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Chapter 26

Churie POV
We're all here except for Heimez, Ved, Yui and Trix at Trixy's apartment and it's not that really small it's a little bit big, it have 5 rooms in right side, kitchen and couch with a tv and the only problem is Trixy have no stack foods here, is she eating outside food, dinner, lunch, breakfast?
"Why is that four taking so long?" I hear Ellie said rubbing her stomach, cute!
"Maybe buying foods?" I answer looking at tv blankly, all of us is in couch maybe waiting for miracle.
"Churie baby~~ can you order pizza... I'm so hungry~" Fay said leaning her head on my lap, making a cute face, god how can i even resist that face?!
"Anything for my princess, what pizza do you want?" I asked looking at her then to my friends. They all look at each other and start shout different and start fighting so loud, yep their all still kids even Fay is fighting for her life, she keep shouting pepperoni pizza but some shout hawaiian pizza, geez this kids!
"Everybody shut up!!" As soon as I yelled they all shut up and look at me like a scared cats, aishh!
"I'll order all of it just shut up and don't shout at my Fay" they all laugh except Fay who's blushing and hidding her face on my chest, they give a peace sign to my Fay.
"Will call the delivery guy and you just pay it" Sky said pointing at me and then reach the phone hotel.
"Maybe watching something will feel my princess better" I glance at Fay side but i saw she's doing something with her phone, i guess she's busy now, she didn't even hear or respond something to it.
I was about to turn on the TV but someone knocked at our door nonstop, we all looked at each other smirking, knowing what will happened next. So I run faster at the door and they did the same like chasing me but to late im more flexible than them, lol.
As i open the door it give us the one and only Yui and Trixy... but just them, where's the others?
"Where's Heimez and Ved?" I asked finding if the two is hiding somewhere outside the door but just only them and the silence.
"Their still not here?" Trix asked back worriedly at us, did she just question my question... that's rude!
"Well no, i thought you four are all together and cause your taking so long" I let them in first and asked again if where's Heimez and Ved but instead of answering me she she took her phone and trying to call someone, maybe Heimez? Gosh I'm getting nervous and worried at them!
"Why the hell she's not picking it the fuck up!!?" We all heard Trixy yelled and keep walking in a same area over and over again, i let her calm down and told her maybe their on the way now.
"Come on, have some wat-" I got cut off when we all heard a knock in our door again, so i told Jeimy to take a look who is it and she quickly obeyed.
"GUYS IT'S VED!" she yelled, wait only her?! I was about to run to the two of them but Trixy quickly jump on me and run to the door, did the two of them fight again?
As they walk towards us holding a groceries i can see how frustrated Trixy was, she didn't even said a word after she run towards Ved and just quietly seat down.
I know from the start that we became friends and always talked about Heimez, i can say she really live her, her smile, her giggled, her laugh, everything! Heimez is so freaking lucky to have her cause if i were her I won't hesitate to marry Trixy.
We all become silence and no one dare to talk or say something, so i move my arm and asked Ved if she knows where Heimez is, as she glance at me she quickly look away and didn't answer my question.
"Ved, where is Heimez!!!" I asked again but this time standing up and look angrily at her, some of our friends trying to calm me down but how the hell? She knows where Heimez is but she don't want us to know?! We're so worried here but she... SHE WAS JUST CHILLING! chilling like nothing is happening!
"She's in park! She only told me she want a quick fresh air and comeback fast... She told me n....not to tell you guys... I tried but all of you keep asking and shouting at me!"
"Trix try search her on park, now!" I command her, throwing my key car to her and walk at Ved place, i calm her down and apologize to her, I'm just so worried... Heimez is a girl and if boy's this days can't control their self. There's only one park here at our place and it's not that big, I'm sure he went there.
"Why would Heimez go to the park this late, it's already seven o'clock" Amber asked, she's right and this late she want a fresh air? This hotel have rooftop why not just here?
'Aishh so many questions!'
"I think i should cook dinner now, Sky, Fay, Sheinna please help me in kitchen" Jeimy said breaking the silence again and walk her way in kitchen with them.
'Finally, I'm already hungry' T-T
"I hope Trixy find her fast at the park and come home safely" Azariah worriedly said looking all of us, we all nod and agreed to her, i know Trixy won't comeback empty handed, i trust her so much!

Comentário do Livro (504)

  • avatar
    ۦۦ ۦۦ

    what is non academic test this story?


  • avatar

    This is really good story but many words error and i understand cause it's the your first story! Fighting!


  • avatar

    I like how you clearly explain and this is really a pretty great story, it have a funny chapters, past chapter and in a serious one. I Think I Would Love To Read This Until It End.


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