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We had no trouble finding a place to stay. Mishelley's parents temporarily allowed us to use their second home, which is also close to the compound. Alvez's family, as well as our friend Abel, greeted us.
"Surprise?" Abel smiled while raising both his hands.
I respond by smiling at Abel.
"You don't have to do anything, Mr. and Mrs. Alvez; simply allowing us to live here is enough. You let us stay without hesitation. I'm not sure how we can repay your generosity." Mama said.
"No, Catina, we gladly helped, so don't think about how to repay us. Think about Allerick, Blythe, Gemma, and yourself. In your current situation, Catina, this isn't the worst thing that could happen to you; you'll go through a lot, and others will criticize you much more." Aunt Haydee, Mishelley's mom, reminded Mama.
"I know Mrs. Alvez." Mama gave a kind grin.
Mama's smile, a smile that encourages me. We'll go through more, and one day we'll encounter a more serious problem.
"Shall we go inside?" Mr. Mike motioned for the door.
Mama and Mishelley's parents continue to chat in the kitchen as Aunt Haydee prepares lunch. Abel and Mishe helped me carry our belongings out of the car.
As Abel lay down on the hood of the car, he took a deep breath. "So, what happens now? What are your plans now that everyone knows what happened to your father?" Abel queried. "It will have a great impact on your family, particularly you as the current president of Amarillo University."
"And I'm sure Tara will use this to pull you down and declare herself president," Mishelley added.
"That is undeniably true. We all know Tara is my strongest opponent in Amarillo; she wants to be president, but that will not happen." I said firmly. "I, too, do not want to lose my position."
Both Mishelley and Abel applaud. "Does it mean we're going to school now?" Abel expressed his dissatisfaction. Mishelley and I both hit him up, causing him to rise from his slumber. "Ow!"
"I bet you didn't come here for me, right? Is this your excuse to your mother? Help us here so you would have to miss school. " I sneered with a furrowed eyebrow.
"Of course not. I drove Allerick and Blythe to school and helped you with unloading your stuff from the car."
"Well, bad news for you because we're going to school, so go home, take a bath, and get ready because you're going to take Gemma to school," Mishelley said.
"OK, all right." Abel let out a sigh. Before he went, he dragged us inside. "You should be dressed by the time I arrive."
"Copy," I responded by giving him the OK sign.
Mishelley and her parents also left after we finished eating. I've already prepared, so we'll depart as soon as Abel arrives.
"Gemma, come down. Abel is here!" Mama yelled from downstairs.
I was so eager to go that I had almost forgotten my backpack. As I approached, I realized Abel was not dressed in a uniform.
"Abel, what are you wearing? You should be wearing a uniform— uh, never mind." Before I left, I kissed Mama on the cheek. "Mama, take a nap. Okay, I'll take care of that when I get home."
"Goodbye, Aunt!" Abel jokes, then I drew him out.
"You! How many times do I have to remind you not to address me as aunt?"
"OK, AUNT!" Abel continues to tease Mama.
The student's gaze changed the moment Abel and I stepped out of the vehicle. They stare at me as if I were a criminal, not a school president. I can't blame them. The world is aware of the issue; it would not be surprising if we were trending on social media. It is unlikely that they were unaware of what happened last night.
"You're famous now, huh? Well, even before the incident, you were. I think you need to disguise yourself as soon as possible. Don't worry; I'll be your bodyguard and will look after you." Abel joked. I was ready to kick him when he abruptly walked away. "But seriously, let them. They'll get bored soon. And you're still the president of the school."
"Of course I am." I bragged.
When we noticed a group of students in the distance, Abel and I both came to a halt.
"I'M SURE YOU'VE ALL HEARD THE NEWS ABOUT MENDOZA'S FATHER. HER FATHER IS A FRAUD. HE STEALS MONEY AND THEIR FAKE COMPANY!" she sneered. "She no longer possesses everything she once took pride in. They went bankrupt because of bank debts. Even the bank foreclosed their home. So, for those who want to donate, I'm carrying a box in my hand in which you may put anything that would benefit Gemma. Let us not forget Gemma, for she aided Amarillo in some way."
"THAT BITCH!" Abel dashed towards the group of students. I chased him, afraid he'd do something terrible.
Abel shoved the students who were in his way. When he got to the center, he grabbed Tara's megaphone. "Aside from slandering Gemma, do you have any other plans?" Abel became enraged. In anger, he hurled the megaphone.
"Baby, take it easy, okay? I'm not here to defame or harass her. Don't you see how I'm supporting her in making money?"
"She didn't ask for it, Tara. What you're doing isn't helping her; in fact, you're making it worse."
"No, baby, it helps her so she can afford some dried fish to eat." Tara caressed Abel's cheek. "To be honest, I was saddened by the news of Gemma's father as well. It's not just about her. I'm here to share my good news with everyone."
"Stop this, Tara!" Abel clenched his fist in anger.
She had a nasty smirk on her face. "I would just let Mr. Jang deliver the good news, but since you're here, I'll do it."
I was stunned for a moment. What do you mean? I-I've been eliminated? No! No! No! Anger was raging within me, ready to erupt at any moment. I clenched my fist. I couldn't hold my rage any longer.
"TARA!" I struck her across the face with my hand. She collapsed to the floor, and blood poured down his nose.
Everyone was astonished by what I did, even myself, because I had no idea I'd hit Tara, and it felt amazing.
"MY NOSE!" Tara screamed in agony.
"Opportunist! You take advantage of this situation to pull me down! Do you honestly believe I'll lose against you? I'll remind you again that even though I've lost everything, you're still nothing compared to me."
"ARGH!" Tara yelled.
"Mendoza!" an angry voice yelled from behind me. When I turned around, there was Mr. Jang. "I need you at my office right now!"
Abel took my hand in his. "Mr. Jang, I'm also guilty,"
"Abel!" I glared at him disapprovingly.
"Both of you in my office." Mr. Jang repeated.
We followed Mr. Jang and spotted Mishelley on our way to the office. Her expression showed how she was astonished. When we arrived at the office, Mr. Jang forced us to sit. He handed Abel a sheet of paper.
"What is this?" Abel said, raising the piece of paper.
"You've broken one of my rules by using violence. Do you realize that because of what you did, I have the authority to expel both of you?" Mr. Jang pointed toward me and added, "You're both excellent students, especially you, Gemma. I didn't expect this from you; I certainly wasn't expecting you to be so cruel. We understand you're going through a difficult situation. You're stressed because of what happened to your family, but assaulting Tara is wrong. It's not you, Gemma."
I snorted. "Pardon me if I'm being rude, but remove me as school president. Do you think it's valid? You get rid of me and replace Tara as president. Why am I so bad? Haven't I done enough?"
"No, Gemma, you're perfect. You're one of Amarillo's best students, and you have done a lot for our school, but..."
"But, Mr. Jang! Let's get right to the point. You get rid of her because of her father's issue. Nonsense!" Abel slammed his fist against the desk. Mr. Jang stands up, stunned. "You have no idea how hard she worked to reclaim the position you took back. Every night, she thinks of changing your rotten system! Gemma supported you and even her father, whom you accused of a crime. They both contributed, but instead of helping Gemma, you eliminated her! You can't even feel sorry for her! Are you concerned that this rotten university may fail? "
"Shut up, Mr. Ellis!" he shouted. "Do you want me to expel you?"
"It's better to get expelled than to stay in this filthy school!!" Abel became enraged.
Mr. Jang clenched his fist.
I gently grasped Abel's hand to make him stop. "Leave before I do anything unpleasant to you." Mr. Jang stated, attempting to prevent himself from doing wrong.
"Let's just go, Abel." I dragged him out of the office, but before I left him behind. "I know Tara is flirting with you, Mr. Jang, so if guys don't want anybody else to know, quit it. Maybe you'll get evicted like I did," I said before finally leaving the office.
Mishelley stood outside the office, waiting. She asked Abel and me right away. Abel responded to her questions because I wasn't in the mood. Mishelley intends to return to Mr. Jang's office after she has figured everything out.
"THAT UGLY OLDMAN MONKEY! If I'd been there, I'd have kicked his a$$ and Tara…" Mishe's nose looked to be smoking with rage. "I won't just punch her in the nose."
Tara's gang appeared, but Tara was not among them. We finally discovered she was behind. She had a plan to do something. Tara grabbed my hair and yanked me back. Abel and Mishelley could not halt Tara's plan because Tara's gangs intervened.
"Shit!" Mishelley yelled.
Tara kept tugging at my hair. At the end of the hallway, she let go of my hair and began hitting me. "Take a look at what you've done to my nose. Now I'll do to you what you did to me!"
She couldn't slap me because I covered my face with my hand. "Just have plastic surgery again; after all, it's simple for you to earn money because you have Mr. Jang as your sugar daddy," I said teasing grin.
Tara hit me even more. I couldn't avoid it anymore. My face has already been slapped, but I will not stop tormenting her even if she smacks me a couple more times.
"Wench!" Mishelley got lost in Tara's group. She grasped Tara's uniform and pulled away, exactly like she had done to me.
"GEMMA, RUN!" Abel yelled.
I fled fast, Tara's group trailing behind me, unconcerned about the students I ran into as long as I could get away from these lunatics. I made it out of the school unseen, but those maniacs were still after me, so I never stopped running. Crossing the street entered my mind, and I crossed without hesitation, but I made the wrong decision; I didn't check to see whether there was a car approaching. I realized it when I was in the midst. My legs abruptly came to a halt, as if they, too, were terrified. I can only stand there and watch the vehicle approach.
Will this be the end of my life? I've done nothing for my papa. I'm still looking for my elder brother... but if it’s time. I HOPE SOMEONE CAN HELP PAPA.
I gently closed my eyes, hearing only the screeching of the oncoming vehicle.

Book Comment (42)

  • avatar
    Jaimie Kim Cortez

    nice story,kelan po next chapter??


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    Nice story


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    Dens Salcedo

    nice 👍


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