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On my way out of the palace, King Lucien gave me a paper bag with shoes for Allerick, Blythe, and Mama's favorite high-end purse.
“Don’t tell Catina it came from me,” then patted my head. “Thank you for your help, Gemma, and I assure you I will find a way to cleanse Edward’s name.”
"Since you'll be assisting my dad and I'll be the prince's personal maid in exchange, I feel it's my responsibility to express gratitude, Your Majesty."
“Pardon me, Your Majesty, what do you mean by I would be the prince's personal maid?”
"What I said was true, Gemma, and the thought only occurred to me when I witnessed how you responded to him. Be my son, Prince Augustus' maid. Don't take this as an order," I was taken aback when His Majesty offered to shake my hand. "Gemma, not only does this monarch require your assistance, but you also require mine as well. Regarding Edward's legal matter, I will do everything in my power to assist you. As long as you accept my offer, I will replace anything they have taken from you."
I got a ride home from one of King Lucien's chauffeurs. I watched while Mama cleaned and organized the house by herself through the window. Just outside the door, I paused to catch my breath. "It's okay, Mama; I'll take care of it. I made her sit on a couch while still clutching the package she'd been carrying. "Have I not been clear that you should hold off until I get back to the house?"
“I couldn’t do anything, so I mended things instead of waiting for you to come home," Mama's eyes turned to the paper bag I was carrying. “Gemma, where did you get this?” she asks, peering into the paper bags.
“Uh, I bought it for Allerick, Blythe, and you.” I handed the bag to her. “Did you like it?” However, she did not appear to be pleased with the present.
"Gemma, be honest with me. Where did you get this? I don't understand how you can afford such a pricey bag," she questioned.
“I still have some cash. Mama, I bought a pair of shoes and a bag with my savings.” I tried to persuade her it was from my pocket.
"You're being dishonest." She then revealed the royal seal to me. The emblem! I didn't remember to remove the crown emblem. "Tell me about this logo. Was he the one who gave it to you? Have you run into him?
"I had the opportunity to speak with the king," I told her. "I was wondering why you kept quiet about King Lucien. He is a close friend of Papa's."
"Gemma, that happened a long time ago; ever since they crowned him, they haven't seen each other," Mama hesitated before continuing. "Please bring everything back, Gemma. It was a mistake to agree to this."
"But, Mama... Why?" I threw the presents away without meaning to, which resulted in them being scattered around the floor. "His Majesty handed it to us with the assurance that he would aid us in clearing Papa's name. He promised me that everything would get back to normal for us, so I took him up on his offer.
“Offer?" she repeated. "What offer, Gemma?”
Nothing came out of my mouth.
"Gemma!" she yells,
“To be his son Prince Augustus’ personal maid,”
There's too much chaos in the palace for you to take such a risk, so no, Gemma, you can't," A sudden fear gripped Mama. "Gemma, I am your mother, and I am the one who will figure out how to get your father and our old life back."
"Even if I don't want to, I know I must. While I'm gone, both Allerick and Blythe will continue their studies, and His Majesty has promised to assist you," I reached out and took hold of Mama's hand. "We lost everything, including my presidency in Amarillo, and it's still all about Papa, of course."
Her face’s expression changed. She felt pity for me all of a sudden. “Gemma,” she caressed my cheek. “I can’t believe they treated you like that. It also affects your presidency in Amarillo. Please forgive me, Gemma,” tears spilled over the sides of her eyes. “F-Forgive me, Gemma...”
“Mama, no.” I wiped her tears away with my hand. “It’s not your fault, being school president isn’t a big deal, anyway.” I faked a smile. “Everything will return to where it used to be. I’ll make sure of it. So, please allow me to work in the palace. We can’t take Papa out of jail, no matter how hard we try. The evidence against him is too strong, and no one else can help us but King Lucien.”
“No,” she shook her head. “I’m sorry, but I’m not going to let it happen. Even your father will not agree to your decision, Gemma. You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into.”
“I don’t understand why you refuse to accept His Majesty's help. This will be helpful to us.” I said, in an attempt to help her understand everything.
Mama rises. "I warned you, Gemma. You're staying put and you won't be working with him, end of discussion." her exclamation echoed as she went upstairs. Why, mama? Why are you refusing King Lucien’s help when you know he’s the only way to save Papa?
“I will accept your offer, Your Majesty if you'd do everything in your power to help my family with this problem.”
“Will you accept my offer if I say that I have a condition?" His Majesty queried. “You'll be living in the palace. I'll transfer you to the prince's school. Keep an eye on him. Tell me what he does, where he goes, and those people around him. And you may not visit or see your family even once.”
“Not even once?" I repeated.
“Yes," His Majesty said, nodding. "Forgive me, Gemma, but it's for you and your family's protection, so will you still accept my offer?”
Despite being separated from my mother, brother, and sister (Allerick, Blythe), I gladly accepted the king's offer. "I-I will accept, Your Majesty." I bent my head down.
The sound of the phone woke me up just as I was about to nod off. Unlocking my phone brought up Mishelley's name. MISHELLEY'S CALLING...
“Wait, what happened to you? There were no phone calls or texts. Do you realize how anxious Abel and I were about you, especially when Tara’s demonic gangs said you were hit by a car?” Mishelley said over the phone.
“Calm down, Mishe, I’m OK, you have nothing to be worried about.”
“Are you sure?
“Yeah, I'm positively sure.”
“I'm glad you're okay.”
“So, tell me, what happens after I flee?”
"Ms. Claudia caught us and informed Mr. Jang. He called us to his office, and then...”
“Then what?”
“Abel and I were suspended for a week. Tara and her gangs made it through, and then you... they kicked you out of Amarillo. Sorry, Gemma, Abel, and I tried everything we could to save you from being expelled.”
Nothing surprises me anymore. I already expected this to happen.
“It's OK, Mishe; I expected it.”
“But how about you? What will happen next?” 
“Don't worry, I'll be moving soon. It's a bit far, but it's good and much better in Amarillo. Their dorm room is also free, so I can stay there.” Mishelley's sudden sobs could be heard over the phone. “Don't worry, I heard there are a lot of hot boys at that school. If I meet someone who is your type, I could consider introducing you to him.”
“Are you serious?”
“Hmm-mm, Mishe, please keep out of trouble. I'm no longer Amarillo's school president. I can no longer help you with your fights, and no one will beg Mr. Jang not to suspend you.”
“Copy, ex-president. Don't worry, we'll figure out a way to get rid of Tara and replace her with Abel.”
“I will miss you, Mishe.”
“I'll miss you too, Gem. Abel and I will look after your mom, Blythe, and Allerick when you are away.”
“Thank you so much, Mishe. Please tell Abel that I am fine.”
"Okay, I'll tell Abel."

Book Comment (42)

  • avatar
    Jaimie Kim Cortez

    nice story,kelan po next chapter??


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    Nice story


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    Dens Salcedo

    nice 👍


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