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Capítulo 2 A Life I Must Live

"Terra, do you think your father won't scold you if you come with me?" I halted from walking and glanced at my companion who had become anxious as she gazed at me. I let out a chuckle and lightly tapped her shoulder.
"What do you think?" I asked and her face flush red, she stepped back and averted her gaze from me.
"You will not be coming with me, you should go to the village and do what your father has commanded you to do, probably he is waiting at the field…" she muttered and proceeded to walk away, leaving me in my location. "This wilderness is dangerous, you must go now."
I frowned at her and crosses my arms as I observe her figure from a distance. "Anyhow, why are you going to the East Mount? I notice that you often come there in the six hours until dawn," I blurted and I saw how she shifted her gaze. She must be probably guilty.
"... Aren't you afraid of vampires and wolves? Terra, I know you do not believe such tales yet I am telling you that it is more than just a story." Her voice became pressing which caused me to focus on her words, "I can see them everywhere, that is why I know that they are indeed real."
"If that is so, how do they look? I can say that their appearance must be way different than how the folks draw them on books," I muttered but she only stared at me as if her mind was in deep thought.
Before I could continue to speak, she recklessly ran off and I could not chase her and so I was left dumbfounded in the middle of the wilderness. "Nice,"
"Now what?!" I barely calmed myself as I began to feel the sudden heat of the sun.
I let out a sigh before even going back to the town, "I can sense that she's up to something, the moment I will know that she is a traitor, I will surely pierce down the arrow on her throat."
As I headed back my way to the gatehouse—the only area which was facing the bridge and is the weakest point of the castle. I recognized that the portcullis was lowered and so I greeted the gatekeepers and inquired of what had recently occurred. "Pardon me, sir… what's with the abrupt security?"
"Where did you come from, mate? You should be careful around our territory, last night the king ordered his knights to be watchful due to a sudden attack on the west coast,"
"May I know what's the cause of the incident?" I questioned yet the six of them glanced at one another before they could fix their glares at me.
"The other soldiers reported that there was blood in the area, mayhaps it is from the wolves nearby."
"Where is Captain Theodore?"
"He's at the keep, probably training some of the rookies or assigning soldiers to guard over the dungeon. He can't entertain anybody, for now, you should come by the next day." I frowned upon what I heard, I nodded my head and bowed.
"Thank you for your response, have a good day," I hurried on my way to the village and checked into the well-known town's library and as usual, I read books—not typical ones, they're useful in my training in archery.
"Good morning, mademoiselle! How are you? Your father visits here and asks me about the books you recently read," an old man greeted my sight as I arrived at the doorway, his genuine smile beams on his edges and he stepped toward me and handed me a familiar book which I often read since last week.
"The same thing goes around, sir. I've been tailing Lorelei and I have figured out that she has been up to something. I cannot clearly comprehend what it is though," I sat on a wooden stool and picked the book that he handed over to me.
"I see, what will you do the moment you shall find out that she really is hiding something from you?" He asked which made me stiff on my location. I glanced at his countenance but his hands were busy flipping the pages of some volumes on the furniture before him.
"If she will soon betray the kingdom, then there is no way I'll be letting another new morning for her to behold." Upon hearing my words, he bitterly smiled at me. I shrugged off my shoulders and skimmed the book on my grip.
I sensed him having a glimpse of me, "Archery has been your favorite hobby but you are secretly doing it, don't you?" He once again spoke, I bit my lower lip and glanced at him.
"My father knows about it, and he dislikes the idea of me joining his crew. I do not know what's wrong with women who choose to follow the desires of their hearts to serve the king," I responded.
"Women must focus on the household chores, taking care of children and pleasing their husbands." I clenched my fist upon hearing his phrase, yet I remained calm as to how I must be supposed to behave.
"With due respect sir, yet I disagree with what you have spoken."
He shrugged his shoulders and I remained quiet on my seat, as I gradually flipped the pages of the book I am holding, I noticed that he was staring at me. I never minded his actions. I spent an hour at the library and finished reading five chapters for today.
Meanwhile, as I laid the book on the wooden furniture, I saw a woman coming in with her hood on. I could sense that she felt uneasy therefore I decided to observe her ways. She approached the old man and had a conversation with him, I eavesdropped on their discussion and I heard about a prophecy.
When the woman left, I gazed at the old man and I figured out he had been staring at me with his wide grin. "Have you heard of the hidden book?" he asked which gave chills down my spine.
"What hidden book?"
"There is a prophecy that will soon surprise everybody. One of the princes from the underworld shall be set free from the cage and he shall visit the human realm and destroy mankind." My eyes widened due to how he let his voice sound so odd, it makes the story even more frightening.
"That must be one of the myths in our territory?" I stated and averted my sight from him.
"Your life is at risk, Terra..." his final words cause me to overthink, as I got out of the shop and headed my way to my home, I felt uneasy. Life has been quite tiresome, I often think of it as how history repeats itself. Nothing is much new for today, the old tales seem to be something that does not need to take seriously, it feels as if what I did yesterday is what I will be doing for the rest of my life.
"Terra, wait!"
I turned back upon hearing a voice calling for my name, I saw Sage with her smile. I glared at her as I began to walk ahead, "What do you want?" I asked without glancing back at her once more.
"Here we go again, Terra. Why can't you just face me and listen to what I am about to speak?" Her voice feels hopeless as if it's pleading over my gorgeous body.
"What is it? Another love letter from the knights? I told you they will not have any chance from me, burn them." I saw how she rolled her eyes at me of what I mentioned, my feet halted from walking and I confronted her with my usual complexion whenever she was around.
"Of course, they won't be having a chance for a bride like you, you are fated to feel the embrace of the eldest prince." I throw a glare at her, she's pathetic! How could she even mention that issue right in front of my face?
"Lock your lips, or I will be stitching it for yourself."
"Oh come on!" She hissed and fixed her ebony hair which danced along with the lovely wind.
"What do you wish to say, Sage? Spill the tea."
"It is the captain," she continued, and so I peered at her countenance and I saw how she looked so exhausted.
"Which one?" I asked.
"Your father, Terra…"
"What about him? Did something happen?" Her words pushed me to sense anxiety, what is she about to say? She's making me feel anxious.
"He wants you to dress up for tonight, the king ordered him to behold your presence," My eyes widened out of surprise at what she uttered, I could feel how my heart commenced beating hastily.
"I cannot," I whispered between my breathing. There's no way I'll be facing the king's throne.
"It is an order, miss. You will be opposing the rules if you disagree," I heard her sigh, I massage my temples and walk ahead of her.
"Wait, where are you going?"
"I need a quiet place to think about it. If anyone is looking for me, tell them that I am feeling sick and that I need to rest." I rush my feet towards the forest and find myself standing before the streams of water.
I breathe heavily and scream from the top of my lungs, "This life is unbearable!"
The pressure I am sensing keeps arising from within, I cannot do this! I will never marry the eldest prince, I never wish to rest in his palace and I never seek for gold and silver!
"All I hope is to be part of the trainees and become a warrior to protect the kingdom," I whispered and dashed myself into the river, I soaked my entire body as I sensed the coldness of its waters. I let myself feel the refreshing flow and my tears proceeded to fall from my eyes.
"... You don't need to carry all the burdens within you, Terra. You can always do what your heart desires, for it is the will of the King," I stiffed on my location upon hearing a silvery voice, I recklessly got up from the waters and turned my back to see who was behind me.
I saw a man, standing on the rock with his body leaning on it. His Caribbean irises were the first thing that greeted my sight and I saw his grin being formed on his edges.
"Who are you?"
"... I won't tell you my name, milady." I gaze at his entire being from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head, and I step aback upon sensing his unfamiliar presence.
Who is he? He can't be here, is he an intruder?
"Back off!" I hissed yet his grin grew even wider.
"I am not here to hurt you, Terra." my eyes rounded the moment I heard him calling me with my name. This can't be!
"What clan are you? You cannot fool me," I felt how my knees began to tremble, I gulped upon seeing him walking closer in my direction.
"Answer me, bastard!"
"You cannot say something to me like that, a little respect would do…" I clenched my fist as I gritted my teeth in annoyance, this man is disturbing me!
"Go away and never come back," I blurted and I heard him chuckle.
"... Why are you here, and what do you want?" I tried to calm myself but I gasped for air when I felt him right before me, his face is so near and I barely breathe.
"I'm here for this, thank you, Terra." I was stiff upon realizing that he cut a portion of my hair, I screamed in horror as I touched the tip of it, knowing that the part he cut was now leveled to my chest.
"What have you done?!" My complexion shifted as I fumed in annoyance. I hasten my way to punch his face but he is too sudden to vanish into thin air.
I was left dumbfounded. I felt crying upon knowing that the left side of my hair was cut.
"You will pay for this, bastard!"

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    Yaasy Garcia

    thank you


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