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Saint Archangel (Special Chapter Part 5)

When the day came that Lucifer and I talked I decided to visit Sean again, I would have used Albus' body. So I visited the Wesleys mansion, it was just that they seemed to be looking forward to my arrival. They seem to already know my presence in their mansion.
When I stepped inside their house, I could not move. And I know the horse's blood is the reason why because I'm stepping on it now. When I turned around Albus's father and mother were busy with a shaman praying, as if they are calling for someone. That's when I shook my head. They still thought I was an evil spirit.
I had no intention of noticing them anymore and would have gone to Albus' room when I smelled their souls. There the soul of Albus and its memories returned to my memory when I took his soul. He was a murderer and now his father and mother seemed to be no different.
I'm sure that worthless old man was haunting our mansion, I should have really crushed his head when I hit him with a hammer.
When I tried to read, what was on Mrs. Wesley, that's what I heard. I couldn't help but smile. Looks like I've found what I have to offer.
Right at that moment I removed my hat and burn the horse's blood which was preventing my movement before slowly approaching them. The shaman's eyes widened as if he did not expect the presence of death. I’m sure not a few souls he was able to toy with cause him to be qualified as an offering.
"Who are you?"
"What's going on? I thought your old man was haunting the mansion, who is this Melinda?" Mr. Wesley asked.
But with fear the Shaman stopped the two couples from arguing.
"Don't look straight in his eyes! He's a grim reaper, that's death!" The Shaman shouts in horror. "What are you doing here? Forgive us!" It was there that I used my teleportation skills so I immediately got behind the Shaman. "No one will be released from my hand! Otherwise he will take our souls!" He warned but it was too late, in fear of the couple they were already running. That’s why it became easy for me to take their body and soul.
With the three I went to hell again. Lucifer greeted me there with a wide smile. "As discussed," I said simultaneously pushing the three unconscious.
Here we are at an altar inside his castle, it looks like here he is performing the ritual to use the bodies of the three offerings to get out of hell.
"Good! Good brother!" Then he burst out laughing. I watched his actions. There, I noticed that he was commanding his disciples to take the offering. His dagger was also raised as if ready to stab me in the back. So I drew my flaming sword and aimed it at the necks of the offerings.
"Tsk! I thought I'd be able to take care of you."
"Don't expect, where's the answer I'm looking for?"
"Fine!" He seems to be reluctant to say. But he stabbed me so I could do nothing but point my sword at the shaman. That caused a neck injury and a small amount of bloodshed.
"You will lose the chance to get out of this place of yours if you continue this game, Lucifer." I threaten. It was there that he lost his grin and eventually sighed. He soon decided to grant my request. From his temple he pulled what seemed to be a glowing streak of memory. Something he could do to others back then but now he can only do it for himself.
"This is what you want, take it and leave." he said before throwing the thread of his memory at me. When I got it, his disciples rushed at me, who did not count for a second to be burn before their knife hit my body.
"You're not really going to stop, are you?" I asked Lucifer without emotion. He winced.
"I just tried, go ahead and leave." When I accepted the thread of memory, I immediately left hell. As I was going out, I put the thread in my temple which immediately entered my brain. Since there, everything came back to my memory, I expected Lucifer to have manipulated something in the memory he gave but none.
There my envy and jealousy of our youngest Adam returned to my memory. The first time I saw Mary Sean Ivanovich as the baby destined for me, came from heaven. How Eve thwarted my plan and the fate of baby Mary’s death so we could meet and she would be my heavenly spouse. How Eve agreed to make her daughter who was destined to be my wife the next Guardian of Soul. How the ministry of death consented to that event in exchange for Eve’s life to balance the world. And how the destiny of the two of us has completely changed.
Now I understand the anger I feel. This world is so deceitful, I can’t quite accept everything. This is why fire is my power. I do not regret because until now I am angry with the fate of the two of us. Like Adam, I also wanted to have a partner who would complete me but when what I had been waiting for for almost three thousand centuries, everything turned out like this.
I couldn’t help but blame god for what was happening, something that became my biggest sin so I was punished like this. Because of the resentment and temper at my recurring memories I ended up visiting Sean. She is currently sleeping in her room so I decided to sit on her mini sofa and just watch her. Sean was so fast asleep that she was unaware of my presence.
This woman would have been destined for me as my wife. If so, she is the creature I am destined to love. But, what exactly is love?
Within just hours that question was repeatedly troubling my mind. I couldn't help not to signed for the reason I can't figure out what love is. But, as soon as Sean eyelid move I knew she's awake.
“So, you awake?” I asked.
“Is it obvious?” she asked back but I didn't answer her. I just look at her intently as she get off bed.
“You stare at me all night, do you?” she asked incredulously.
“I did.”
“Are you not sleeping?”
“That's because I'm not human.” I answered. And maybe, I don't now what is love because I am not human too. “I guess you are too contented in being locked up here in this mansion to forget that. May I remind you that you are not here to enjoy life? Or maybe you have changed your mind and you do not want to die, now.” By what I said she seems to be mad at me. Yet, Sean composed herself.
“I will just take a shower.” she said before turning her back to me. As she went inside the bathroom I teleport back to Wesley Mansion to pick up Albus body and his car. I drove toward Perelman resident so, it will look like I pay visit. I also carry the black card that I am planning to pick up today and as I planned to take Sean with me yesterday yet got postponed for my own reason.
If I will head straight to the Ministry of Death without even able to pick up the Soul today he will became a lost soul. And also I will stay in hell in seven days for my punishment. That's long for sure, I will not able to reap it and will add to my paper works after the said punishment.
“Oh, she's already here. Hailey my daughter come, Albus is waiting for you.” Mrs Perelman happily said it when Sean with Hailey body come down stairs. I just watch her as she come down.
She greeted them with a smile then turned her gaze to me who immediately stood up kiss her cheek. I just remember that this is how lovers greet each other. Yet, this feels weird. Will I really love this woman? What does loving feels like?
After that, I held her hand and helped her sit up. This is what Gavin told me to do, when I asked what do boyfriends do.
“Your boyfriend asked for permission to let you out. It just happened now because every time you go out back then, you two don't ask for permission,” said Mr Perelman happily.
“You're right dad. I don't know if I'll be grateful for that or be weird.” Hazel, Hailey's sister replied confused.
“But if you come out don't speed up the car, okay?” Mrs Perelman seems worried. So I reassured her.
“Sure don't worry aunt. I will take care of her.” with respect I said. These bunch of humans has a good heart. I can smell their good soul so I approach them with respect.
After eating breakfast that I am not use to do either I take Sean with me.
“So, where are we?” She immediately asked after getting in my car rather Wesley car. “Wait, do you know how to drive? As far as I can remember, the grim reapers don't know anything about things—” I interrupted her as I drive the car down hill.
“Stop watching entertainment. Those are not true.” As I said that she just frowned there and chose not to look outside. So, I added, “today, I'll be going to teach you how to be a living reaper.” With that she will not look dumb for what we will going to do next. Beside that, I have this feeling of excitement everytime I am with her. Is this love? If not what is this? “And the first lesson is you have to train yourself to stare at souls, grim reapers or whatever else you see that others do not see. In short, you have to deal with fear.” That's when she turned to me. “In this world full of hypocrites and fear of change try to accept the fact that there are things in the world that only a few knew and have the right to know.” That's when I also turned my gaze to her. There, we stared at each other and silently for a few second.
That day I felt like she was close to me and so was I to her. But there is the fact that we are on both sides of each other's world. I need to remind myself that destiny has changed and if we continue now nothing will happen. Yet every moment I have with her has been times I have been able to be truly happy in the three centuries I have lived.
As I walked in the middle of the bridge, it's floor full of knives with flying arrows everywhere I was still smiling. I am now in hell and paying for my sin. I had to walk the bridge of Hell that was 21,000 kilometers long, floor full of knives and flying arrows. I will walk in here for seven days or the equivalent is seven years in hell. However if I am asked if I regret what I did? I will wholeheartedly answer no and I will never regret everything I do for Sean in the future.

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    Ramcel James Cabalhin Hamor



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    Sultones Dave

    this is so exciting 😍


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