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Chapter 4: Family Day

It was a beautiful Sunday morning and the Evangelista Family decided to go out today and spend some quality time together. But before that, they need to attend the Sunday mass first. It had became their Sunday routine to attend the mass early in the morning to be closer to God. Thanking the Lord Almighty for all the graces received and for his undying love and protection. Listening to the holy gospel trully gives us the kind of peace we wanted from within and knowing God's love and sacrifices made us believed more in his Holy Name.
Dahlia wore a white polo shirt and light blue jeans. She opted to put on her sneakers because she finds them comfortable to wear and just tied her long black hair in a ponytail. Amelie wore a bellow the knee skirt paired with a white printed blouse while their mother, Esther, wore a green formal dress that reached bellow her knees and black sandals. They all looked pretty and presentable with just light powder and pink lipstick on their lips.
After securing the locks of their doors, they waited on the sidewalk for a jeepney to passed by. Luckily, a yellow jeep stopped and they all went inside. The jeepney wasn't full because it's Sunday, usually a regular sized jeep could accomodate 20 passengers. The ride lasted for about 15 minutes as Dahlia tapped her one peso coin above her head wherein a stainless tube was connected, they used it as support when the jeep suddenly stops and when a passenger wants to get out of the jeep. Hearing the sound of the coin, the driver carefully parked on a safe area near the church.
"Let's look for vacant seats, girls" Esther said as they walked to the entrance of Sto. Niño de Cebu Church.
"Okay mama" They both answered in unison, making their mother chuckle softly.
As they were looking for vacant seats, they saw a group of teenagers at the back and a family of 5 in the second row. There were a lot of people already, so they had a hard time spotting vacant seats.
"Look mama, there's enough space for us to sit on" Amelie said while pointing on the left side of the church. There were three people sitting on the rectangular wooden chair, and like what Amelie said, just enough for three more to occupy.
When they've seated, their mother knelt down while holding her rosary. Seeing their mother praying earnestly, they've also followed and as they knelt on the wood with a soft red cushion above. They closed their eyes and prayed. A few moments later, the mass started and they all raised.
The holy mass ended an hour later, feeling blessed and grateful to God, Dahlia smiled and looked at the altar. "Thank you Lord" She softy said as they went outside the church.
"Where are we going?" Amelie asked them for the nth time, they were looking for a good place to eat.
"What do you like to eat, little sis?" Instead of answering, Dahlia asked her sister. Amelie became silent and held her chin, acting like she's thinking of something before answering. "Jolibee" She even clapped her hands like the young girl that she is.
Dahlia laughed at her sister's adorable reaction as well as their mom who's just listening to their conversation. "Jolibee, here we come" Dahlia joked that made Amelie laughed and excitedly held her sister and mother's hands.
When they were inside the store, Dahlia asked her sister first, "What do like for breakfast, little sis?"
"I want burger steak and fries, ate, Oh, and also coke float" Hearing her daughter's order, Esther spoke, "Don't you like chicken, dear? Or maybe spaghetti?
"I don't like to eat chicken and spaghetti ma, just burger steak and fries, please" Esther nodded slowly.
"How abour you, ma?" Dahlia asked her mother, who was lightly carressing Amelie's hair.
"I'd like some chicken and spaghetti, dear" Esther answered. "That's all ma?" Dahlia asked again, she wanted to treat her family today and make them happy.
"Yes dear" Esther answered softly while leaning her back on the chair.
"Okay ma, wait for me here, okay? I'll order now" Her mother and sister nodded and thanked her which made Dahlia smile affectionately at them.
After 15 minutes, their food was served. Dahlia ordered 2 pcs. of crispy fried chicken, 1 order of burger steak, 2 plates of sweet spaghetti, 1 large fries and 3 coke floats.
"Let's pray first" Esther said and they all prayed silently. After that, they ate their breakfast while happily talking to each other.
"What're we going to do after eating, ate?" Amelie asked while dipping the fries on tomato ketsup.
"Don't really know, but do you like to watch a movie?"
"What kind of movie?" Her mother asked after sipping her coke float.
"I was planning to watch Frozen II, ma" Dahlia answered unsure if their mother would agree.
"Frozen II? That's a nice movie" Her mama said which made Dahlia and Amelie smiled and continued eating their foods. Excited to go to a Theater and watch Frozen II.
They all had a great time, after watching Frozen II, they ate their lunch at Ayala Mall and took pictures. Amelie had a great time posing and smiling at the camera which her sister was holding. They took turns posing and scrolling Dahlia's phone to look at their pictures. They've also included their mother in their selfies and they all looked happy in their photos. All smiling and looking beautiful. Dahlia wished that this day won't end but alas, they need to go home and rest.
Well, there's still more Sundays for them to enjoy or so she thought.

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