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Capítulo 5 Gunshot

When I reached my room breathless, I immediately searched my bag for the medicines I take in case I get panic attacks. It was a medicine that my therapist gave me.
After finding it, I grab a glass of water before chewing it down my throat. It's not really necessary to chew it out, but thinking of what happened earlier makes me want to grind my teeth.
How shameless can a human being become? It seems like he reached the top level! I can't believe he's my new boss.
I felt myself calming down after a minute of taking meds and I decided to take a walk in the shore. So I took my sunglasses and went outside.
I love the sea — scratch that, I'm actually obsessed with it. The smell, the sound it makes, the color it reflects from the sky and the creatures that live in it.
I gently massage my temples as I walk down the grainy path. I would leave this place this afternoon so it wouldn't hurt for me to enjoy a little view of the sea in front of this fancy villa of the devil, right?
I was supposed to eat, but that boss of mine decided to ruin my appetite.
"You look so stress," said by the unfamiliar voice.
I tilted my head around to see who it is. It's someone I don't know. He's topless. His skin is gently touched by the sun and it's glowing brown. It's obvious that he's been soaked in the sun because of how brown his skin is — but he still looks good. It suits him honestly. He have that charming face that could woo girls.
I didn't gave him an answer and looked away before started walking.
“Well that was rude,” He chuckled.
I ignored him once again and walked away faster. This man ruins the mood. When I no longer heard footsteps following me, I decided to sit in the sand and stare at the calm sea.
It's honestly hot, but the wind coming from the ocean is cold.
"Fine, you're ignoring me. Might as well join you." I frowned when I heard the same voice.
“You've gotta be kidding me," I groaned.
I heard him laugh, the laugh that I can describe as an innocent one. This guy looks younger than me but he acts like we're the same age.
"I'm Joshua by the way, 19 years old. My parents are the caretakers of this villa. We were surprised that the owner decided to use this after many years of abandonment--"
"I didn't asked." I buried my face in my knees and closed my eyes, "Leave me alone." I continued to say.
"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you, alright?"
"I'm not interested."
He cackled once again. This annoyed me so much that I gave him a death glare.
"Leave," I said.
"Not unless you tell me your na—"
His sentence were cut off when a huge bang was heard. I looked around to see where it came from and looked at the young man who got quiet.
“Hey?” I waved my hand in front of his face. He didn't made a single expression. I just shrieked in panic when he slowly landed on the sand and that's where I saw blood coming out of his head.
The smell of blood is awful and it almost made me black out. My hands are shaking as I reach the lying body beside me.
"Shit, Joshua!" I exclaimed and fear started creeping inside me. He's bleeding so much.
My eyes widened from the realization of what happened. Someone shot him. Someone fucking shot him, in the head! And it happened in front of me!
It was too unexpected. I guess the people in the villa heard the shot because they came running outside. My ears started to ring and I couldn't hear the sorroundings well, it was a late reaction from the gunshot sound. My breathing is ragged and I feel dizzy. My tears are getting mixed with the blood.
I teared out more when I saw the blood in my hands. 
"Help!" He's not fucking breathing anymore! Jesus Christ!
I tried to do cpr. Even if my rational mind tells me it won't work, the overwhelming emotions made me tremble and desperate. I don't want to see another dead body in front of me. Please be alive, please be alive.
“Wake up!” I shouted.
"Lara!" Trixie came running beside me. She pulled me away and hugged me tight.
“Trixie, I need to save him!” I tried shoving her but she just hugged me tightly, afraid to let go.
"Lara, enough!" My ear is still ringing loudly, the smell is full of the stench of blood. I cried more desperately.
I need to save him. I need to.
Trixie never let me go as I break down. She was rubbing my back and hushing me to calm down, after a few minutes an ambulance came to the scene and examined the body before taking it away. When I saw how the nurse shook his head at the old woman who seemed to be the mother of that kid, I went numb.
Afterwards, Trixie told me that she needs to do something and will be back later.
I was shocked by the events that my mind can't function more properly.
I just found myself sitting on a bench with a towel covering my head. Cries of the family from the dead is so loud that it echoes in my mind. Some of my awful memories came creeping in. The stench of blood, the awful smell of death, the loud cries and the screams.
They're coming back, everything is coming back—
"Miss De Leon?" The familiar voice popped up and the face of that devil appeared in front of me afterwards.
My boss.
"I- I don't know. One moment, I was talking to him. Then seconds after, someone shot him. I don't know w-who. It was too fast. I didn't saw anyone." I started rambling on. My whole body is trembling with fear. The meds I took earlier are not helping me to overcome the panic attack either.
And my white shirt is still covered in blood and my hands too. Every time I looked at it, I would start sobbing again.
He pats my head and smiles before hugging me. It made me burst into tears. Unlike before, this hug was comforting so I didn't bother pushing him off.
He laced my hair using his bare hands. If I was in my right state of mind I wouldn't let anyone touch me especially him but I am in shock and scared as hell.
It feels like history is repeating itself. The trauma and some awful disgusting memories i wanna bury forever are getting back to hunt me.
That guy, I don't even know him, but he was probably a kind man.
"THE bullet came from M24 Sniper..." I muttered the printed words I've read on the newspaper the day after the incident.
There are also certain rumours circulating around about me and my boss since he did accompany me towards my room but that's it.
Oh well, I really don't care. Hearing those kind of things is a proof that people like to gossip stuffs even more than caring for the dead.
I feel so weak. I just remembered that I didn't ate even a single grain yesterday. Maybe that's why I can't almost walk in my own feet. Trixie is holding me lightly to make sure I won't collapse.
She did brought me foods yesterday in my room, but I cannot bring myself to eat. My boss did meet her on our way to my room yesterday, but Trixie didn't even looked at him. She just bowed and snatch me off from that weird man and went inside our room.
"You okay?" Trixie said, worry was in her voice. I shook my head and leaned on her shoulders. Yesterday was a mess and what happened was engraved to my mind. It was a traumatic experience.
Tyronne didn't even text me or anything, I'm sure he heard the news. He doesn't reply nor answer my calls. What's he doing?
"Dead on arrival," Trixie continued to read the news headline. It made my heart heavier. The suspect was not found and they just closed the case. Why? The police seems to take this lightly even though there were witnesses that says the loud bang came from the villa. So it means the person who killed him is just inside that mansion.
A cold shiver went down my spine.
What if I'm next? What if I woke up one day getting shot out of nowhere? Why? Just why would they kill a person?!
"Trixie, I want to go home." I sobbed. I couldn't get out of this place yesterday because of what happened but staying here would only revive bad memories. Tears are starting to flow again. She hushed me gently and nodded, "I'll help you, okay? Hush now," she comforted.
I can still smell the blood. The image of the dead body falling with a huge gunshot on his head still gives me the frights.
I watched someone died before right infront of me, and I can't save the both of them.
Trixie gently pulled me away from the crowd. I can feel the stares in my back as I walk away.
I want to get out of here as soon as possible.

Comentário do Livro (33)

  • avatar

    the Story is good!!💗💗 There are so many plot twist! There's some scene that funny but some scene will cause you to cry 😢 I wanted a season 2 if there are🥲 please read this story!!!💗💗💗


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    Sherwin Ortiz

    it's very nice app


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    JimenezCharice ann

    please support me


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