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Chapter III During High School

High school is the most beautiful time, because high school is the last time we experience adolescence. This period will not be repeated again when we have graduated from high school. High school is a time full of memories. .memories where we always do together, whether it's doing good things or bad things. I think we are more united in doing bad things than doing good things.
There are too many memories that we can't feel more than the memories that want us to be awesome. .why do i say this? because I want to forget my high school memories, I tried but I can't, I want to forget my high school memories because I think high school memories are so beautiful,
.In my opinion, high school is the most beautiful time, because high school is the last time we experience adolescence. This period will not be repeated again when we have graduated from high school. High school is a time full of memories. .memories where we always do together, whether it's doing good things or bad things. I think we are more united in doing bad things than doing good things.
There are too many memories that we can't feel more than the memories that want us to be awesome. .why do i say this? because I want to forget my high school memories, I tried but I can't, I want to forget my high school memories because I think high school memories are so beautiful as people say, that high school years are the most beautiful times,
.why is high school called the most beautiful time? Do you agree with this statement?...Hmmm. Interesting question for me. Maybe some people think that high school is the most beautiful school period and I am one of these people. .how not, in my opinion, high school is the last time we 'enjoy' our childish behavior, our silliness before focusing and seriously going to college. Last time to play around.
After graduating from middle school, I majored in science in high school. .I was very happy at that time that I was accepted in a public school that had quite a lot of fans. All went well until in the end, there was a small problem. His name is also a child who just graduated from junior high school, his mind is not too 'adult' I think at that time..Natural science class children often compare social science students with natural science, of course. And students in natural science classes always feel superior to students in social science classes. But that only happened at the start of school. .so on, nothing else.
My high school years were a time I will never forget. How not, the natural science major is only one class that is fixed and the three years of class are never randomized. Our solidarity is very close. .there's really nothing wrong with that anymore. Everything is family.
Not a day without laughing. My friends can always lift my mood. Likewise the silliness of my other contemporaries. .starting from those who always go to school wearing cutbray pants, singing in the canteen, idly teasing PPL teachers, playing guessing loose change in the field, chasing teachers for being late, hiding cell phones in plant pots or trash cans during raids, memorizing school march and.Indonesia Raya had three stanzas when he wanted to return his cellphone, wore a women's mukena when his pants had to be cut by the Student Representative because it was too tight, slept in class with the teacher, surprised two teachers at once because we were never in the mood to study (so we..agreed to a joint venture to buy cakes on the same day and decorate the classroom with wall-mounted materials), spend the whole day enjoying free time, where the boys often take a bath at school after sports lessons (thank God, my school bathroom is very clean), make dance performances, and dance for events. school, meet ambitious children who want to teach their friends—although some don't.and what I will never forget is that as many as 200 children were late for school on the first day of the even semester. As I recall, after the New Year holidays. Wow, what a record isn't it? I'm not surprised to see that haha. .actually there's a lot of silliness going on, I just don't really remember.
Those who are late usually get their cellphones confiscated, told to read a book and then make a resume, or clean the field or run in the field. If many are late like this, waka is confused about how to punish him.
When we were about to carry out the Computer-Based National Examination, our contemporaries gathered in the field and asked for the blessing of the teachers. We prayed together and sang farewell songs. Ah, I couldn't hold back my tears that time.
In the first year I went to school at this best high school going well, going according to its way, I have many friends, my teachers are good. In the second year, to be precise, I was in 2nd grade of high school, an incident occurred, one of my friends was sad because it has been decided by his lover and he was insulted by his lover's family. At first I felt sorry then I introduced him to my older brother, the only child of Buddha J, at first I thought this was just an acquaintance, it turns out that my sister really likes him, at first I agree, I agree, but in the second week they were dating, my best friend started to show her true nature which was very surprising for me, I, my best friend, are good people, sincerely really love my sister, it turned out to be unexpected. The original was very bad, there was an argument between me and my best friend. This debate arose because this woman was drinking at night with my brother. Ellas I witnessed this incident. In the morning I had a fight with the girl. There was a fierce argument between us.Me: "It turns out that you are a bastard, I thought you were a good girl, it turns out that you are more damaged than me, your behavior is pretentious in front of my brother, and my buddha, but behind him your behavior is this rotten, you like to drink, you also like smoking. Why are you a woman? can be like this."
Ad: "You don't slander, don't accuse me, you know where I drink liquor from, you know where I smoked from you," he replied to me.
Me: "You know, yesterday I saw you drunk behind your senior high school, until you were drunk, then your bathroom smells of cigarettes, it's impossible for the devil to smoke!!" I said to him
Ad while taking his bible and taking a knife he said "I dare to swear on the bible". While slashing his hand while taking the oath on the bible.
There were dramas that he made, I told budhe j and pak de to advise my brother not to be too far in a relationship, it turned out that what I did didn't affect my brother loving him even more and it was hard to separate. There was a big fight and it worsened my good name in front of the family my father, budhe j and her husband exaggerated the story in front of a large family so that the big family cornered me and my family, the pain was tremendous, I was embarrassed in front of the big family until my brother said
Brother: "Well, I don't want to be your brother anymore if you don't want to accept Ad as your brother-in-law tomorrow." he said to me
Yes I answered "it's okay not having a brother like you is also okay it won't affect my life." I said to him
Day by day the more I don't know myself this woman is even more embarrassing, every day looking for face on my brothers, until all my family members defend her and corner me even more as if I was the one who was guilty, I was the one who slandered her for days and months. this girl lives in my budhe's house even though it's not legal yet,
as husband and wife with my sister, the neighbors in the village gossip about each other but my pakdhe and budhe are still defending him. Day by day passed until it arrived at the time of Eid al-Fitr which should be forgiving each other but this ended up fighting and cornering each other. Coincidentally, that time coincided with the wedding. my brother, my mother was gossiped here and there, brothers defended the woman, my mother came home crying, I told her.
Me:" already ma'am, don't cry, don't put it in your heart, let me just bear it." I said to mom
Mother was still crying and she replied, "But it hurts my heart to see my son being vilified like that, even defending someone who is no one, you know, his nephew is part of his blood, right, you have the heart to judge you. being underestimated will not be successful now being vilified because of a model woman like that, your wound is not yet dry, now it's wet again," said the mother, with tears in her eyes.
Me. "Let this be part of my story. I will show that the word impossible will become possible. I will prove it, we will see who will be rich and successful" I said to my mother while stroking her back.
Year after year passed, not once did we return to the village, because of the heartache that still couldn't go away, it was time for high school graduation, mom and dad thought that we should go home, grandpa and grandpa really missed us, finally we decided to go back to the village, we ignored all the wounds in the heart, we treat it as if nothing had happened, we went home to the village. When we got there we normally rested and that night we visited relatives and Buddha j.'s house. We chatted as usual as if nothing had happened.,
Budhe j: "You have graduated from school and your child, when will you get married?" he asked dad.
Father: "I'm done not marrying first I will lecture as high as possible." replied the father.
Budhe j: "Why should women be exalted, why is it that high school is enough, no need to be lectured tomorrow-tomorrow will also cook in the kitchen, hold the mortar, dress up "Look, your brothers and sisters are already rich, all the cars are full of luxury houses. Instead of being used for college, it's better to buy cows, buy houses, or buy cars," he said.
Father: "Yes, I don't want my son to be like the others, I want my son to be successful, who knows, maybe he will get a police husband." said dad
Budhe j: "halah halah ... Your dream of heights is impossible to get a police husband where do you want the police to marry your child." he said
Father: "God wills everything, if the power allows anything will happen" said the father.
Finally we went home and we returned to Surabaya. With a sad feeling, the disappointment over the words from your brother made our hearts feel disappointed.

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    so reality and good


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    muito bom


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