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Chapter 5: The Virus

Everything's going well at Dahlia's workplace. She managed to received an award on their Christmas party last month for being one of the most hardworking staffs and she was even given gift certificates for a job well done. Feeling really greatful for her job even though there were days that she felt exhausted from a hard days work but seeing the fruit of her labor, it washes all negativities. Amelie was doing great in school, in her last grading period she had a 90% average which made her and their mother very proud. Until a sudden news broke, a certain virus was spreading in China, the coronavirus disease which made many people sick and hospitalized. A kind of common virus that causes an infection in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat. Making all neighboring countries panic and worry for their people and livelihood. With the current situation, many lives were at stake causing fear and anxiety to some people.
"Have you heard the news, Dahlia?" Kimberly said while they were eating their lunch that day.
"About the virus?" When Kimberly nodded, she continued, "It's really frightening that it's rapidly spreading and affecting the lives of many" Dahlia sighed and can't help but remember the news she heard last night.
"Don't you think we must wear masks or something that can prevent us from getting infected?" Kimberly really looked troubled and Dahlia's not used to it, her friend had always been bubbly.
"I think so, but it's not mandated for the meantime" Dahlia answered while looking at her food. She kind of lost her appetite. Who would'nt be anyway? Corona Virus should be taken seriously and everyone must be careful not to get infected and get badly sick.
Swallowing her food, Kimberly said, "let's buy some disposable masks and alcohols just to be sure" She just nodded and continued eating her food.
When their shift ended, Kimberly and Dahlia went to the pharmacy, which was located on the second floor of the mall. They've bought 5 boxes of disposable face masks and 3 bottles of 500 ml Ethyl Alcohol.
"Here girl, that should be enough for your family" Kimberly said while giving her 2 boxes of disposable face masks and 2 bottles of Ethyl Alcohol. She accepted the masks and alcohol and gave her payment to Kimberly. Since there's only three of them in her family, the face masks and alcohol might be enough to lasts for a month.
"I hope the situation won't worsen, I've heard that there were cases already in Manila" Dahlia absentmindedly said, remembering the terrible news.
"That's what I've heard too, unfortunately, it reached our country" Kimberly said while sitting on the bench outside the mall. Dahlia did the same and looked at the people nearby, happily playing with their children and talking to their friends.
"Do you like to hang out at the cafe nearby, D? Kimberly suddenly asked her after a few moments of silence.
"Sure, Kim. I think we need some iced coffee right now" She answered and they both stood from their seat and walked side by side to the cafe. It only took them 5 minutes to reach the cafe, there were only three customers when they entered. They've found a good spot which was at the corner of the cafe facing the glass window.
"What do you like to order, D? My treat" Kimberly asked her back to being cheerful again that made Dahlia smile. Seeing her close friend happy also makes her happy and it warms her heart.
"You sure? I'll treat you next time. Well then, iced coffee with caramel sauce on top, please" Dahlia answered smiling at her friend.
"Okay, I'll just go to the counter. Be right back" Kimberly playfully winked at her that made her laughed.
While waiting for Kimberly, she opened her sling bag to check her phone if there were any messages from her mother. But there was none, her mother might be busy at their sari-sari store. A sari-sari store is a small store that is usually built outside or near your house, which sells different kinds of items such as canned goods, instant noodles, soft drinks, etc. There store had been her mother's main source of income while they were still little girls up until now. Thanks to their store and her mother's hardwork, she was able to graduate from college. She had witnessed her mother's struggles while raising her and Amelie alone. Being a solo parent isn't easy, you have to prioritize your child's welfare before yourself. It can be exhausting and lonely but as a solo parent you have to endure it all.
Her mother had been her greatest inspiration since growing up. She's like wonder woman, from providing their needs up until cleaning and washing their clothes, she did them all. Now, all grown up, and their mother slowly getting old. Dahlia promised to herself to provide for their family, to never give up and always seek God first before anything else. And even the coronavirus disease can't stop her from fulfilling her dreams.

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