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In the Midst of a Pandemic

In the Midst of a Pandemic


Chapter 1: Evangelista Family

Dahlia just got home from work, she's tired from standing for almost 4 hours wearing 3 inches heels. Taking of her heels, she massages her aching feet as she sat down the couch. Working for almost 3 years as a saleslady at Gaisano Grand Mall, she should be used to standing for a few hours while assisting their customers but no, she's still not comfortable wearing heels.
"I really need to take a nice, warm bath right now" She spoke to herself while still massaging her feet.
"I'll prepare your bath, ate" A soft voice from behind her spoke startling her, she looked from behind the couch. And there she saw her adorable little sister, Amelie, she can't help but smile at her little sis. Amelie had a big brown eyes, cute button nose, thin pinkish lips and chubby cheeks. She's like a doll with thick, bouncy, brown and curly hair.
"Amelie, my little sis, thank you so much, I'll definitely appreciate it if you would prepare my bath" Dahlia stood up from her seat and went to face her sister, looking up at her.
"You're welcome, ate, I'll prepare your bath now" She patted Amelie's head before her sister went upstairs to her bedroom. Amelie's always so sweet and thoughtful. She's only 15, so young, but can already understand her hardships. Dahlia smiled proudly at the thought that her little sister would definitely grow into a fine young lady someday.
"Dahlia, you're home. Are you hungry?" The voice of her mother, Esther, made her come back to reality. Her beautiful mother worked hard to provide for their needs. Their father died from motorcycle accident when she was just 7 and Amelie was just an infant back then. The news broke her mother's heart and with the realization that she will be raising her daughter's alone.
"I'm kind of hungry ma, what did you cook for dinner?" She said after giving her mother a kiss on her cheek. A gesture she had grown accustomed with.
"We'll be having chicken tinola, my dear" Her mother answered. Chicken tinola is a Filipino soup dish. It involves cooking chicken pieces in ginger broth which is a popular cold weather dish.
"My favorite, I'll be better take my warm bath now mom, before changing into my pajamas" Dahlia can't hide her excitement upon hearing her favorite dish. She hurriedly went to her bedroom, seeing her daughter basically running up the stairs made Esther chuckle lightly.
"Same reaction whenever, I cook chicken tinola" She chuckled once more before setting the table.
As Dahlia opened the door, she saw Amelie stepped out of the bathroom. "You can take your warm bath now, ate, I also added some chamomile oil in your tub, so you could relax more" Amelie said which made her walked near her sister and hugged her.
"Thank you so much, little sis" As she hugged Amelie, she can't help but to tear up. Silently thanking God for giving her a kind and thoughtful sister.
"Don't mention it, ate" Amelie replied while hugging her back. For a few moments, she lets go of her little sis and caresses her bouncy hair.
"You could wait for me at the dinning table, mama's already waiting for us. Go now" Dahlia said sweetly to her little sister, who'd immediately obeyed her. Then she stepped inside the bathroom and took her clothes off.
She could see herself on the mirror.
Observing her naked body, she could say, that she had regular sized breast and slender waist. She also possessed white, smooth skin and shiny dark hair. Compared to her sister who's obviously pretty even if she's still young, she appreciated her looks when she was in college where she learned to do her make up and hair. Mostly of her workmates commented that's pretty and looks like snow white. She didn't believe it at first, remembering her old photos wherein she looked ugly.
Shaking her head discarding the memory of her old self. She went to the tub and laid her tired body. Dahlia moaned a little when the warm water helped relax her body. She doesn't have the time and money to spare to pamper herself at a spa nearby. She rather save her hard earned income in her savings account.
Dahlia rested for a good 10 minutes before deciding to get off the bath tub and put on a robe. She quickly, put on her pajamas and went downstairs.
As she was walking towards the dinning room, she heard her mother laughing at Amelie's joke. It made her smile, witnessing the happy faces of her beloved mother and sister. It might just be the three of them, but God is good, even when they've lost their father at such a young age at least their blessed with a loving mother.
"Dahlia, sit down now, while the soup's still still hot" Her mother's voice stopped her deep thoughts and she walked to sit on her chair. They have a simple house with 3 bedrooms, a small living room, dining room, and kitchen. Their house had was painted yellow to make it looked nice and warm. As much as possible, Esther wanted their house to feel lively and cozy even if it's just the three of them.
They ate happily while sharing how their day went. It became their girl bonding at dinner, just wholeheartedly listening to each other and eating their food. Dahlia's felt contentment as she listened to her mother talking and sister talking. She promised to make them both happy and provide for their family like what their father wanted if he was still alive.

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    ang gandanamwhfoeiwhh


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