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Chapter 5

Byul was immediately thrown into a cell.
The two official nonchalantly tossed him inside the cell. Beside him was a line of cages with two or more persons inside. Byul tearfully rubbed his back that got scrape raw from the harsh haul he had experienced.
Can't you guys be gentle at least?! What would you do if I got a scar? I value my precious body yoy know!
He then glance at the other compartments with him and saw some group of people inside one of the cells and sighed in remorse.
So. I'm all alone huh?
Byul then stood up and clutched the cage bars to look at the surrounding area. There were few tents ahead and a lot of cage in front of him. Not only does the soldier's headquarters seems rigid, even humans are caged like beasts.
The people inside look like beggars given the dirty smudge on their faces and the ragged clothes they were wearing. He also saw some children inside of the cages and some elderly.
Looks like the prisoners were like this in the ancient times. No matter what age or gender can't be spared in the least.
Even those who can't protest were caged like animals just so the dominion could use them as they please. What a typical 'conqueror' gameplay.
He played this sort of games at times but since he felt this was something that he couldn't handle, he quitted. However, the knowledge and experience of playing such games led him to know some of the important points.
One, the big nations always have some sort of feud. Of course, they'd fight for power and influence.
Two, the main characters would always be the heirs of the imperial family or influential families.
Byul rolled his eyes. Protagonist just had to be overbearing and sometimes pitiful. He actually played some of the 'Face-slapping' tropes with him being a homeless guy and suddenly turn into a Peerless General...
And lastly, everything is hella bloody. Like come on, which war don't shed blood? Even silent wars need a few kills to 'silence' spies.
Byul nodded at himself. This are the key points however, the implications of this kind of games is that those who are only cannon fodders and side characters always unalive first.
And he must be one of those. Based on his f***ing bad luck.
This world is the typical ancient times however, he still haven't grasped the main problem. If it was based on war against nations, he might see the others in a different nations and they'd have to fight ah...
He sincerely hopes that Yenn and Jiwoon would be on his side at least. He can't handle nine ah. Though they would only be able to declare peace against each other, he still have to see the other side of it.
Byul tighten his grip on the railings and finally realized something more important.
Hey why am I not worried about my escape? If I recall correctly, people who are imprisoned like this are going to be sent to...
Few people steps interrupted his thoughts. When Byul gaped towards the direction of the strides. He saw some guards marching towards the cage and behind them was a conspicuous crown poking in someone's head.
Byul chuckled as he raised his brows.
'The protagonist of the story always got to show up first right?'
Byul of course, know what to do. It's time to act
Byul banged the cage and lurched his body towards it as if breaking himself out.
The guards immediately caught sight of his hysteria and angrily approach his cell to apprehend him. Byul watched the guards go towards him, his eyes focused on the figure in a distance.
There was a black, long-haired guy standing on the corner and looking at his direction. His eyes were cold and scary however, his aura was like of a gentleman looking mischievously at a lady. Hey, in case you wanna know I'm cute so my baby face looks a lot like a girl. Muahahha!
Inner self: That's not the point!
Byul gritted his teeth at the so-called protagonist as he made sure that two of them have an eye contact. If the prince could have a sliver of interest in his narcissistic self then good. He could stay well for some time.
He's using a typical romance trope here yeah. He was hoping to catch the attention of the protagonist since the story progress in that way, no?
However, he only got a slap in the face. The so-called protagonist actually turned away. Damn odds! You're f***ing unfair huh! Why don't I have a slightest chance?!
The guard quickly dragged him out of the cage. Byul instantly struggled and was aiming to ran towards the protagonist to give him a harsh slap. However, the two guards firmly pressed him down on the ground and the officials shortly surrounded him.
"Damn guards don't dip my face on the ground! You're dirtying my pretty face!" Byul scowled and lift his head.
After a lot of pitiful struggles, Byul was then dragged by the two guards with his head hunched in front.
'Maybe for some questioning' Byul thought as he finally initiate a plan in his mind. He desperately need those info!
The guards dragged him to somewhere and finally stopped on their tracks. Byul thought that this must be a field where the prisoners got a taste of bad medicine to show others to be obedient.
How could I forget? This situation is where the people got sent to the killing grounds!
However, when he look up, his eyes quickly lit up. A pair of purple eyes were watching him intently as he struggled. Oh Hi there, Protagonist. I knew it, you can't resist my charm!
Inner self: Ugh!
"Your highness."
The two guards greeted the person with their hands cupped in front of their chest as they bowed.
Byul shook his shoulders away and glared at the person in front. Woah, I didn't get a close look last time but you're quite handsome ain't ya?
The person in his front stood still with a grim expression on his face. Those soulless purple eyes as a result of numerous slaughters, the cold and imposing aura as expected of a prominent general. The elegant look despite the expressionless face.
See, this one is a typical protagonist.
Byul had seen all this type of personalities. As expected, he nodded his head in satisfaction. They never betray people expectations. He'd rate it 9 out of 10!
The prince coldly look at him as if he was some sort of filth. Byul instantly frown and deeply wanted to strangle him right now if only his hands were not tied up. He would already jump on him. Acting cold huh. You're bad at greeting guests!
The General coldly spoke to the guards as he scrutinized him from head to toe. Byul was only wearing slippers and a casual pants with a simple printed shirt. In these people eyes he must've look strange.
"Your Highness, this person just fell from the sky. We have no idea where the rascal came from." One of the guards politely said.
"Oh?" The General raised his brow.
'What are you staring at?! I'm not some sort of commodities you know!' Byul wanted to laugh at this moment as he experienced the typical situation of transmigrating into the ancient world.
"Of course. I'm strange." Byul instantly said as he look at the General.
Dude you gotta be kidding me. You're few centuries away to my time. How could I not be strange. Byul mocked him a thousand times in his head.
On the other hand,
The General calmly stroked his chin as he surveyed him whole. His eyes were looking at him as if he was a product.
The boy was pretty exquisite and pleasing to the eyes. Black hair, black eyes, a soft and milky skin. Truly strange, is he a well-kept young lord from the North?
Only the Northen border had this pale skin however, he has the pair of eyes in the south unlike the blue eyes from the north. He must be a well-kept son of an influential family.
'A good wager.'
The General then smiled. He had never seen such a fine one before. If he send him as a present to the lord. He would be in joy however, giving it away is such a waste. The General shook his head in disappointment.
"Throw him back in. Tomorrow we'll leave to see His Majesty. He might be pleased with such an exquisite gift."
The guards bowed and finally dragged Byul away. The train of thoughts stopped and Byul look over the General one more time before turning away. What are they talking about?
G-gift? Oh. That typical thing! Byul smiled was then abruptly frown at the discovery he just had.
'Wait. Am I the gift?'
Inner self : Who else would it be. The General was only looking at you when he said that.
'Oh f**k...!'

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    Jhecel Reyes



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    Sepp Jenny Bernadas Bayot

    👏👏👏👏👏nice one!


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