk about how fine he looked, but this didn’t flatter him at all. He already was used to the praises from numerous people that such small praising words couldn’t affect him anymore.
“I’m sorry for making you wait. Something came up,” Jerson apologized before finding himself a seat. Unfortunately, the only available stool was beside Vishnu. Jerson knows that Degree set this up and that made him grimace even more. When will Degree stop? Jerson bet he won’t even think about quitting. From the look at it, Degree was enjoying himself. It’s as if he will never get tired pissing them off.
“What took you so long?” Jerson glanced at Degree, who was grinning ear to ear. He shrugged his shoulders before answering.
“Private matters,” he answered before taking his seat beside Vishnu. The space was so narrow that he almost bumped into Vishnu’s arms, who was eating silently. Jerson understood one thing about the Prosecutor. Just like him, Vishnu was very anxious around the crowd. Is he introverted? Maybe?
‘Too close,’ Jerson nagged. He could smell Vishnu’s perfume, and it smells damn good. The fragrance would make every woman fall for this man. Even he couldn’t resist the aroma. He stopped himself before he snuffed the man’s neck. That would not be very comfortable.
“And that is?” Degree inquires again.
“I said, private matters.”
“I deserve to know!” Degree declared.
Jerson sighed. He could feel that someone was staring at him again. With the kind of job he has, he was used to being guarded; being watched his every move, and even investigated; however, none of those gestures made him uncomfortable. Now that these foreign feelings arise, he doesn't know how to react. It’s as if those piercing eyes were looking throughout his soul. He couldn’t avoid thinking about how he looked at this moment, and it felt awkward.
Does he look good? Does the cut stop bleeding? Does he look neat at the very least? If not, then he should have killed those nitwits for making him into a mess! They don’t deserve his sympathy.
‘The fuck am I thinking?’ Having those kinds of thoughts, Jerson wanted to strangle himself. What’s wrong with him? Why is he being self-conscious?
“If I say whack off, will you believe me?” Jerson mumbled without speculating much about his word choice. Jerson’s vulgar words made Vishnu scowl.
“You jerked off for that long?” Degree asked Jerson again. Vishnu wanted to strangle his brother for even asking that weird question. How could they talk about it casually?
“Sex took even longer than that,” Jerson defended himself. Some customers were looking at them, and Vishnu felt embarrassed. Of course, he should be. He was closeted for years and only gained his freedom when their parents passed away because of an ambush. It wasn’t long ago, and all the people he encountered so far were very decent. It was his first time hearing this sort of conversation.
“You even got a cut!”
Vishnu wanted to gag his brother’s mouth for being too nosy.
“It has been so wild that I tripped while doing it. Perpetrating in the public comfort room feels damn good. It would be best if you tried it too,” Jerson suggested.
“Too much information,” Degree said, acting like a noble youngster. Jerson gave him a middle finger.
“Says the motherfucker who fucks every woman in town,” Jerson mumbled bluntly. This statement made Degree laugh aloud, and Vishnu felt even more embarrassed, hiding it behind his indifferent face. ‘No wonder why these two nitwits could get along well. They do share the same brain circuits.’
Vishnu let out a discreet cough. He couldn’t stand that kind of conversation and wanted to remind the two to watch their words, but he unexpectedly gained the attention of the unwanted one.
“Oh… Do you need water?” Jerson asked him. Vishnu stared at the guy in front of him before refusing his inquiry.
“No. Thank you.”
‘He seemed to be a nice guy with an unfiltered mouth.’ Vishnu bit his lip. ‘Maybe I stereotyped him because of the way he talks. But he doesn’t seem to be a friendly guy either.’
Vishnu laughs at himself for judging the person. Who is he to suspect anyway? He, himself, is not the sort of a very nice guy either. He even thinks that he’s much worse than the guy beside him. Jerson, in fact, won’t do what he did before even if it takes Jerson his life.
“Anyways, I’ve been thinking about this lately, Jerson,” Degree said that caught Vishnu’s attention, bringing him back to reality, leaving the thoughts beyond his reverie. Fixing it would be impossible as it was finished and done. What had happened in the past should be left in the past and should just be forgotten. He has to move on. He should be moving on.
Degree put an envelope on the table. On top of it is a document. He could tell that it was a breach of a contract; however, Noah didn’t procure it legally. It was a contract just between the two weird people without the help of any lawsuit.
“Did I not fulfill the proportion of my obligations you’ve written in the contract?” Jerson asks.
“You’re a good kid Jerson, that's why I’m doing this for you. I’m firing you, Jerson!”
‘Just as I thought.' Vishnu looked at his brother’s frowning face. Degree couldn’t help but scowl seeing the shameless Jerson indifferent face. ‘He didn’t even flinch when I said he’s fired. He doesn’t look like he’s conflicted either, as if he’d been expecting it to happen. I thought he would be sad about it but look at him, elegantly sipping his coffee?!’
“Oh, okay,” Jerson replied. Vishnu wanted to laugh. How could this man be so heartless?
“But since you’ve been doing real good, I’m hiring you to be my brother’s bodyguard,” Degree professed with finality. The two men who were calm and composed burst out in harmony.
Jerson: “I beg your pardon?”
Vishnu: “What shit have you been taking?”
Seeing the two fallouts, Degree burst out of laughter.

Book Comment (127)

  • avatar

    good story 😲


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    Loidena Tumlos



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    Sun Good

    so good stor


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