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Chapter 2: Her Day

Waking up to the voice of Taylor Swift singing Love Story, Dahlia opened her eyes and sat on her bed. Stretching her arms and yawning from time to time. It's just 5:00 a.m. but she needs to take a bath now, she doesn't want to be caught up with the busy street.
Working as a saleslady for almost 3 years, Dahlia's already used to waking up early. She neatly arranged her comforter and pillow. And turned off her alarm, even though she likes listening to Taylor's songs. She's a fan alright, since she was 15. Getting her towel while yawning, Dahlia went inside her bathroom and turned on the lights. Still sleepy, she patted her cheeks and opened the faucet. She fliched with the coldness of the water, grabbing her toothbrush and toothpaste, she then brushed her teeth and rinsed her mouth with water. After brushing her teeth, it awakened her senses and just like that, she's ready to take a bath.
Grabbing her favorite body gel and shampoo. She positioned under the shower, and as soon as he turned the shower handle. She shivered with the cold water, wetting her entire body. Opening her shampoo, the sweet smell of fresh flowers tickled her nose. She always loved flowers that even the products she's using had either roses or lilies as one of the main ingredient. Applying some shampoo on her hair while humming softly.
After rinsing her hair, she then applied shower gel on her lofa sponge and massages her skin gently. The shower gel smelled like fresh citrus fruits and it made her calm her nerves. She's under the shower for a good 20 minutes, thoroughly cleaning herself. After her bath, she wrapped the towel securely on her body and stepped out of the bathroom.
She went to her closet and looked for her blower and undergarments. She chose to wear a pair of black undergarments while applying lotion on her skin. Then started to blow dry her hair, it is important for them to have their hair fixed in a bun. One of their protocols as a saleslady is to always wear their prescribed uniform and put on light make up.
She consumed 10 minutes in blow drying her hair, then she did her make up. With just a light blue eye shadow, foundation and pink lipstick. She's done with her make up, she doesn't want to look like a clown putting on too much make up so, she opted to put as minimal as ever. Some of her workmates uses red lipstick to make them look more feminine. But to her, pink lipstick will do. As long as it matches their uniform.
When she's contented with her face, she then opened her closet to get her uniform. She already wore her stockings after applying lotion on her legs. So, all she have to do is wear her black pencil skirt that hugged her curves perfectly, emphasizing her wide hips and round buttoks. Then wore her white long sleeves paired with light blue vest. Lastly, wore her 3 inches heels. And now, she's ready for work.
Amelie who's eating her cereal saw Dahlia dressed in her usual uniform. "Ate, good morning" She greeted her with a wide smile.
"Good morning to you too, little sis, where's mama?" Dahlia greeted back while looking sideways, wanting to see her mother first before going to work.
"She left early to go buy some groceries, ate" Amelie said after swallowing her cereal. Dahlia gave her some milk before taking her seat.
"You sure woke up early" She commented while looking at wristwatch. It's just 6:15 a.m. and her little sister's already eating her cereal. Amelie usually wakes up at around 7:00 a.m., so she wondered why.
"I just wanted to have breakfast with you, ate Dahlia. When I wake up at 7:00, you've already left for work so, I didn't get the chance to wish you good luck" Hearing Amelie's answer made Dahlia very happy. For her young age, Amelie grew up to be wise and very sweet towards her sister and mother. All her sacrifices are worth it, seeing how her sister studied hard and acting like a very good teenager.
"Amelie, you've made ate really proud of you. But it's okay if you slept longer, I don't want you to feel sleepy during your classes" Dahlia stared at her sister who's busy eating her cereal. Amelie nodded, that made her smile and continue eating her food. Their mother cooked fried rice, sunny side-up, and bacon. Always making sure to prepare their meal. Amelie doesn't really like to eat breakfast, so, their mother bought cereals and corn flakes.
After breakfast, she waited patiently on the sideway. A few moments later, a red jeepney was heading her way, luckily it stopped and there were a few vacant seats. Although she can afford to ride a taxi, she still chose to ride a jeepney. Because it's cheaper and more convenient for her. Saving money had always been her goal ever since she started working, and she always packed rice so, she won't have to buy in the mall's canteen. She seldom buy new clothes and accessories. Not like most of the women this days, to her saving up for the future is more important than buying unnecessary things.
She looked at her wrist watch and saw the time. It's 6:50 a.m. and they're already near Gaisano Grand Mall. Still early for her work, but it's better to be early than feel sorry for being late. She'll just listen to some of Taylor's songs to passed time. At exactly, 7:00 a.m. the driver parked the jeepney safely, indicating that they've arrived at the mall. After paying the fare, the passengers one by one stepped out of the jeepney.
She looked at Gaisano Grand Mall that had three floors and the building's made of glass. Working on this mall for almost 3 years, she can't help but reminisced on how she was accepted. There were about 50 applicants eyeing for the position of sales representatives/saleslady and she's lucky to be one of them. Thanks to her job, she was able to help pay for their household bills and pay for Amelie's tuition fees.

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