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Capítulo 3 Two

As they looked at me, one of them whispered, His friend immediately scolded him. Based on what Isee, I think the three of them are friends. One of them was just quiet.
Excuse me, gentlemen. Since this is the first day, I will forgive you for being late, but now, introduce yourself in class. " Our professor said My attention is only on the three men in front of me.
"Hi, guys! I'm Stenard Levine Buenaflor. I hope we can all be friends. " He said this enthusiastically to the class.
"Hi. I'm Jeriel Rohan Dizon. I despise being annoyed. That's all. "he said coldly. A person with a cold demeanor is dangerous. A cold person is the most observant.
"Hi! I'm Jenthrix Izumi Tyson. That's all. " That's all he said.
So, his name is Jenthrix. Not common, he still stares at me. I just sit here and look at them.
“Okay, thank you, gentlemen. You may take your seat, "our professor told them.
Is it just the first day that they are late right away? They are rich, and they can do whatever they want. So the one who looks like a British boy is Stenard Levine Buenaflor. He looks cute, but you can see from his face that he is a playboy. The next one is Jeriel Rohan Dizon. He looks like a Korean. Okay, he’s cute too, but a quiet one. And the last one is Jenthrix Izumi Tyson. He looks like a Japanese person like me.
I turned to my right side because someone suddenly sat down. I saw Jenthrix next to me and Jeriel next to him. Stenard sat on the only vacant seat in the other group of chairs.
Sorry for them. I go first, and you can sit anywhere you want. Suddenly, my eyes and Jenthrix's eyes met. I can see his dark brown eyes. But I immediately averted my gaze. If I were going to describe him, I would just say one word: perfect. But I still do not know his behavior. He is perfect in his physical attributes, but I do not know if his attitude is also perfect.
"Hi, Miss?" I was surprised when Stenard suddenly spoke behind me.
Wait? When else has he been behind me? When I look at the front, our professor is not there. I didn’t notice that she had already left the room. I looked at Stenard again, who was still smiling.
"Hi, I’m Natsumi." I said, while smiling at him.
"Wow, what a beautiful name. It would have been better if you had said your full name, "he said, still flattering." It is natural for men to flatter women.
"Haha. Okay, Natsumi Miyuki Ree Harakazumi is my full name. " I told him.
"Wow, what a beautiful name. It would have been better if you had said your full name, "he said, still flattering." It is natural for men to flatter women.
"Haha. Okay, Natsumi Miyuki Ree Harakazumi is my full name. " I told him.
"Wow! I knew it. You have a beautiful name. Haha. By the way, I’m Stenard Levine Buenaflor. It's nice to meet you." "He said as he reached out his hand." "
"Nice to meet you too." I held out my hand for him to shake hands.
"So, Miree."
Where did that name come from?
Miree, what's up? Who’s Miree? " I asked Stenard.
"You? From now on, I will call you Miree. short for Miyuki Ree. Your name is too long. Is that okay with you? " So that’s me. I thought it was the person next to me.
"Yup." Someone give me a nickname. No one dares call me by another name, except for this man.
"Stenard." Someone called "Stenard." He turned around.
"Why are you talking to her?"
Why, Jenthrix? What’s wrong if I talk to her? "
"Because she sat in your rightful place," Jenthrix said.
Oh, is that so? I thought it was something. Since I sat in Stenard’s "supposed" position, he said that he shouldn’t talk to me anymore. My Ghad! He’s acting like a child.
For real?! Is that what Jenthrix thinks?
Excuse me? Does this chair belong to you? " I have already entered into their conversation.
"Yes, so you have no right to sit there." Jenthrix said.
All I know is that it belongs to the school. So, I can sit wherever I want. Do you have a name for the seats here, so you can say that I have no right to it? " I said sarcastically.
None of my own told him. I find him interesting.
"What did you say?"
"Nothing, I said you were handsome but deaf."I said.
"Are you teasing me?" Jenthrix’s face was already red.
"No, maybe disturbing." I said sarcastically.
"Get ready tomorrow," he says.
"Why? Is there a party tomorrow? Are you inviting me? "
"Stupid! You will be dead meat tomorrow. " Stenard's voice is a bit louder, but he can control it, so only the four of us can hear it. He just stood there, just looking at us, holding back a laugh.
"Okay." I just said that, but obviously, Jenthrix was even more annoyed.
Well, our next professor arrived. After two subjects, I left my room because it was lunch time. All freshmen have three hours vacant. It was just the first day of school. Since I had nothing to do at school, I just went home.
As soon as I got out of the car, my butler and other maids met me.
"Welcome back, Your Highness." They all bowed at the same time. I was embarrassed when they called me "Your Highness," but I could do nothing.
"Thank you. Call Alexis right away. Tell her that I’m here at home and we’re leaving. Please also bring Natsu here. " "I said coldly."
"Yes, Your Highness." Then we went inside. Every time the school starts, I stop here in our house. When I don’t have school, I go to the condo and stop there. I went straight to my room.
I miss my room. I turned on the light and thought, "hmm, clean, they don’t really neglect cleaning my room." I put my stuff on the black leather couch first. I immediately went straight to the bathroom to take a shower.
I spent a long time bathing and thinking. I still have a lot of work to finish.
After taking a bath, I went straight to two huge cabinets/closets.
The first closet contains jackets, leggings, shorts (the 3 inches above the knee shorts), short-sleeved shirts, and pants. Five of my leather jackets are from different countries. Those jackets are just right for me, and they are all black. My shirts are more black and white, as well as t-shirts and short-sleeved. Other colours are rare.
The second one contains, err, dresses, doll shoes, boots (all black) and different coloured high heels. I only wear it once when there are events. Even today, I wear almost exclusively leather jackets, shirts, and shorts. I finished getting ready and Alexis arrived just in time.
You’re home already? If I’m not mistaken, your classes supposedly end at four pm. Alexis said to me as I went downstairs to the living room.
"Three hours vacant and I have nothing to do at school." I answered with a cold tone, and she nodded.
"Something happened, right?" she seemed to notice my mood.
I’ll tell you tomorrow. I’m not in the mood to talk about it. Shall we go? "
"After you, Your Highness." She said this while restraining her laughter.
I just rolled my eyes at her.
After the National Book Store, we went to the boutique. I bought a dress for Alexis, and then I bought mine too, because I have something to do with it. Next to the shoe store, and we went to many more. We also ate at one of the restaurants there.
It was night when we left the mall. We spent a lot of time at the mall. We have already watched two movies. When we got home, I sent everything we bought to the maid. I went straight to my room. I took a shower and got dressed. It was too tiring and I fell asleep.

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