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When the two arrived to the kitchen, the main chef was amazed. “Sir DK, where did you get this chicken?” she asked. “We just saw it outside. Please cook tinola, use this kangkong as an ingredient” DK answered while handing over the chicken and the basket full of the vegetable.
“Very well. We still have some unripe papaya left here. I’m sure you all are sick of the kangkong already” the cook said. “You’re right, that’s why when we saw this chicken wandering around, we captured it without hesitations. We’ll have our lunch in the headquarters. Please send there the food later” DK said.
The two left and went inside the conference room where their teammates are having the meeting. Lt. Col’s voice is heard from the outside. Seems like everyone is focused because in the silence, only their senior’s voice is heard.
When they entered, the cold air-conditioner wind touched their skin. They sat to their usual spot and listened to the meeting. They’re currently discussing the Survival portion.
“Plan A – for sure the opponent will take this. Since the setting is a maze, you should all be alert in every corner. Remember, every blackout is a target time. Once the lights turned on, you need to hide and plan for a revenge to slay an opponent. In Plan B – you still need to be alert. You can use here what you learned in the firing earlier; no one should fail once because if that happens, then we’ll lose the chance to have a perfect score. Plan C – here you can use the runs and laps you did earlier. You need to sharpen your senses to reach the final goal. Understood?” Lt.Col. Peredo explained while encoding the proposal in his laptop.
“As for this laptop unit, I placed a passcode and your birthdays are placed starting from JL. The passcode is 281603030309. Keep this unit JL” he added.
Everyone had their own worlds not until their senior posted their schedule for the afternoon.
12:00 – 2:00 Lunch and Leisure
2:00 – 3:30 Physical Workout
3:30 – 4:00 Afternoon Break
4:00 – 5:00 Buying of Costumes
5:00 onwards – Retreat
Their senior went outside just after posting the schedule. Just after their senior left, the alarm rang signaling their lunch time. They quickly went outside and went straight to the headquarters. While waiting for the food, they talked about their plans for the afternoon schedule.
“Have you seen the schedule? It’s not that hectic” Zaydi initiated. “How can you say that it’s not hectic? We’ll have physical tasks and add up the hour-long walking in the costume buying” Silas answered. “The schedule later is better that the schedule this morning” Olivia said.
After a moment, their food came. When DK lifted the pot’s lid, everyone wowed. “Wait, where did you get this chicken?” JL asked. DK and Zaydi looked at each other. They both uttered “Secret!”. “Finally, I can call this a meal” Silas said. They all shared the chicken meal DK and Zaydi brought. After eating, they went inside their cab house. There they placed their things. It contains a mini kitchen, three double deck beds, and ready-to-eat foods.
They all sat in a floor with a carpet. “That chicken meal was satisfying” Zaydi said, smiles were all over his face. “When it comes to food, you’re always satisfied” DK replied. JL brought out something from his travel bag. When he returned, the team glanced at a small box he’s holding. “Wanna play UNO?” he asked. The team agreed since they have a long time to spare. One hour full of laughs and jokes passed. The remaining 30 minutes were allotted for them to do their other things.
The time for physical workout came. They all went to the gym to finish the task. As usual, the two alternatives - DK and Zaydi are with each other. DK placed a gym mat in the floor and instructed Zaydi to lie down. “Wait, why me?” he asked DK.
“Just do what I say” DK answered. He’s holding Zaydi’s knees while the he’s doing curl-ups. They are only advised to have 100 curl-ups but 30 minutes passed yet DK is still not counting Zaydi’s performance.
Zaydi kicked his assistant. “Hey, we’ve been here for like half an hour now. How many did I execute?” he asked. “Ha? I don’t know. Aren’t you counting?” DK answered.
Zaydi noticed that DK’s attention is not for him but it is on someone else. His attention is glued on a girl sitting on the edge of the gym. The girl is fit and sexy. Maybe what got DK’s attention is the woman’s large breasts. “You know, you’re such a pervert in every place and in every time” Zaydi said. DK signed ‘shut up’ to Zaydi.
On the other side, the four were training in a different way. They are taking pure fitness workout. The muscular exercise is only intended for their leader. They are with their manager and their fitness coach in Prideus.
Time passed and the last thing they should do is to go shopping so they went to the mall. In buying costumes and formal wear, they need to keep in mind the uniqueness since copycat is always present in the competition.
“Just get what you want. I’ll wait for you in the counter” JL said. They quickly fetched a cart and started choosing. The boys just chose a polo for their formal wear. While Olivia on the other hand is indecisive that’s why she bought a lot of varieties to decide what will suit Silas’ clothes.
The said time was consumed perfectly. After shopping, they were fetched by their senior to have dinner inside the camp. After that, they all packed up and retreated back home. They all reside in different places. JL is going home in a condo located in the city, Silas will go to the other town for his studies, DK will go to a different city, While Zaydi, Olivia, Endrei, and Lt.Col. Peredo will go back to their province.
Their next break in camp will be on the weekends again.

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    pls akajajjaka


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