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Chapter 7

Chapter 7
I stared at him dumbfoundedly.
What... The... Freak?
I blinked my eyes as my mouth parted. I was shocked but I still find it funny. I was worried a bit but still I wanted to laugh. What should I fucking do?
“Hey...?” I called but got no response. I blinked my eyes as I closed my mouth. My throat bobbled up and down as I moistened my lips. My heart began hammering fast inside my chest. “Rutherford, will you freaking wake up?”
Still, I got no response.
I looked around and I found no one aside from us. “Hey, I will leave you here alone if you keep on pretending there!” I hissed.
But... he didn't say anything.
“Shit,” I cursed under my breath and knelt down. I checked his pulse through my fingers and its beat was abnormal. My eyes widened. “Did I scared him that much?” I asked myself.
My throat dried off as the hammering of my chest quicken. I rolled him off to his back and held his head to rest it on my lap.
I slapped his face.
Of course, softly.
I don't want to add more bruise on his face even if I wanted to.
Suddenly, conscience drown me.
I didn't know he's this gay!
“Rutherford, wake up...” I whispered, shaking. I could feel my tears threatening to fall from my eyes as I stared at him longer but still didn't get any reply. “Please, wake up, idiot...”
I slapped him again, but to no avail. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes tight as I think what should I do. Maybe I would just call the people from the infirmary of this school. But it also mean I'll be leaving him here, alone.
I am not that heartless.
F*ck, what the hell should I do?
My lungs started burning due to lack of air. I realese the breath I've been holding and looked around, trying to find something.
We had already discussed it in the class if someone lost a consciousness and what are the first things we have to do. But I fucking forget it! Not that I really listen to the class. Damn, damn, damnit— CPR!
That! Right!
My eyes widened. I quickly held Rizer's head on the floor softly as I settled myself in front of him; My legs are on the both side of him.
I placed my hands on his chest and pressed it down, as if resurrecting him. I was breathing heavily and sweat was forming like a beads in my forehead. My heart was beating fast.
“Come on, live. Live, motherfucker, live— I mean, you're not dead so, WAKE UP!” I yelled. “Damn, c’mon!”
Still, unresponsive.
I thought of the best way to wake him up. I don't want a mouth to mouth resurrection. But if he won't wake up now... I don't know. Maybe I'll try...? It was such a gross idea but...
I looked at his lips.
It was red and kind of thick. It looks soft as well and inviting. I gulped and cleared my throat as I averted my gaze away from it.
Fuck, no! I won't do that!
But then again...  I will be dead if left him here. Not only did I scared him to death, but I also made him this, unconscious.
“Okay, I will be doing this...” I whispered and looked at his face. “I just hope you won't know this,” I said. I pressed my nose through my fingers before I closed my eyes tight and bent down my head.
But just when our lips was about to meet each other, I heard a loud curse. "HOLY F*CK!”
I was shocked my nerves went havoc and I slipped and fell into his body. My face was pressed against him and my lips met his cheek.
“Aww...” I groaned. My nose hurts!
“The hell you doing, Styles?!” I heard him said.
I pulled my face away and glared at him. “I was trying to save you, you should've thanked me!” I yelled.
“What am I? Dying?” He rolled his eyes. I stared at him in confusion. Did he faked it? “Ah, get off of me!”
I quickly pushed my body up while looking at him skeptically. He rose from lying on the ground and remove some dust on his shirt. I tilted my head as I noticed the shade of pink creeping into his cheek and ears.
“You didn't actually fainted, did you?” I asked and watched him stopped. His body froze on the spot as if I am Elsa who throw a handful of ice on him and then he went stilled. My eyes widened at the realization. “You kidded me, you brat!”
He wiggled his brows. “I outsmarted you. That's the right term,”
I clenched my jaw and balled my fist. I was fucking worried and I felt deeply guilty! I even got almost cried because of how much worried I felt earlier. But it turns out he was just kidding again!
I held my chin up and tried to act cool even though I was raging inside me. “You fainted. You can't just accept the fact that you did. Aww, scared-baby-Rizer. You fear cockroach? What a gay.”
His lips parted at my retort. His cheeks turned to pink. “I am n-not scared and I didn't fainted! I was fooling you!”
The corner of my lips rose up. “Oh, really, mama’s sweet boy?” I said. “Can’t accept the fact that you're scared of cockroach, eh?”
He rolled his eyes. He didn't say anything.
“It’s getting late. Let's get it done,” he said and resumed on finding our needed things to clean. He acted like nothing happened... at all.
I shrugged my shoulders. Thank goodness he didn't went talking to what happened earlier. I almost kissed him, gross. It would probably gets so awkward if he talks that topic. I swear I'll kill myself.
Ah, no. It'd be a waste if I'll kill myself 'cause handsome people are rare nowadays. So I would just kill Rizer instead.
In that way, I could help the pollution to decrease.
Bright idea, dude.
I smiled at my own, silly thought and shook my head.
Krazie, self.
After three more minutes of finding, a person suddenly walked in the room asking us what we are doing.
I answered, “Where could we find the trash bags here and hand gloves?” At the mention of hand gloves, I suddenly remember I brought hospital gloves with me.
The person, whom I think is a janitor, spoke. “We are out of stock. You can find it in the cafeteria storage room." The cafeteria and soccer field are quite far from each other. “Anyways, are you the one Ms. Maggie has mentioned to help us clean this field?”
Rizer nodded his head and said, “Yeah.”
The guy also nod his head. “Do you know what you guys have to do?”
“Of course, we'll clean," I said and rolled my eyes. “We will take your shift in afternoon but we won't get paid like you do. Unfair...” I muttered.
He smiled at me kindly.
Rizer stood beside me and elbowed me slightly on the abdomen. I turned at him with brows creased. He stole a brief glance and whispered, “You're rude.”
I scoffed. “Whatever,”
“I’m Elmes, by the way,” The guy said.
“It's nice meeting you, Elmes. You can call me Rizer. And this dog beside me," Rizer trailed off and pointed me. My lips parted as I stared at him, flabbergasted. He smiled as he continued, “his name is Mighty.”
“The hell, dude?” I hissed quietly. Rizer grinned mischievously.
Elmes laughed. “Humorous kiddo,” he said. He looks quite old. Like he's already in his mid 50's yet he was still working. The wrinkles on the corner of his eyes and lips tells me that he grew with a happy life. Probably, he grew up with less head-aching kids unlike me and my sister. “I will get you the trash bags you needed. I'll be back shortly.”
When the guy got out of our sights, I nudged at him and glared. He just laughed and ruffled his hair.
We exited out of the room and stood at the doorway, waiting for the worker to comeback. We stood there in silence, the sound of incoherent voices of students far away from here and the sound of harsh wind could only be heard.
I sighed heavily, remembering the days when I was still a kid and living with my grandmother. The summer wind are always the best for me, probably because it was sunny days. But nevertheless, I like it. When I watched my granny sat on the balcony chair looking at her hanging and vase flowers, and reminiscing her past with my late soldier grandfather. It was such a beautiful memory.
“What'cha thinkin'?” I heard him all of a sudden, erasing the beautiful image of my sweet grandmother and replaced by his irritating face.
I looked at him sharply. “Shut up.”
He rose a brow and didn't say more as Elmes went back bringing the things we needed.
“Here you go,” he said and handed us the bags. “Good luck and enjoy,”
I just gave him a sarcastic grin and padded out of that room. I was still irritated at Rutherford. Firstly, I saw used condoms in the box. Which I didn't who owned it. Probably it was his.
Secondly, he pretended to be fainted and have fun of me. I should've kick him hard.
And lastly, he called me his dog!
That was offensive and totally below the belt!
I hate him.
I clenched my jaw again as I started picking up those trash on the ground. There were a lot of it but it wasn't that noticable due to the fact that the grass was slightly long and the measurement of the field itself was huge. As I do what I have to do, I felt his presence trailing after me and following my path. I turned to him and with an expressionless face, trying my hardest not to show him how irritated I was. I would only boast his bloating ego if he sees reaction on my face. Knowing him, he took pleasure by annoying people, specifically me.
“You probably should go there, on the left side, for us to get this thing done quickly. If you keeps on following me, we'll get a whole fucking day to finish these garbages,” I said.
His brows furrowed. And I didn't know why I see pure confusion in it. Am I not making myself clear to him? It was a very much understandable. Him, going to another spot. Why do I see confusion on his face?
He tilted his head and stared at me. His jet black eyes was oddly observing me as he stood so froze like it was as if he's concentrating, trying to decipher something he had seen right before his eyes.
That irritate me at the same time curious as to why the fuck he had to look at me like I am some sort of an alien he was facing? Do I have something on my face? Dirt perhaps?
I spoke, “Why are you looking at me like that? I didn't actually thought you're interested in boys. I'm so sorry to say this but I am not going to date you.”
He partially smirked but it quickly faded away. Now his face was painted with utmost seriousness, but also in confusion.
He has a question running in his mind, I get it. And what could it be?
“What?” I asked again, now feeling uncomfortable at his intense gaze. I didn't know I could feel discomfort around him aside from being irritated and angry. Now that I thought about that, in some point, my irritation slowly vanished.
“Are you mad?” he asked. That actually had me taken aback. I looked at him in disbelief.
“Come again?”
His lips protruded. “Are you worried about me when I fakely collapsed?” Wow, big ego.
But of course, mine is bigger. “No.”
I wouldn't admit it to myself, neither do I tell him. No fucking way. I wasn't worried about him. I was worried about what could possibly happen to me if something bad happened to him.
That. Much better.
Go, Mighty. Convince yourself more.
Now that it slipped in my mind. I was kind of impulsive, damn. If something really bad happened to him, I will be dead. Not only I would've be kick out of this school, but I will also had my parents disappointed at me. Plus, I will lost my dream right before I could even grasp it.
Idiot, self.

Comentário do Livro (90)

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    nice grammar and nice story I like the scenario and scene I hope many people enjoy this and I hope many people realised this morning and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be


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    Rêäl Dëlâ Çrûz Ygøt

    nice apps


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    hai super Ganda


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