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Chapter Three

My whole week was a boring week. What I did when I first lay on my bed that day was the thing I made the whole week. And today, I will now go to school.
Please! Feel the immense sarcasm that was put into that. Please.
My mom was nowhere to be found. After that talk, our maids' told dad that my mom packed all her stuff and left the house. Dad, on the other hand, drowned himself at work. And, Nixx, he doesn't know anything yet.
"Are you sure you can now go to school, young master?" A maid asked me.
"Yes, of course." I replied.
I didn't drive my car, instead I told dad's driver to drive me to school.
"Men? Are you okay now? " Khianne worriedly asked me when I got to school.
"Mmm." I just nodded.
"Dude ... what happened? Why did it happen to you? " He asked me worriedly and curiously.
Dad didn't tell him..?
"Err.. uhh.. ahm.." I can't say a word. "I-I'm afraid that I can't t-tell you the whole s-story, dude.."
"Mm. It's okay. Just tell me when you are ready. "
"Yeah. Thanks, dude."
The Professor was discussing a lot of things, but I couldn't focus at all. My mind was full of thoughts.
"Ha?" I bellowed. I-I was shocked, eh.
"Dude, what is your problem, huh?? I'm not used to you being like this." Khianne sighed.
"N-None. I'm just spacing out. No worries, I'm okay." I uttered. He doesn't seem convinced at all.
He sighed. "Okay, all right. Come on, hurry up. It's lunchtime. "
"W-What? I didn't notice that."
We decided to eat at the Sport Science Canteen because the foods there are so delicious. We just ordered the food we wanted, and we sat in the vacant seats. Even though I am known as the son of the school owner, I don't want to get special treatment from others. It's unfair.
"Wait, dude." I said. "I'm just wondering.. how did Nicco bring me to the hospital?? Like, why and how..?"
"Uhmm. I am also wondering, dude. It's like yesterday you just fought then he's now helping you. Something's fishy."
"Fishy, what? Maybe it's his way to apologize for what he did to me.." I concluded.
"Yeah, right."
After we ate, we decided to stay at the library.
"Information or knowledge preserved in writing or the like. An account in writing or the like preserving the memory or knowledge of facts and events. To set down writing or the like, as for the purpose of preserving evidence. Huh?? Ehhhh!" Khianne suddenly rebuked. Of course, we are here at the library, so the people glared at Khianne as if he committed a sinful act.
"What's wrong with you?" I whispered.
"Dude, I don't understand our lesson. The trouble is terrible!" He whispered back.
I am forcing myself not to think about the problems I just had. It's for the sake of my study since I don't want to have any burden, and I'm graduating soon. I just hope I can make it longer..
"Hello??" Said by the unexpected person.
"N-Nicco," is all I can say.
"Are you okay? Do you no longer have bruises? Wounds? " Nicco blurted. He sat on the chair beside me.
"Err.. I'm okay now.."
"If you don't have anyone to accompany you, just call me so that it will not happen again." He smiled.
"Ohoooo! What a very sweet husband."
"Husband, my ass!" Nicco and I chorused.
"Ssshhhh! You're at the library, aren't you?!" We got scolded by the librarian!
"We're sorry, Miss. Hehehehe." Khianne shyly apologized.
"So, I'm gonna leave now. Take care of yourself." He said before leaving.
"Heheheheheh." Khianne keeps giggling even though we're already in the room waiting for our next class.
"Why the heck you keep giggling like crazy!?" I asked him.
"Hehehe. It's so sweet, eh. "
"The what??"
"You and Nicco. Hehehehehe.."
"Huh ?! What are you saying? Are you out of mind?" I said at once against him.
"Ouch, Pierre! Huhuhuhu."
Khianne and I could not talk anymore because our Professor had arrived. In the following subjects I was able to focus a bit.
"Okay. Class dismissed."
"Thank you, Sir!!"
"Dude, I'll go first," Khianne hurriedly said goodbye to me.
"Why??" I asked, wondering why.
"Me and my bandmates have a gig tonight."
Ahh, yeah. He tried out to be in the band. I still remember when he said that I should accompany him when he went for the audition for the band because he was shy.
"Okay, fine, fine." I answered.
"Just call me when you need me, ah." He said before leaving.
I decided not to go home. I texted dad's driver that I will be having school work. Likewise, I will go to a place instead.
I was waiting for a taxi outside the school when a motorbike stopped in front of me.
"You didn't bring your car??"
Ahhh. Nicco again.
"Ahm.. I didn't bring my car today." I replied.
"Uhh, how do you get home with that?"
"I will not. I want to go to the park. I want to relax." I guess we don't have a fight anymore, and he also helped me, so he deserves a good deal.
"Hhmm. Do you want to come with me? I'm going there too, eh. " He insisted.
What should I do..?
"Ahm, if it's okay then.."
"Let's go!"
He helped me ride his motorbike. As far as I observed, this motor is kinda expensive, and it will really cost you a lot of money. It is about half a million pesos.
"Everything's fine??" He reassures. I nodded.
"Okay. Come on."
I thought riding a motorcycle is a big risk to your life, but..
It was so SATISFYING! It feels like I'm flying, and I love that feeling! Even just for a few minutes, I felt peace..
"Woop." He said as he stopped the engine of the motor.
"You go inside first. I will just buy some snacks.." He cooed.
"Oh, okay."
I sat on the brick chair in front of a seesaw. I saw a lot of children playing. Not only that, but I remembered when I was a kid. My mom always brings me to a park because I'm an introvert. I don't want to befriend others. She wanted me to have a friend, so she always brings me to a park. And because of that, I learned that I shouldn't distance myself to others. It's the reason why my mom became my idol, but she just.. she just left me and dad.
"A penny for your thoughts?"
I did not notice that Nicco had returned.
"Are your thoughts now connected to what happened that night..?" He curiously asked.
I glared at him, and I was shocked when I saw his eyes. It's like.. he's worried about me.
I shook my head as an answer. Just like what I said to Khianne, I don't want to tell anyone about this. I just want to keep it to myself.
"Are you sure? You can share it with me. I'm a good listener." He smiled. The smile that made me feel something special. Butterflies.
I avoided his gaze. I badly want to tell him the truth, but I'm afraid that he will think badly of my mother. She's still the person who gave me life.
"It's okay though. No worries." He chuckled and gave me some bottled juice.
A silence took over. I guess, nothing will be lost if I tell him what happened.
"My mother was pregnant." I started. "But.. it's not my father's child. This was not the first time it happened. When I was 5 years old, she left me and dad, but years later.. she came back.. with a child. My mother was my idol. W-was.. I was so hurt back then, but I can't be mad at my brother. It's not his fault at all. When I found out that my mom was pregnant by a random person, all the memories.. the memories I choose not to remember at all.. came back. And, it hurt me so much." I whined and cried.
"Hey, it's okay." He tries to calm me down from crying.
"I-I felt bad for my d-dad. I-I know that he's hurting so much, but choose n-not to show i-it to u-us." I continued. My voice was shaking while speaking.
I was stunned when he hugged me. Nicco hugged me!
My heart was beating so fast. I didn't expect this to happen. Nicco Salvador hugging me...
"It's okay. Even though you feel like you lift the weight of the world, just think that there's a person who's willing to help you lift that weight. Remember that, okay?" He said as if he feels what I feel right now.
"T-Thank you." I said and hugged him back.
...but, thank you for being here with me, Nicco.
To be continued...

Comentário do Livro (83)

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    it's amazing,,hope it's nice to read more story from the author,,please maintain the verry romantic episode to more reader's like to read your story,i hope you consider my advice author,,


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    aye will cp game call of duty if that the case then we're we almost experienced the same thing hahahahaha I said and he smiled widely


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