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Clandestine Affair

Clandestine Affair



The B City.
In the outskirts. North.
A man was staring at his computer while smiling meekly. The glint of light from the screen reflected on his flaxen eyes. His jaw that was strongly defined was clenching while he was gritting his teeth.
The man smirked in front of his computer. His typing speed exceeds the average of 60-75 WPM which was deemed to be the fastest. The man looked like a Greek god while tapping the keyboard gracefully as if he was seducing men and women through his fingers.
When done, the man leaned his back against the chair's upholstery and relaxed. He looked at the computer proudly like he just made such a masterpiece. He then tapped the space button and pressed enter.
Not too long after, a video played online.
From some experts' point of view, the tape exploited online - which ordinary users presume to be a simple serial murder documentary, is the actual video of a crime. The person involved is circumstantial evidence that the footage wasn't scripted. The footage showed the actual videos of crimes. Some bodies were bloody, revealing the victim's guts. Some were killed by using a cord.
Jerson started controlling the mouse again and clicked the next button. He watched the footage before sharing it with the computers and exploited it on the internet.
The first victim was hanged using an extension cord. The suspect clamped it around his neck in a crude slipknot. An overturned office chair lies on the floor beneath him, and on his desk laid out his wife's handwritten apology. The video discloses all of the possible deceitful evidence.
Viewers thought that it was a suicide case not until the tape showed CCTV footages. All of them were stunned. The man whom they adored much when it comes to politics, his views, his missions, and his wisdom just killed a man using his own hands.
The Diplomat posted after only a few minutes regarding the video exploited in the internet. Jerson didn't expect that his target would immediately respond.
It was undoubtedly absurd — to claim being framed even after seeing the evidence.
However, what was more absurd was the diplomat’s blind followers who believed a mere argument without fitting the facts first. Jerson uploaded an article that the country banned in the prior year because of its indicting contents against the diplomat. The journalists and reporters who published it were found dead. The journalists' websites were shut down. Soon after publishing the article, somebody killed the journalists and reporters and without investigating the incident, they immediately close the case.
But Jerson knew better.
Articles were banned because they contained information that'll wake the citizens from arbitrarily advocating politics. However, people's stupidity had surpassed the highest level. They disregarded these facts and believed claims that lacked testimony or evidence. People’s beliefs are based on faith.
Absurdity, indeed.
"Do you think that's enough to seize him down?"
Jerson took his pistol out of the cabinet and kicked his right foot against the cabinet's door bumper. The swivel chair turned over, making him face the door where the man was standing. He pressed his lips before he pointed the muzzle directly at the guy's head.
"What an actual piece of shit!" Jerson cursed. He gritted his teeth angrily after he saw the guy grinning at him.
It was Noah de Oliveira. His eyes twitched in irritation.
"Relax, Mr. Jerson Luiselli. I only stopped by for an important business," Noah whispered.
Jerson snorted. "Relax, my ass! You almost gave me a heart attack, bastard!"
Jerson took a deep breath before he deliberately brought down his hand and laid it on the countertop. He started disassembling the gun before putting it back in the drawer. His knitted brows and frowning face slightly spruced up when he saw the family photo he'd been keeping for years.
Jerson missed his family so much even after years of spending his life alone. He missed his parents a lot though that did not show in his usual apathetic expression.
"I'm sure that they are proud of you," Noah murmured.
Jerson stopped typing for a while and tilted his head.
'Is he talking about my parents?'
Jerson pressed his lips and bit his tongue. He then sighed and continued typing, ignoring what Noah said.
Jerson found Noah irritating — extremely irritating that he couldn't stand a mere second alone with him. If Jerson had the choice, he could have left a long time ago. But it wasn’t his choice.
"You know that we were not on good terms when they disappeared, right?" Jerson asked, still facing the screen of his computer.
"I know."
"You know? And you still dared to…?" Jerson sighed stopping himself from talking midway.
"I meant what I said. Your parents were proud of you!"
"Noah…” Jerson massaged his temple. “That's enough. Tell me, what is it that you want this time?" Jerson calmly asked. He was trying his best not to shout at Noah.
Noticing Jerson's irritation through the tone of his voice, Noah laughed triumphantly but immediately stopped when Jerson looked at him in annoyance.
Noah let out a discreet cough. "We have a new mission."
Jerson pressed his lips and think. He has a prior appointment to make. He contemplated whether he should take a leave as an excuse or just directly decline the mission. Either way, both of his choices were meant to ditch Noah. He was planning to quit his job for real anyway.
Although he didn't want to leave Noah alone risking his life, staying wouldn't get him anywhere. He had been playing around too much. If he stays, he knew he wouldn't find his parents. He has to make his move.
"I know that kind of tinge on your face, and no! You are required to be with me," Noah declared.
Jerson frowned. "You said I could quit whenever I wanted, right? Why are you forcing me to do this now?"
"You are most congenial with this type of work," Noah declared. "Tracing and hacking are your forte, Jerson. All you have to do is sit on that chair and hack all the CCTV scans while I'm catching the target," he explained, which made Jerson's brows puckered. "You're the only one I could trust with this."
Jerson sighed. 'He made it sound like it was a piece of cake. Just how many CCTVs does City B own anyway?'
He frustratedly massaged his temple. Does he have another choice?
The answer is obvious.
Jerson looked again at his computer. The video went viral and immediately became the talk of the town. Some users, who were roleplaying detectives, posted their video findings and gave links and references to facts and proofs that'll prove their claim. Of course, trolls from dummy users got more attention because of their nonsensical logic, which outrages most netizens. Both roleplaying detectives and trollers played a big part in disseminating the video until it reached the hot topic.
But, Jerson knows this isn't enough to ruin the politician's image. He knows that the damn prominent diplomat could find more ways to clean and fix his appearance to the public.
Jerson shrugged his thoughts off. He could always find more ways to ruin the mentioned bastard.
"Just how much will you pay me this time?" Jerson asked while tapping again on his computer's keyboard.
"Depends on your performance," Noah retorted. "I might give you my brother as compensation.” He laughed and looked at Jerson who was glaring at him. “You know what people said? Innocent men are the ones who were best in bed."
Jerson snorted. "You need to shut up. I'm a man.”
Noah chuckled. "He's a man too. But who knows? He might have a change of the heart once he sees you."
Jerson raised his hand and lifted his fist to give Noah a middle finger. The latter just heartily laughed at his attitude.
Noah stared at Jerson.
Jerson has a well-built body. His hands show his vein, which reflects his massive training and workout. His brows and cold eyes complement his sharp jawlines and dark hair. His perfect nose would make every man envy him. His lips are naturally rosy. His flaxen eyes are attractive. However, behind his manly complexion and not mentioning those hundred girls who would wag their tails for him, not even a single soul could pique his interest. He doesn't feel any sexual attraction to any of them.
"Vishnu would be perfect for you though," Noah muttered silently, but it was still loud enough for Jerson to hear. "I wonder what it's like when two indifferent people get together? Would it look good?" he asked himself curiously.
Jerson shook his head.
"It's time," Noah mumbled as he checked the time on his watch. "I'll get their fucking ass while you have to make sure to report their moves correctly. I want this done smoothly, Jerson."
Jerson bobbed his head as a response.
Seeing Jerson’s apathetic expression reminds Noah of his brother. If only life wasn’t so complicated back then, maybe this wouldn’t happen to them.
When Noah got out of the apartment, Jerson began clicking the number keys, symbols, and codes.
Jerson knitted his brows. The record showed that there are at least 5 CCTV cameras on every corner of each street, but on the record, the number of installments doubled. His deductions mean that in some corners of City B, there are unauthorized installments of CCTV. Authorities wouldn't claim this as illegal unless used to harm citizens. One of those corners is where Noah was heading.
To have formulated such deductions, Jerson sighed before rubbing his eyes. He gritted his teeth before looking at his computer, which was currently browsing and accessing the records of each camera installed at City B. His screen shows the exploitation of databases.
After the infringement, he saw Noah being surrounded by five people.
Watching the whole scenario on his computer where random strangers were tailing Noah, Jerson realized that Noah was in threat.
He got his phone on the table not far from his computer and dialed Noah’s number.
Noah wasn’t answering. He tried calling Noah again but it was out of coverage.
"So troublesome," he whispered.
Jerson started to install a rootkit at the municipality computer in charge of monitoring the CCTV. His lips twitched when he got in easier than anticipated.
*What's happening with the Municipality's security?” he whispered.
Jerson called Noah’s number again but to no avail. He began to squirm his restless right foot as he anxiously examined the whole situation through the computer.
Feeling anxious and restless, Jerson decided to get out of his apartment to help the elderly who were currently on the verge of being caught. He connected his IPad to his laptop before walking out of the room. After Jerson accessed the recorded data, he transferred all the information into his IPad without leaving any trace. He brought the key to his Ducati.
Even before he could start the engine, a loud bang disturbed the city.
The crowd began to panic.

Book Comment (127)

  • avatar

    good story 😲


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    Loidena Tumlos



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    Sun Good

    so good stor


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