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6 - Art

[ Myrtle's Point of View ]
"Myrtle Piena Saragoza, you are grounded for a week."
THIS MAN IS CRAZY! How dare he ground me?
"Hey! I am not your property! Also, I need to work! My mom's bills need to be paid!" I screamed at him while he was wearing his suit, preparing to go to work.
"You are staying in my condo, Myrtle. That makes you my property. So, don't you dare go out unless I told you so," he said and winked at me.
"By the way, your mom's bills at the hospital are paid," he added and went out.
That left me in shock. So, did he pay for my mom's hospital bills?
Goodness, my mom's condition will keep worsening if I can't pay for her flight to Switzerland.
I pulled my hair out of frustration. There are days when I feel hopeful, but I feel hopeless most of the time.
Whether I am grounded by that filthy rich man, I will not obey him. I changed my clothes into my cafe uniform and rushed to the shop.
As I arrived at the shop, everyone looked at me with judging stares. Yes, I know I look horrible, but could you please not focus on me?
I breathed heavily and went to the changing room to put on my apron and fix myself. I wonder if the boss will get mad at me for being late.
"Hey, Myrtle. You remember Yohan, right? That art-ass architecture student?" Kristina walked towards me while I was fixing my hair.
"Yeah, why?" I asked.
"He's right there, and he was asking for you," she whispered.
I frowned perplexedly about what she said. "Why was he looking for me?" I asked and pointed at myself.
"I also wonder."
We both went back outside, and I roamed my eyes to look for Yohan. I saw him in a corner with a bunch of watercolor and paintbrushes.
He looked at me and smiled like I was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen or is that how he really smiles?
I grabbed some of the orders and served them to the other customers. I felt Yohan's gaze still on mine. As soon as I finished serving the orders, I went to Yohan.
"Why were you looking for me?" I asked him.
"I just find you beautiful. Can you be my model?" he asked and rested his chin on his left palm while looking at me.
Awkwardly, I pointed at myself.
"Me? Look, I -"
"I will pay you, just be my model."
That's when I got interested. I badly need money, but I'm not sure if I can trust this man.
Like what I've said before, MEN SHOULDN'T BE TRUSTED!
"Don't worry, it wouldn't be as wild as Jack and Rose from Titanic," he added and chortled.
I was startled for a while as I remembered that scene.
"Yes, of course, it wouldn't. But, are you sure about it? You see, I badly need money and I don't have any time to waste. So, if -"
"Let's start later. I'll fetch you up after your shift," he said, stopping me from speaking.
Isn't that just disrespectful?
After that, he grabbed his art stuff, tapped my shoulder, and left the cafe. I was dumbfounded.
What just happened?
I continued working, and the day ended with just a glimpse of an eye.
"Today is much more tiring than yesterday," I said to Kristine while we were mopping the floor.
"I know. Hey, I heard you were from the province. Is that true?" she suddenly asked.
"Yes. I needed to come here because my mom id confined in a hospital in this city. I need a large amount of money."
"That's sad. If only I could lend you, but I also need money for my tuition and my siblings' tuition. You know, being the eldest child in a family, it kind of sucks. Especially when you were born in poverty."
I just glanced at her and nodded. It isn't the children's responsibility to work for the family, but we have no choice.
"Hmm? Is that Yohan?" Kristina asked as she pouted towards Yohan at the doorway.
"Yeah. Yohan asked me to be his model a while back," I replied.
"Wow, that's nice. I bet he is going to give you handsome pay. That man is rich," she replied.
Is everyone rich in this city?
I walked towards Yohan, and he said, "Let's go?"
I nodded at him and waved goodbye to Kristina.
"So, Myrtle, where were you from?" Yohan asked while we were walking on the street, with the sun setting itself.
"Uhm, from the province. I don't live in this city, but I have no choice because my mother is sick. And also, I need a huge amount of money," I replied.
"My bad. I hope your mom will get well soon."
We went to his art studio. There were paintings, drawings, colors, and canvas everywhere.
"Wow, I can't believe artists are messy," I teased. The mess artists create is still beautiful, though.
"Yeah. Sorry, I'll clean for a while," he replied and started picking up the scattered palettes on the floor. Of course, I couldn't just watch him, so I helped him too.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked while we were cleaning.
"No, I don't plan on entering a relationship yet."
As I said that, Sean suddenly popped into my head. I shook the thought of him.
"What about you? Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked, and he looked at me.
"Well, I already found someone I want," he replied while looking at my soul.
"That's great. I hope you two end up together."
We finished cleaning, and the studio became clean and tidy.
"That was tough," Yohan said while both his arms were on his waist.
"I know."
"Alright. Shall we start? You can sit on that chair, and I'll paint you." He pointed at the chair on the corner, and I just nodded.
"But, I look horrible. Couldn't I just change my clothes or at least fix myself?" I asked.
"No need. You're beautiful just the way it is."
That got into me. Even if it was just a short phrase, it was one of the best words I received.
He started painting me while I was just sitting awkwardly. He told me that he would paint my side profile, so I wasn't looking directly at him.
"You have long lashes and pointed nose, Myrtle," he said.
Minutes passed, and I hadn't changed position, so my neck hurt so bad.
"We're done," Yohan uttered and sighed. I looked at him while he was looking at the canvas. I walked towards him and looked at his painting.
"Wow," I muttered.
I don't know if I really looked like how I was in the painting, but it was immaculate! He added more details and colors that made his artwork even more beautiful.
"You're art," he whispered.
I looked at him and smiled, " Thank you," I said.
He said that he would hang it on his wall as one of his masterpieces. I don't mind because people wouldn't probably notice that the girl in the painting is me. As if they will even bother about it.
Yohan gave me two hundred dollars for less than an hour of being his model. At first, I was hesitant to accept it because it's way too huge for just sitting there and doing nothing. But, he insisted and told me that it was a pleasure working with me.
"Where have you been?" A car stopped in my direction while I crossed the road. The window opened, and I saw Sean with his cat, Rudolph.
"What are you doing here? How did you find me?" I asked confusedly.
"When I went back to the condo, you weren't there, so I decided to fetch you from work. But you weren't there again. When I asked your co-worker, and she said that you went somewhere with a guy," he explained rudely. If he was my boyfriend, I would assume he is a jealous jerk.
"Hey! Why are you so mad? Can't I go somewhere with a guy?" I scowled at him and attempted to go away, but he went out of his car and grabbed my arm.
"Myrtle, don't turn your back while I am talking to you," he said but in a calm voice.
"Okay. What do you want to know?" I asked him.
I just want to sleep because I'm too tired.
"Myrtle, I feel jealous," he muttered with his blue eyes like a puppy.
Instead of feeling pity, I laughed.
"Stop it, Sean. You're making me laugh!"
"I'm serious. Are you that dumb to not notice that I like you?" he uttered again.
This time, I fell serious and looked at him.
"You shouldn't like me. I am no match for you, Sean. You're a billionaire, and I am a nobody. For sure, there are a lot more other girls out there," I replied.
"Don't disparage yourself. You're more than you probably think you are. It's getting late. Let's go home."

Comentário do Livro (92)

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    I have been waiting for the next chapter for this past few days... Hope you publish sooner or later. I really like the story and its plot. Very recommended <3


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