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"Are you alright, kid?" I collapsed to the ground, not because I was hit, but because it terrified me. Tears flowed from my eyes as my imagination created memories and scenarios that caused the tears to flow even more.
"No, Gemma, you're perfect. You are one of Amarillo's best students, and you have done a lot for our school, but..."
"You have no idea how hard she worked to reclaim the position you took back. Every night, she thinks of changing your awful system! She supported you and even her father, whom you accused of a crime. They both contributed, but instead of helping Gemma, you eliminated her! You can't even feel sorry for her! Are you concerned that this corrupt university may fail? "
"Your father is a thief! Swindler!Thief!"
"No, no, papa, don't go!" I burst out crying. "NO, I DON'T GO, I DON'T WANT YOU TO GO!
"He is not a thief, and he did nothing wrong."
"I love you, stone..."
"Papa, I love you."
Was there something I've done to deserve all of this? We lost everything, papa, including the life we had then, as well as my ambition of being school president, which I had fought so hard for. Our lives were altered as a result of their false allegations. I wish they would go through what we're going through.
I came to my senses when someone patted me on the back. "Are you hurt, kid?"
"Y-yes, sir." I took a whiff.
"Here," the voice above me says, offering his hand to me. "Let me help you." I reached out my hand, and he pulled me to my feet.
I shook my skirt to remove the dust, then lifted my head, feeling myself cringe as I realized who was in front of me. "Your Majesty, King Lucien?" I can't believe it, rubbing my eyes to make sure I'm not hallucinating. I-Is this for real? Is King Lucien standing right in front of me? If none of this is a dream, I'm dead! Why him, why the King, of all people? What will happen to me now? I'm so unfortunate; I'm so unlucky!
But I recall him reaching out his precious hand to me. A man standing next to the king cleared his throat. He indicated that I should bow before the King, which I did not do.
"Please forgive me for being disrespectful, your Majesty." I apologized, lowering my head.
"It's fine, kid; you may now lift your head," His Majesty says,
Why is this happening now? I can't even look the king in the eyes. How can I look if my eyes are puffy, my hair is unkempt, and my outfit is filthy?
"Mr. Osiris, send her to the nearest hospital as soon as possible." The King issued a command to the man who looks like his right man.
"Yes, your Majesty," he replied, and then the King's royal guards came out on another vehicle.
"No," I shook my head and took a few steps back. "I'm OK. I was not injured. So please do not take me to the hospital. It's also my fault that I almost crashed. My apologies for disrupting your trip as well." I bowed to him several times.
"But you don't seem okay."
"Your Majesty, I am fine." I attempted to grin to reassure King Lucien that I was OK.
His Majesty walked over to me and gazed at me. "You seem familiar? Are you-- Edward's daughter?" The king wondered out loud.
And I was startled at first, but then I realized they all knew what happened to Papa, so the king was aware of it as well. I mean, papa's name and face are in the news, so who wouldn't recognize him?
"Yes, your Majesty, he is, the one in the news yesterday, the one they call a fraudster," I cast a downward gaze. "But he is neither a thief nor a criminal, my father-- he is innocent, but no one believes him."
but then he added, "I do, I know he's innocent,"
I caught a glimpse of his expression. "King Lucien?" I grinned as though I wanted to embrace the king as he said it. I can't believe someone believes my father is innocent, not just an ordinary man, but His Majesty, King Lucien.
"Edward would never do anything like that. He can't even hold something that isn't his, nor even take it," he stated firmly. "Edward is the kindest person I've ever met, thus I find the accusation hard to accept. It hurts to see him struggle. I'm hoping to figure out a way to prove that he is not the thief and get him out of jail."
"But why King Lucien?" I began to doubt his generosity. "Why are you telling me this? Do you know who my father is?"
"Let's just say your father is a close friend of mine," King Lucien's smile was all over his face.
Before, I'd simply hoped to embrace him, but now I did it. They were afraid I was going to do something awful, so the royal guards moved. So I released my arms from around the king. "Please forgive me once again, your Majesty. I'm just pleased with what I discovered. I couldn't keep myself from hugging you."
The King patted my head. "You remind me of him. Both are amusing; however, you don't resemble Edward," he chortled, which made me happier. "You got Catina's face more," 
"Do you also-- know my mother?" I was flabbergasted. This day wasn't that awful after all, I thought to myself.
"Come with me to the palace, and I'll tell you everything," 
"P-- palace?" I repeated.
King Lucien nodded.
Without a second thought, I said yes. "Y- yes, King Lucien, I'll go with you," almost jumping in excitement.
King Lucien resumed his story about his friendship with my father, as well as his closeness with Mama. I could see the excitement in His Majesty as he shared their story. However, I'm curious about how come my parents never mention King Lucien and why they're no longer friends. I wanted to ask the His Majesty, but I was afraid I might have gone too far. He'd believe I was so comfortable that I had forgotten he was King Lucien.
"Edward." King Lucien stated again with a chuckle. "Every time Catina came into the music room, he'd drag me along just to hear your mother play the violin."
Now that King Lucien mentions Mama, I'm saddened since Mama quit playing for a long period, which was the worst moment of my childhood. "B- but Mama stopped playing the violin," I barely whisper.
His Majesty stared at me with astonishment.
"One day, she concealed her violin in a place where no one, not even Papa could find it. We tried to push her to play, but she constantly said her hand couldn't take it anymore. We all know that isn't the case..." I turned my gaze to His Majesty, the way his face changed I can see he was unhappy with what he heard. "Forgive me. The story turned into drama so quickly."
King Lucien grinned. "Stop apologizing. Don't worry. You will not be punished for your acts or words."
"I apologize--"
"I just said stop apologizing." King Lucien messed up my hair.
"We are here, your Majesty." Mr. Osiris, His Majesty's right hand, says
I took a look out the window. I uttered the word WOW and from a distance, my eyes immediately caught the gate. The silver hue matches with the gold that surrounds the entrance. In the middle is the palace's symbol, which is also composed of gold. Once they open the gate, you will find enormous and lined trees that appear to bow before the monarch as well. They also have someone who can open the door for them. I was the first to get out of the car because I was just on the side of the door, followed by His Majesty, King Lucien. All of King Lucien's servants, like the trees, had gathered to meet his arrival.
One of the King's royal guards approached, lowering his head. "Your Majesty, Mr. Josef arrived and forced his way inside the palace. He is already inside, waiting for your arrival."
"OK. I'll take care of Mr. Josef." His Majesty held my shoulder, introducing me to one of his servants. "She is my guest. Take her to the clinic, check any wounds, and tell Chef Och to prepare meals for her. " 
"Yes, Your Majesty."
"Gemma, I just need to talk to someone," His Majesty says. "Follow him. Once the nurse examines you, have lunch, and if I still don't come out, you may walk around the palace. I give you my permission."
"Thank you, your majesty." I lowered my head.
As the king entered the palace, the servants curtsied. Mr. Osiris and I are standing behind him. I gazed up at the ceiling as I entered the palace. Whoa! The pictures of angels enthralled me as if you were in heaven. Everything about the palace is stunning.
"This way, please," the royal guard says, beckoning to the right side.
The royal guard brought me to the clinic, where the nurse checked to see whether I had any wounds on my body, although I stated nothing. They then prepared a large amount of food. The food was tasty, but it was too much, so I didn't finish it. I sat on the couch after the nurse checked me and fed me. Even the couch I'm sitting on isn't like any other couch. I bet the person who created this is eminent.
I was weary of waiting for the King and decided to take a walk around the palace since the king had permitted me. I pondered peeking through the huge door near where I was sitting, and checked to see whether there was a notice forbidding me to enter. There was no sign. I had trouble opening the door, so I gathered enough strength to force it open.
"W- what-- is this?" I was astounded by everything my eyes saw.
The breadth and size of this palace, as well as the chandelier, are mind-boggling. This is the first time I've seen such a large chandelier, so this is the hall. Now I believe I am really in the palace; it is not a delusion or a dream, and I am the first Amarillo student to enter here. I knew Papa was amazing, but being King's closest friend made him much cooler.
Just at the side of the hall, I noticed another pass. Of course, I was intrigued, so I went to see whether there was a stair. However, this isn't just any average stair; it shimmered because it was made of crystal. "I can't believe what I'm witnessing right now. I feel as though Inside the Fairytale movie." I said to myself.
As I made my way upstairs, I noticed their antiques and costly goods collections, as if bidding was happening today. It astounded me to see the badges in this glass container, and each badge was in its box. Not sure what's on my mind. I abruptly opened the container and took a badge in my hand, but to be sure, I only wanted to look at it, not take it; I wanted to look at the badge up close.
But then a guy appeared, and I inadvertently dropped the badge that was on my hand. "What the-- who are you?" he queried,
The surprise was mutual.

Book Comment (42)

  • avatar
    Jaimie Kim Cortez

    nice story,kelan po next chapter??


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    Nice story


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    Dens Salcedo

    nice 👍


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