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Chapter 3: Busy Day at Work

The mall was packed with customers today, it's Saturday and considered to be a family day. Dahlia could see a lot of families enjoying themselves as she passed by the arcade.
It's just 10:00 a.m. and they were really busy assisting the customers and scanning the items at the counter. Dahlia and her good friend and workmate, Kimberly were both assisting their respective custimers. With a friendly smile and tried to commend other available dresses.
"Do you have a yellow bodycon dress?" The woman dressed in a bright pink skirt and white sexy blouse spoke. Dahlia immediately went to her after assisting another customer who's now going to the dressing room.
"Yes ma'am. These are the available designs" Dahlia aswered while showing the woman their available dresses neatly hanged. The woman scanned the dresses one by one, then her eyes settled on a bright yellow bodycon dress with a belt.
"I'll try this one" Said the woman, "Okay ma'am, let me guide you to the dressing room" Dahlia said politely while getting the dress and motioning her hand for the woman to follow her.
After that's settled, another customer called her attention. It's a cute teenager accompanied by her mother. The teenager was wearing a maroon jumperskirt while her mother was wearing a lacey blouse and jeans.
"Miss, do you have formal dresses in our sizes?" The woman said, she looked like she's already in her 50's but still pretty and fabulous.
"Yes ma'am. Do you have specific designs in mind?" Dahlia answered while guiding them to their selection of formal dresses.
"I wanted something comfortable to wear but fancy" The woman answered then looked at her daughter. "How about you dear?"
"Ahm, I would like a floral dress with short sleeves" The teenager answered shyly, looking so adorable. She remembered her sister with the way the girl talked.
"Okay ma'am. I'll go look for some dresses that fits your liking. Please feel free to look arround while I get the dresses" Dahlia politely said and went to look for the dresses. Luckily, she saw a sophisticated looking dress, it was straight cut with v-shaped neckline. She personally, loves the color which is midnight blue. While she picked a floral short sleeved dress that she thinks would look lovely on the cute teenager.
"Oh my! That looks exquisite, I would like to try it on" The woman can't help but exclaimed when Dahlia handed her the dress. She smiled, then gave the other dress to the teenager who'd accepted it and thanked her afterwards.
"Come on, dear, let's try them on. I hope it fits me!" The woman grabbed her daughters wrists and they went to the dressing room. Sighing, Dahlia felt tired after assisting a lot of customers this morning.
"Dahlia?" Kimberly called her. She looked at her friend. "Yes?" She answered while wiping the sweat off her forehead.
"It's almost our break time. Why don't we sit down even just for a few minutes?" Kimberly said while looking at her wristwatch. "Our manager might get mad at us if she didn't see us in our disegnated areas" She disagreed that made Kimberly frown but nodded afterwards, realizing her point.
"Good point, let's wait till break time then, and that will be 30 minutes from now" Kimberly's voice weakened, that made Dahlia laughed a little. She knows her friend is tired already and wanted to rest but they still have work to do, so, work must come first and during break time they will eat till their hearts content.
"Finally!" Kimberly exclaimed, after 30 minutes of waiting.
"Let's take our break, Kim" Dahlia with a hint of amusement on her voice. Kimberly had been a good friend to her, they got hired at the same time and when introduced to each other, they clicked. She's like a ray of sunshine, bubbly and sweet.
Dahlia didn't have many friends because according to some of her workmates, they find her intimidating. Maybe it's because of her thick eyebrows and she's serious most of the time. Which is the exact opposite of Kimberly, who's lively and friendly. Opposites do attract.
"Look D, they have fish fillet and vegetable salad" Kimberly said in her usual loud voice, not minding their surrounding. Sometimes, she would pinch her friend's arm, to remind her to tone down her voice.
Dahlia stood up from her seat, then went to her friend who's busy looking at the foods. When she was behind her, she playfully pinched her arm then whispered, "Kim, how many times do I have to remind you to tone down your voice?"
"Oopps, sorry.. I didn't know that I was getting other customers' attention" Kim shyly said and looked at some of the people near them, who were looking at their direction. She figured that it's because of her and her big mouth.
"Doesn't matter, just remember to be wary of your surroundings next time, okay?" Dahlia doesn't want Kimberly to feel bad and tried to console her by patting her back gently. Then she looked at the counter, it's their turn to order.
"We'll have 2 servings of fish fillet and 1 bowl of vegetable salad, please" Dahlia said to the cashier, who immediately gave them their orders. "Thank you" She said as they walked back to their table after paying for their food.
"The salad looks yummy, Kim" She happily exclaimed, looking at the fresh lettuce and cucumber on the salad.
"Not only, does it look yummy but it also tasted wonderful. Let's eat!" After saying that, the two women ate their foods, they both brought their lunch boxes filled with rice. 'Cause why not? Rice is essential if your a Filipino.

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