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5 - Betrothed

[ Myrtle's Point of View ]
I woke up feeling a little bit cozy. Whenever I wake up at home, I immediately think exhausted, knowing that I will plow soil the whole day.
But now, it's a whole different feeling.
Last night, Jameson and I ended up arguing about which is better, pizzas with pineapples on top or not?
When I tasted the Hawaiian pizza, it was the best among the three. Probably the best among all the pizzas in the world.
And pineapple is the best ingredient.
Sean said he didn't want pineapples on his pizza and then, he started fighting me.
But thank goodness, I woke up peacefully.
I stretched my arms, and as soon as my eyesight got more precise, I realized that I AM NOT ON THE COUCH.
I am in Sean's room AGAIN!
Did he bring me here last night? I remember snuggling myself on the couch. How did I end up here?
I went outside and looked for him. I saw him eating fresh strawberries on the couch. He seemed like he just woke up because his hair was a bit of a mess, but he looks handsome, nevertheless.
Did he sleep here in the living room? I'm sure he didn't sleep beside me last night.
He looked at me with a strawberry on his lip.
He looked at me in the eye and looked at my-
My chest?!
My eyes widened, and I abruptly covered my chest. Even if his shirt is loose, it could still trace my boobs.
"Why...why did you look at it?" I screamed at him. I felt kike blushing in rage.
"I saw nothing. Or is there nothing to see at all?" he teased and smirked.
This jerk!
Oh, heavens. Just let me find that freaking job, and I won't have to deal with that arrogant billionaire over and over again.
I went back to his room and decided to lock myself in and wait for the cute maid to come again. I can't buy clothes myself, so I have to ask her.
An hour had passed, but the helper didn't come in yet. I can't just go out again because I don't trust Sean.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
I heard a knocking at my door and slowly marched towards it. Maybe it's the helper.
I opened the door, and it was Sean, holding shopping bags while handing them to me. I immediately grabbed the bags and closed the door.
As I rummaged through the bags, I saw many different girl clothes. There were dresses, skirts, shirts, jeans, everything.
There's even a pair of sneakers and heels.
And there were also nighties and panties.
And bras that are definitely my size.
Wait, did he buy all these himself? How does he know my cup size?
Then I realized he saw it a while back because it was traced by his shirt.
I covered my face in embarrassment and kicked and punched the air. I don't know if I could even put up a face right now.
I changed my clothes to something comfortable. I wore a sweatshirt and a pair of wide-leg jeans. Today, I plan on finding a job again.
I just wish that I could finally find a job right now because I don't want to waste mom's days.
I went outside the room and realized that Sean was nowhere to be found. Of course, I screamed in joy and jumped everywhere. Also, Rudolph is not here. Maybe he is busy wandering around places too.
I saw a note stuck in the refrigerator.
Hi, Myrtle.
Sorry about what happened. I didn't mean to look at it. Anyway, I hope you love the clothes. Today's the maids' free time, so you will be alone since I have work.
- SK
I pursed my lips and nodded my head. The maids also have rest days, even a working day. That's nice. I might as well be a maid here.
I sighed and remembered my mom again. I miss her so much. Should I visit her? But it would be a shame for me if I kept visiting her without any help at all.
I need to earn as soon and as much as I can.
For my mom.
And for my medical school.
I sighed and decided to go out and look for a job again. It's better than staying here all alone without doing anything.
I wonder why I don't see any pictures of Sean and his family or even pictures of him when he was younger.
Maybe it's in his parents' home.
As soon as I finished fixing myself, I went outside and breathed the morning air heavily. "What a nice day," I mumbled to myself.
I started to walk around the busy streets. There were old people around, drinking coffee and people going on their jobs.
I kept walking until I reached a cafe that emitted a really great aroma. There was a poster stuck on their window saying, "We're hiring new baristas, waiters, and cashiers."
I smiled to myself and immediately marched to that place. The interior has a very relaxing ambiance because the colors of the walls, floor, and furniture are perfect for the season.
As I entered, a girl wearing a black apron with her name embroidered on it walked towards me with a welcoming presence. She asked, "How may I help you?"
I smiled back at her and answered, "Are you still hiring?"
She nodded her head and asked me to come with her.
After hours of talking to their manager, I finally got a job in this place as a waitress. The pay isn't that handsome, but I'm grateful I got a job. This could at least help my mom.
I wore my uniform and looked at myself in the mirror. "You can do this!" I said to myself.
I positioned myself and the other waitresses and waited at the back, waiting for something to serve.
When there was finally an order, I grabbed the food tray and served it to a guy who was busy sketching. I glanced at his drawing and realized that he was drawing this place.
"Here's your order," I uttered and placed his matcha drink and strawberry cake on the table. He looked at me, and he caught my attention. His hair was fixed in a tidy manner, and it was being penetrated by the light of the sun, enabling me to appreciate his brown hair. His eyes have a green hue, the same color as the walls of this cafe. Also, he looks handsome for his age. I think we have the same age.
He smiled at me, and his perfect white teeth were shown. "Thanks," he muttered.
I smiled back and immediately went away as soon as I served his order. I glanced back at him and realized that he was still looking at me. After that, he went back to drawing again.
I served multiple drinks and orders to different customers, but this guy kept looking at me and back at his drawing. I am not assuming anything, but I feel like he was drawing me. I couldn't help but keep glancing at him either.
His gaze didn't make me any uncomfortable. He made sure he wasn't looking at me like a creep. Also, I would deduce that he's probably an art student or something like that.
After he finished his drink and cake, he walked towards me on the counter and gave me a page of his sketch pad. "I am Yohan. Nice to meet you," he said in a calming voice.
He didn't ask for my name as I grabbed the page from him. He just went away.
I looked at what he gave me, and it was a beautiful drawing of my face. I smiled as soon as I realized I looked so beautiful in his eyes. Or maybe he just made me extra beautiful in his drawing because I look ugly.
Either way, I can't believe a stranger drew me. I mean, that's adorable, isn't it?
"Hey, Myrtle, do you know that?" a coworker of mine asked. Her name is Kristina, the girl who approached me when I came here.
"Not at all. Does that person come here often?" I asked, and she nodded her head in response.
"That guy is an architecture student. He loves drawing strangers, and I wonder if I'm also included in his sketchbook. He looks handsome, especially when he stares at someone intently and draws them," Kristina explained. Her voice was mesmerized.
Oh, an architecture student. It would take me more years to earn for my college tuition.
It sucks being poor.
"He draws pretty well," I mumbled and continued working my ass off.
The day finished, and I felt so happy because I finally got a job! Also, I get to eat free meals at work.
As soon as I went back to Sean's condo, I saw him standing at the doorstep with crossed arms, glaring at me.
"Where have you been?" he asked.
Why is he even asking about it? It's not like it's his problem anyway.
"From work. See, I already got a job, so you don't have to coerce me into marrying you," I replied.
"Hmm, do you think your salary will be enough?" he asked again and inhaled heavily.
"It doesn't matter. I will work even harder to get the money I need, and you should stop forcing me into marriage already. I will marry the person I love, and love isn't forced." After saying that, I went inside his condo and landed on the couch.
I'm so exhausted.
I changed my clothes into pajamas and took a body shower.
"You drew this?" I heard Sean ask as I came out of the shower room.
Oh, the drawing from Yohan.
I smirked as I thought of something. "No, my boyfriend drew that," I replied and grabbed the drawing from him.
He looked at me with a perplexed face. "It's impossible for you to get a boyfriend in just a day."
Hah? Is he disparaging me?
"It's not your problem, okay? So don't force me to marry you because I have someone already."
I was about to walk towards his room, and he suddenly pinned me on the wall, with his hands on either side of my head.
My eyes widened in shock as I realized his proximity. It is unnerving.
He isn't mad, but there's a slight hint of rage in his eyes.
"You can't find another man, Myrtle. You're my betrothed."
I pushed him with all my might, but he didn't even move. He moved even closer to me and cornered me.
"Myrtle, you're my betrothed."

Comentário do Livro (92)

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    I have been waiting for the next chapter for this past few days... Hope you publish sooner or later. I really like the story and its plot. Very recommended <3


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