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when I open my eyes ..there has no light my head was covered by a black mask ..no possible to see around..I tried to stand up and run but was impossible..I found my self tight in one chair in front of one big electric fan ..the wind was so strong ..I tried for second time desperately impossible to move from that chair
I realized I was kidnapped by some one..I just stop losing my power I relax my self and I decided to wait..whoever was there at the back of all of this will show up soon...while I was in that position two voices downstairs start to approach..one of them talking different albanian accent the other mixing albanian language with some few Greek words ..I become confused.and I didn't move to let them know I'm still asleep ..while I was trying to understand what happening someone pull out my face the mask who's covering me and I reach to see the light.three big guys in front of me one of them holding a baseball bat in his hand..while I tried to ask what's going on...the bat hit me so hard in my chest..I spit blood ..the pain was terrible..the other two smiled and ask me HOW ITS YOUR BOSS
the pain start to open all over my body my left arm become numb..tears come out from my eyes and I shout..fck what is this..who are you stupid people
I'm not working I'm a child
the guy tried to hit me again but the guy with hard dialect stopped him
they go but my pain was there ..I cried few minutes and many ideas was inside my head WHO THEY ARE
many questions in my head and I was trying to find the answers...the was wearing different clothes long hair two would the guys ..and they looks like dirty and having some tribal style tattoos means no chance to be POLICEMAN.
the one who hit me had a big silver ring like a big eagle red color..he didn't speak any word but he was strong and for sure from south of albania...he looks patriotic from the ring and the tattoos with our hero .while I was thinking everything and nothing to discover where and what was my destiny there someone approached at my back and ask me if I needed water..he's words and the accent was so strong..I told no...and then he grabbed my neck and forced me to drink while he's pouring the water all over my face and my mouth..I stopped my breath and almost I choked..he laughed very loud and dissappear again..I was so tired and terrified those people looks dangerous and serious about what they are doing I had no experiences like that and I don't know how to deal it .I decided to just wait my destiny whatever was ..bcs I was clear they was not policeman and the only enemies I had was the people of that first guy I hit with the bottle in that disco..I just tried to calm down and wait..after more than two hours in that situation the guys come back they tight my hand with a nylon rope like a pig and they started to pull me out. they send me in another room with many things around the tables like knifes cutters many things it's was like a surgical room with two very dirty bed.one of them pull me up with his big arms and throw me into the first bed ..he tight hand and my legs very tight till I feel my bones cracked. and he get out
the second one who entered the room was wearing a uniform like a butcher and he approach the tables there and while holding a knife in his hand he asked at me WHAT ITS YOUR NAME?
he smiled and whispered WE HAVE A TOUGH MAN HERE
after he started his questionnaire..what it's my father name my family. what it's my boss and many questions..
I keep silent and in one moment while his knife was kissing my left legs.and for one moment my eyes become wet .I started to cry without my desire
and I don't know how but I shout to him M F C K LET ME FREE AND FIGHT LIKE A MAN
I that moment I just feeled a sharp pain in my left foot like one piece had been removed already and I saw dawn ...my foot was severely bleeding and the guy run out like the wind..after that I fall asleep again
.when I wake up I found my self in that chair again but only my arms was fixed ..the electricity was down and was very silent..I felt pain in my chest and my left foot..I tried to step in but the pain was more strong..and become wet again..I definitely understand he cut something there ..I was in the darkness and no one was around..I hold my breath and while I was listening to the tiktok of my cheap watch with battery my brain start to work little..I tried to stand up in my feet ..it was impossible in that position and I tried to roll down the chair and my self also ..I was hoping to move and to make my self free.when I fall down one of my arms go out from the rope they tight me..in few minutes I reach to get out from that chair and I feel good..I wanna to see where I was and how to get out from that building...I saw my watch was exactly two am ..I hold my breath and for few seconds I tried to hear around..everything was silent no people around..I tried to move like a lizard till the stairs and I understood I was in the second floor and inside a big and old house..I continued to get downstairs and finally I reach to the first floor when I saw my foot was bleeding out and no wanted to stop ..I tried to search in the darkness up in the table ..and I found cigarettes..I remembered my big UNCLE put powder of cigarettes in the wounds of animal to stop the blood ..I took four pieces I put I'm my foot ..I also found one old socks and I wear on top...I approach th e main door and I found out was close ..And now what to do I told to my self..resting like that without moving in the darkness my brain work again ..I go in the toilet and see if I can get into the small window there..I was terrorized and I wanna immediately to get out from there before someone see me..and I reach to get out almost one hour before the sun light comes out..like a snake I move almost three kilometers from that house and I feel my self free ..I hide into a forest with dry leaves and branches ..hungry dirty and thirsty ..I had nothing to eat ..I saw the left cigarettes I took in that house ..I smoke one piece for forgetting the pain I had..doesn't work for the moment ..and I decided to take two cigarettes ..my body start to warm up little but my mind feels dizzy .while I was almost in the last I feel cracking the leaves and I heard steps around. I switched of the cigarettes and I wait for the unknown to appear..my heart bit was running like a horse and I started to shake all over ..after few seconds I heard
I didn't answer first..I was in doubt the voice looks like old man
HEY DO YOU NEED HELP ?again he start to ask
I just pull out the leaves my hand and I told IM SICK ..I WILL DIE
after that two hand pull me out clean my dirty clothes and I saw one wrinkle face smiling at me...he told me YOU ARE NOT DEAD ..NOT YET and take me in his arms..he walked maybe twenty minutes in the forest and I found my self in one old house made of woods ..a big fire in middle and some fresh milk boiling into it..I remembered my big UNCLE .the man who saved me now was a farmer and his having goat ..he ask me what it's my name..automatically I said IM LILI
and after I fall asleep hugging a pillow made of dry grass..I sleep long and I wake up from the pain in my foot.the old man was trying to put medicine there and he removed the old sock I wear it..he smiled and ask me about the cigarettes in my wound..he told me I was so young for know that and to use it ..I just answered him a friend teach me that ...
while he tried to feed me some milk he ask me about this friend I just lie and I told he's a veterinarian and named ENVER...the old man smiled and didn't talk more ..after we eat he ask me to sleep little more and told me he will go out to get the animals..the evening almost was there..I wake up by the old man and when I open the eyes I saw ENVER the veterinarian who saved my guy from the bullets..and I become shocked..the old man ask me if he was the same friend we spoked before..Enver smiled and approach to me..he ask me how I feel and both they laughed..I tried to smile also..enver took a old carrier and a horse and send me in his place to cure my wound .I was shocked and I didn't say nothing till the next morning come out and Enver was cleaning carefully the wound..I ask him how he found me and where I was ..he just smiled and said THE WORLD ITS SO SMALL GOOD PEOPLE GOING TO MEET AGAIN.i smiled at him and I ask him check if he can heal that cut...he told me need surgery need some stitches and it will be heal..I asked for him to give me some alcohol to not feel the pain of stitches and he put four stitches while I drunk the bottle..after two days in his house I ask him to help me with the transportation in my city ..I needed to find out what going on. he took a car from his cousin and come with me in the city ..he left me in the entrance of our office and I ask him to wait for me.bcs he will buy also my medicines. when I enter in the office only one of the guy was there..he hug me tight and almost hurt my feet..I ask him for some money and I told him to go down to talk with Enver. together we go in the pharmacy and after finish with enver I refuel the car in gasoline station before he left I give him a bundle of cash .he smiled and pushed back to me.he told me NOT THIS TIME..YOU PAID ALREADY..
I didn't insist more I just give at him a friendly shaking hands and I go back..I wanna to see KIME and to find out what was all of this
while going back in my brain was repeating ENVER words WORLD ITS SMALL GOOD PEOPLE GOING TO MEET AGAIN..I smiled and i enter the office.

Comentário do Livro (1131)

  • avatar
    Sophia Cabbab

    Wow, that story was truly captivating! I couldn't stop reading until the very end. The way you described the characters and the setting was so vivid, it felt like I was right there with them. The plot twists were unexpected and kept me on the edge of my seat. Thank you for sharing this incredible story!


  • avatar

    keep writing more...this story make me so curious about everything look so real more more more


  • avatar

    the story so sad and not bad to read them also I enjoy the story


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