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Chapter 3

Chapter 3
"God, I'm gonna go insane!" Mom exclaimed as she entered the office with an exaggerated entrance. Her stomping of heels made me straighten my back. My shoulders tensed up as I felt a sudden lump in my throat. My eyes widened.
Damn, fuck it...
"M-Mama..." I uttered breathlessly. Her eyes met mine and it narrowed. Her face was bright red. On the back of her was my father restraining my mom to go berserk.
I looked down at my lap as I tapped my toe nervously on the tile. Oh God forgive me for I had sinned. I am not ready to die yet, at least not in my own mother's hand. I could literally die just the way her look was giving me. I was waiting for her eyes to spill out some fire in it and boom, I'll die into an ashes. Her disappointed face tells me she was really upset. Who wouldn't be? First day of class and your child was already inside the guidance office after creating a riot in the cafeteria. Which turned out to be very chaotic. Broken tables spattered all around. Foods was messy on the floor. And lastly, several students got injured. Well, only those players from my team and Rizer's. As soon as the fight began, student exited out of the cafteria. Thankfully 'cause we could not just afford to have another casualty this school year.
My mother was already furious. And to make things worse, Mrs. Rutherford made a dramatic speech. "The scandalous of a mother has finally arrived. Thank God!"
"M-Mom," Rizer hissed and pulled his mother when she was about to stand up.
I narrowed my eyes. No one can just talk ill to my mother. I wanted to interfere and talk back but my mother had already spoken up, "Shut up if you don't want this pretty little hand of mine to land on your cheek, Kaycee."
Rizer growl silently like a dog. I looked at his face. He has some bruise on his both cheeks. It was starting to turn purple. He also has a cut in the upper corner of his lips. But even so, it didn't make him any less attractive.
His jet black eyes looked back at me and I quickly stuck out my tongue. He rolled his eyes as his lips protruded.
"Hah. Dare me, Harissha. I could fucking kill you before you could even lay a finger on me." Mrs. Rutherfood stood up and they stood face to face with my mother. Both defiant.
It was only my Rizer's parents and mine were here. Since we are the one who caused the fight, and we both are the leader of our groups, we are responsible of everything. Our mates are either in the infirmary or in the class now. No one knew.
Finally, the school principal had decided to break the growing tension between the two women. She cleared her throat.
"Enough of that. And please, in the God's love, no cussing. We have two minor students here,"
Dad and Mr. Rutherford pulled their wives and had them seated beside their children, which are us. Rizer and I.
Mom leaned a closer to me and whispered, "You're dead once we get home."
I gulped hard as I straightened my back again. I felt dad's hand on my shoulder as he was standing behind us. Mr. Rutherford was also standing behind his family.
The principal cleared her throat again as she clasped her hands on the table. "Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Styles, and also Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford," she began. "So, I called you here to discuss something about your childs' doing. As so you know, these two young man here had cause a disturbance in this school during the lunch break time of the students. As we investigated the incident, witnesses told us that your child started the chaos, Mrs. Styles." She spoke as she turned her head to my mom.
My mother shook her head. "No, no. I know my son and he couldn't do that. Your witness was probably biased!"
"Can't accept the truth, girl?" Mrs. Rutherford laughed like a she-devil.
"Although, Mr. Mighty Styles started the riot. Another witness told us that your son, Mrs. Rutherford, had provoked him beforehand."
Mrs. Rutherford frowned. "No! My son can't do that! He's a lovely boy, he couldn't do that!"
"Can't accept the truth, girl?" My mother mimicked her and laughed evilly.
"Shut up!"
"Enough," the principal said. We often call her Ms. Maggie because she's a spinster. The rumors said that the reason she became an old-maid was because her first love ghosted her. Aww, sad.
She continued, "Your children can speak up and tell us the truth what happened. Now, let's hear their side. You can start Rizer."
Rizer cleared his throat and glanced at me before averting it towards the dean. "He held my colar up and punched me. I was just talking with my friends."
"Liar!" I exclaimed and glared at him. He hid an idiotic smile by faking a cough.
"Tell us your side, Mighty."
I took a deep breath and exhale it harshly. I gritted my teeth as I tried to calm myself down. "He tripped me. He purposely blocked the aisle with his foot while I was walking. Then I fell and---" Rizer cut me off.
"...then you punched me," he said. His voice was low like it was as though he was in a deep pain shit. "Ms. Maggie, believe me. It was an accident. People around could say it was."
"I believe in you, son." Mrs. Rutherford said as she held her son's hand and gave it a squeeze.
Jesus Christ I almost throw up!
"If it was an accident, you could've just helped me instead of laughing, dimwit!" I said.
"If you could've been more careful, you wouldn't have tripped," he retorted with that fucking smug smile again. Ugh!
"And if you have some good mannerism, you wouldn't have placed your feet in the aisle. If it wasn't because of your low intelligence quotient, no one's gonna put into harm!"
"And if you aren't clumsy enough, you wouldn't get fall!"
"I am not clumsy!"
"Yes, you are!"
"No, I am not!"
"Whatever, my ass!"
I stood up angrily and he did the same. We had the same height and almost had a same physique. His jet black eyes darkened as his jaw clenched. I gritted my teeth and looked at him darkly. None of us are just going to get this slip. He wouldn't let me win, neither do I.
"ENOUGHHHHHHHHH!!" Ms. Maggie shouted all of a sudden, making us all jumped. Our mothers grip our arms and pulled us down in our seats.
"Michu, quiet." Mom hushed me down. At the same time I heard Mrs. Rutherford said to her son, "Riri, quiet."
I pouted my lips as I fidgeted my fingers. I felt mommy's pinch on my waist and I whined silently.
"I believe my son is innocent." Rizer's mother crossed her arms around her chest.
My mother chuckled sarcastically. "Of course, you will. That's your son. No sane mother would believe in somebody's child, Kaycee."
Mrs. Rutherford rolled her eyes.
"This thing wouldn't get settle I suppose. We are trying to fix this things up between these two rival students for years. They had already causes a lot of damages," Ms. Maggie said.
"With all due respect, Ms. Maggie. We paid everything our boys have done," Mrs. Rutherford said with her eyebrow arched up.
"I agree!" My mother seconded. This wasn't the first time they agreed on something, especially if it benefits the both of their sons.
Ms. Maggie shook her head. "This school is supposedly a friendly school. We have this built to secure that our students are safety and also happy as they are learning. We are aiming for a peaceful environment and a healthy relationships for one another. Respect and good moral values are our main focus. A lot of parents last school year was complaining about your sons mayhemming. They are out of our control and they are unruly. I'm afraid your children will get expelled in this school."
My eyes widened as I felt my blood drained out of my body. No... it cannot be happen. How about my studies? How about my basketball? It was senior year and I'm about to enter NBA basketball when I reached college. I was currently on training. I couldn't just lost it. It is my dream. My father and I's dream.
"Dad..." I heard Rizer uttered as he glanced up at his father.
Mr. Rutherford tapped his shoulder as he shook his head. "You wouldn't, I promise."
Mrs. Rutherford cleared her throat. "Ms. Maggie, you can't do that to our children. We understand they are very much hard-headed kids but this is extreme. If you expel them, they would lost everything. My son's football game, and Styles' family basketball. Plus, your school sports clubs would get cripple once you did. You have to start anew finding best of leaders in both sports. And certainly, you will lost every games this school has to compete with."
"Plus, you will lost the best parents in this campus. Every year, we donates more than a hundred thousand of dollars. And mind you, it was just in their respective sports club. We also give donation in the school itself," My mother incisively said.
I saw Ms. Maggie face having an uncertainty in it. Hope rose up to my chest as I watches her think thoroughly about what our mothers have remarked. If I were her, I would immediately agreed. It was a win-win decision. They would benefit a lot from us and we would have ours as well. Thank God I have a rich family.
"Ms. Maggie?" Mama said with a smile.
"Yes, Mrs. Styles?"
"We would also increase our donations."
Ms. Maggie's face lit up. Her mouth parted a bit and she straightened her back.
"And Ms. Maggie?" Mrs. Rutherford said with a smile as well.
"Yes, Mrs. Rutherford?"
"We would also want to give you some gift you'd definitely love."
I bit my lower as I strugged to stifle my laughter. My eyes met Rizer's and we immediately grinned at each other like a naughty kids.
"The time is running..." My mother said in a sing-sang voice. The situation turned upside down real quick. I'm having a suspicion that my mother has some secret power in her sleeve. How could they turn the situation into their hands as quickly as I blink?
"Fine," Ms. Maggie finally had said a word. We all let out a sigh of relief. I saw Rizer smirked as he sat straight. His mother smile sweetly at her son.
Smiling, I looked at my mother. She returned the smile as she ruffle my hair. "Thanks, mom."
"I will do anything for you, son." She kissed my forehead lovingly. Damn, I almost burst into tears.
We all snapped our head to Ms. Maggie. My brows furrowed. I thought it was already settled? I thought she already agreed? What does she want?
"What is it, Ms. Maggie?" It was mom who asked.
The principal cleared her throat as she pulled some papers and ballpen. She wrote something in there.
"I would not let them expel as it would benefit us both. However, their misbehaviour action earlier in the cafeteria has a consequences. Every student who got involve with the riot will have their punishments. And these two," she pointed Rizer and I, "are not an exception."
I mentally groaned in disapproval. Punishments are not easy like writing a back-to-back essay in this campus. The last time I got into a fight, I have to clean up public comfort rooms. And God forbid, I wish I could just die.
"Since these two young man here started the mess. I will assign them as a partner to clean up the whole soccer field on this month. No complaining. This is my final decision."
My jaw dropped on the floor as her words slowly sink in my head. The fuck?

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    nice grammar and nice story I like the scenario and scene I hope many people enjoy this and I hope many people realised this morning and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be


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    Rêäl Dëlâ Çrûz Ygøt

    nice apps


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    hai super Ganda


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