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The Missing Secret Princess

The Missing Secret Princess


Capítulo 1 Prologue

I silently watch the people talking in this room. It looks like they have not yet felt my presence because they are just continuing to discuss business.
"Should I go inside, Miss?" my companion asked.
"No, let them talk. I want to hear their fucking side comments about me. "
She just nodded, and like me, she just listened to what the people in the room were saying. new people in the field of business, or should I say new citizens in my world?
The people inside continued arguing. Some were silent, while others could not stand the discussion, so they joined as well. When has my world been so chaotic?
"Ladies and gentlemen, please calm down."
"Calm down! Our wine sales and even the sales on the farm are falling. What is your boss doing? "Enjoying life?"
"The export of our company is too slow. I thought we could export our products quickly to other countries."
You're just the secretary of her assistant. Why are you here? What we need is the owner of this company, not someone like you! "
She is out of town now for a business meeting. She will be back soon, and Miss Michelle is with her too. "
People and their perspectives. These people's minds have been eaten by their obsession with money. The businesses that entered my company were too scared to lose revenue.
I have heard many things that are not good about me. I don't want to prove to them that I'm a loser. I'm not born to be called a loser; I'm born to be a leader.
I waited a few more minutes. I still wanted to hear what they had to say. I enjoy what I hear. I can't believe businessmen are like this. They are afraid of losing money. Their brains are just spinning on money.
"Go inside. I'll just call someone." My companion immediately nodded, and she quickly went inside to face the people who were in a commotion just for fear of losing the business.
I just laugh every time I hear their arguments. As for me, I want to live a simple life without thinking about a problem like this.
Maybe they called me cold-hearted, straight-forward and unpredictable because of what they saw in me. But they don't know what I want in my life.
After I made a call to one of the people I ordered to take the updated sales of another business, I went back to my place earlier where I heard everything the traders inside were saying.
“You're already here, Michelle. Where is your boss who likes to go abroad?! If we do not see you, we see your secretary. Where is your lazy boss? "
Someone call me lazy, eh?
"Mr. Benedicto, you are new to this group. You have no right to tell its leader things that are not true about her. "
"Why Mr. Dizon? Have you met and talked to the leader of this group? Why can’t you answer? Nothing, right? It would be better for you to replace the leader of this group! "
I exaggeratedly opened the door and finally entered the conference room. People quickly stood inside while the others sat down and were shocked at what I did. I sat down in the swivel chair, sitting in the middle of the long table where my meeting mates were sitting.
Some of them already know me because of the mask that covers my identity. Others wonder why a masked woman enters and sits in front of them.
Michelle and Juvia immediately reported the sales and stock reports of the businesses held by the company. I’m not facing the people here in the room.
"Who said I was just enjoying life?" Juvia and Michelle stopped conversing when I spoke.
"And who said to talk rudely about Juvia?" I immediately turned my chair forward to see the faces of the people here today in this room.
I saw that Mr. Dizon's group was quiet and scared in my cold questioning, while others were wondering what I was saying.
First, someone sabotaged the delivery truck of wines, so the delivery does not always reach the quota. Second, the land is dry for the rice plant and whatever else that needs to be planted. "
One by one, I looked at the people with me.
They wonder who I am. Others are just looking.
“You are too scared to lose income, because you will lose the source of your luxuries. You are new to this company. If you can complain, it seems like you are even higher than those before you. How rude is that? "
I heard people sigh. Only a masked woman told them such things.
"Who are you, woman?! Show us your face! " I laughed at what I heard.
Seeing my face is a sin. You will regret it once you know who I am. So, be content with the privilege that I have been given to you. "
I looked at them one by one. Some are astonished, others are frightened. This is really the life they entered.
"We already know who sabotaged the trucks for wine delivery and got the water supply for the rice and other crops on the farm. All the problems are solved. It was Michelle who spoke for me.
"Meeting adjourned." I got up and was about to come out when I was stopped by Mr. Benedicto.
"Who are you?"
For the last time, I stare at them and smirk.
"The superior of this group. The Princess that you never wish to encounter. "

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    wa3r bazzzf


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    আলভিমো: আরিয়ান সৌরভ



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