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The entire week passed and it’s already Friday night. Their senior started the car to travel back to their camp. All the things left in that place will be moved out since they will change their camp’s location.
“We’ve waited for this day. Finally, we can leave this shabby camp” Olivia said, excitement filled her eyes. It’s already 4 a.m. when they reached their old camp. They packed for an hour and then the next hour is used for travelling. When they reached their destination, everyone was excited to relocate their things and choose their rooms. Because some can’t decide which room to get, they played a game.
“This container holds pieces of paper with our names written on it. The first three to be picked will take the room beside Kuya Vino’s. The ones left will take the other room.” JL explained.
“First pick… Zaydi” he picked two more pieces of paper. “Silas… and Olivia. You three will stay beside the room of Senior Vino. And the rest, me, DK, and Endrei will take beside the shower room. Fair enough?” they all agreed and proceeded with their own fixing of rooms.
While organizing their clothes in the closet, Zaydi talked about something crucial. “Did you know that Senior Vino knows who are we opposing with?”. “Just wait for the announcement. Maybe you’re uttering a fake news” Silas answered.
Olivia brought many things, that’s why she’s the last to unload her luggage. “Spill the tea Ola, are you going to live here?” DK said with his hands placed on his waist. “It’s better to be extra. Just in case” Olivia answered. “Well, you’ve prepared so much for a ‘just in case’ scenario” DK said and helped his cousin unpack her things.

“Silas really is a greedy person. Almost half of his and Zaydi’s wardrobe are vacated by his things. He also kept foods here” DK said while roaming his eyes on the overall closet. “Silas has a lot of things. Most of them are shirts” Olivia who’s now finished unpacking stated. “Come on out! Time to eat” JL shouted, maybe it is heard in the corners of the house. They all heard and went to the dining area. Take-out food is present on the table.
“So, do you like the place? Did it exceed your expectations?” Lt.Col. Peredo initiated the discussion. They all agreed. Besides the large room and the quiet environment, the place is fully air-conditioned and it makes them feel at home.
After eating, he prolonged the presence of each other to announce an important matter. “I think this is the right time for you to know your opponent”. They all got surprised at the same time excited with that announcement.
“Your opponent is… Team Abucay” he said with a minimal tone. They all got triggered upon hearing the announcement. After hearing the announcement, the team went downstairs to train even without notices. Their opponent is tough in competing and it will be hard for them to win this time. Their opponent is entitled as the “Most Proud Family” and “Three Year Victory Award”. They know very well that a regular training won’t make their chance higher so they doubled every preparation they already have in the making.
It’s only five p.m. when they had their bedtime. From the 9-hour long travel, none of them got the chance to rest up. Upon waking up, the elders were transitioned into a massage therapist for their younger cousins. Aside from their body getting used to it, the younger ones were the one straining their bodies to an unfamiliar physical training.
Zaydi stood up while holding his leg. “I think my bones are breaking” he said. “Worry less, I have connections outside who knows how to replace a human leg. Let’s change it to a cow’s leg” DK jokingly said. Everyone laughed except for Zaydi who just rolled his eyes at him.

“What a luck. There are a lot of families and they dared to match us up to the Abucays?” Silas acclaimed. “I know right. Our relations with them are still unstable; hope we can’t develop hard feelings for this competition. It will be hard if they’ll take it personally” JL answered.
“Just like last year, they played with dirt. They cheated using their own ways” DK added. “I know them. Their youngest member is in the music troupe where I am attending”. Everyone was shocked when Endrei revealed that. Most of the time, Endrei talks less but what contents his words are crucial.
“Are you two close?” Olivia asked. “No, I don’t feel like bonding with them” Endrei answered. He’s anti-social. Introvert to begin with but he knows a lot of things that he refuses to reveal just like what he did earlier.
The night after that was used for them to practice their pageant. They first practice the introduction part. From the marching to the perfect eye contacting. “Good evening to our respected officials, candidates, and representatives. I am Junior Spy Tiueco, Silas… HAHAHAHA” he failed to finish his sentence because of a sudden distraction.
“Zaydi keeps on making me laugh” he added. The others were also chuckling not until their senior faced their direction. The practice continued until their senior decided to wrap things up. “Let’s call it a day, sleep tight. We’ll start the talent practice tomorrow 9 a.m.” he said and left the team.
“You almost got me a reprimanding order a while ago, Zaydi” JL said with his fist knuckled close. “DK started, I just laughed along” he reasoned out. “You said the joke was corny but you laughed so hard” DK defended. “What’s the joke?” Olivia asked. DK proudly stated the joke. “What sound does the backpack made when it fell?”. The others raised their eyebrows in curiosity. DK continued, “It sounded… “BAG!”. Zaydi and DK laughed their breaths out while the others seemed to have no interest at all.
“That should be your last joke, DK” said Silas and left their group. The others followed him. JL tapped DK’s shoulder and whispered “You lack sleep that’s why you’re being pathetic” and left also. DK glanced at their youngest - Endrei. “What now Drei? Aren’t you going to laugh?” he asked. He didn’t manage to answer. Instead, he brought out the container with their names on it. “Pick a piece of paper in this container. The name you’ll pick will do the dishes”. DK quickly picked a green paper assuming that it will contain JL’s name since it is his favorite color.
“Pakening hell” DK whispered when he picked out his own name. “No exceptions. Goodnight DK” said Endrei and left DK in the living room. Instead of going to their room, he went inside Silas and the other two’s room. He scattered the tiny sheets of paper on the floor. Every piece contained DK’s name. “Good job little rascal” Silas said and ruffled Endrei’s hair. “I finally got the revenge I wanted. He dared to put stones in my school bag. What was he thinking?” Silas said.
“So, there’s really a twist living with DK, calling for prank wars” Zaydi replied.

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