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Capítulo 3 Stranger Inside Her Room

About 3AM, Martina finally got home. Every time she’s going home late, she never bothered her housemaids. She’s also afraid to interrupt their sleep so she is the only one who opens the gate for herself and to safely park her car at the garage. When she’s done doing that, she went upstairs to her own room. She immediately removed all her clothes and only wore a bathrobe. She was about to take a shower but she smelled something weird.
My room smelled like there’s a drunk guy who vomits here.
Her heart beats suddenly like she’s running a marathon. What if there’s an intruder inside her room? She has no self defense tool aside from a baseball bat so she immediately searched for it as she was about to inspect the whole room. But before that, Martina must be sure if something in her room was missing or simply find any traces that a robber entered her room. But to her surprise, all the stuff in her room is still intact and complete. But still, she’s sure that there is still an intruder inside her room.
One, two, three…
After that count, she pushed the restroom’s door while gripping a baseball bat. And unexpectedly, her heart thumped when she found out a stranger who was peacefully sleeping near the toilet bowl. It was gross to look at. The smell also lingers around the place where he is sleeping.

Martina knew that it would still be inhumane to hit a stranger, but she was determined to report this incident at the police station but she hesitated because the stranger guy doesn’t look like he’s a robber or a syndicate member. The man looks like a vampire. His complexion is light pale and has bloody red sexy lips. If this guy was awake, Martina would easily tell if he has chinky eyes or not. But as she analyzed his features, his eyes seemed a bit rounder, like a cat’s eyes. He also looks like a male version of sleeping beauty. Martina hated it. Why does she feel attracted to him when she doesn’t even know why this guy is inside her room?
No way Martina, you shouldn’t praise his looks. What if he’s a rapist?
She handed out the baseball bat for a while. Confirmed, he was the same guy who vomits and smells liquor. Martina was pissed off as she went out of her room. She looked for an air freshener and poured them to evaporate its smell. She also went downstairs to knock on her maid’s room but unfortunately, nobody woke up for her.
Right. The guy in my room is the boyfriend of one of my two maids! How dare you! Just wait for tomorrow and you will see how I react! I will never let this thing slide again!
Martina irritably went back to her room to see if the guy was awake. She wanted to curse so many times not only due to her anger but also to her attraction towards that stranger.
The stranger’s lips moved suddenly. and Martina detest it how she still finds that guy so gorgeous that she can give herself to him anytime he wants. But she shrugged that thought. She opened the restroom’s bidet and she soaked that guy in wet water but her move didn't make him awake.


“You go first,” Alina whispered to her two co-housemaids, Yayo and Kikay. Early in the morning when Martina called all of them to confirm something about last night, mostly about the drunk guy who slept in her room.
Martina was just observing them while her anger didn't fade.
“Oh my God! Do I have to call you one by one? Or should I make it like we're doing a raffle to call your names?” The undying anger was still reflected on Martina's voice. All of her housemaids know that she's crazier when she's mad. Nobody could control her temper.

She snapped her fingers. “I knew it. I know that you're just anxious. Just tell me who's that guy who slept in my room last night!”
Martina's loud shout echoed the room, even her three housemaids covered their ears. The high pitch of her voice seems like it can break a glass.
“Ma—am. We don't know who that guy is. If it's possible for him to be our boyfriend, why not? We're not picky for a handsome guy like him.” Alina brought a joke to ease the tension. Being a housemaid who serves longer, she knows how to control this kind of situation.

“Then who is that? It's very impossible to come out of nowhere!” Martina angrily asked. She doesn't want to get mad at them but they're really testing her patience.
“Madam Remmy told us that he's your husband. I mean, soon to be husband. We're surprised that you don't know him because Madam told us that you're getting married soon,” Kikay answered with a shaky voice.
“Can you reiterate? A husband?” Martina got irritated again. The three housemaids nodded in unison.
“Lola's here?” Martina's tears went down easily. She has been waiting for her grandmother's return to their house. Nanay Remmy left because of the misunderstanding between them, a long time ago. Martina persuaded Nanay Remmy and tried to reconcile with her but Nanay Remmy insisted not to live with her anymore. That matter stressed her too much. Good thing, Nanay Remmy came back and nothing bad happened to her.
“Yes Ms. Martina, your grandma came back just yesterday but she told us not to tell you because this is supposed to be a surprise,” Yayo admitted.
“Where is she?”
“She's in her room,” Yayo politely replied.
Martina wiped her tears before rushing to her grandma. And her joy overflowed when she saw her grandmother sleeping on her bed. She slowly glides her hands through her grandma's hands “I miss you lola.”
Martina took her time to look and analyze her grandma. She can easily tell that Nanay Remmy got thinner. Probably because of her lifestyle outside the house. But this time, Martina promised that she will double her effort to take care of her grandmother.
She shook her head when she realized that Nanay Remmy finally woke up. She received a lively smile from her grandma. “My lovely granddaughter, finally we've met again.”
Martina can easily tell how happy Nanay Remmy is. They hugged each other.
“Sorry for playing hide and seek with you,” Nanay Remmy apologized. Martina felt a sincere remorse from her grandma's voice.
“I should be the one to apologize in the first place because I'm too stubborn,” Martina whimpered as she hugged Nanay Remmy tightly.
“Who brought you here? I'm glad you arrived safe,” Martina asked.
“It was Randell. He saved me and even accompanied me to get here,” Nanay Remmy exclaimed.
“Who's that guy anyway?” Martina's forehead wrinkled.
“Your soon to be husband.” Nanay Remmy smiled from ear to ear.
“I told you that I won't go back not until I found a guy better than Sean,” she added. Sean was Martina's abusive ex boyfriend. Nanay Remmy didn't approve of Martina's relationship with that moron. He's the only guy that has to blame why Martina changed. It's a long story that they don't bother to talk about anymore.
"You think it will work 'La?" I'm 30, I don't need a man. I'm satisfied just being with you. Don't pressure me to marry someone else just because you hate Sean. I'm trying to become a better person," Martina insisted as she frowned. She can easily tell who Randell is. Probably he's the same drunk guy inside her room.
“I don't believe in your words, according to our dear housemaids, you are still communicating with Sean!” Nanay Remmy protested.
Martina let out a sigh.
“Martina, I'm old and I know that I'm leaving this world first. I'm just worried about your future—”
“I get it Lola, I don't have a boyfriend and my parents didn't care about me. I could just say that they disowned me and they were embarrassed because I'm their daughter.” Martina courageously stood up and she looked away from her grandmother.
Her wrists crumpled as she began to go back upstairs, to the third floor to look for Randell. She can't wait to punch him as a way of waking him up. Martina found out that Randell is still sleeping like a baby. She heaved a sigh.
While Randell hugged himself as he opened his eyes.he felt like he was stuck in a cold storage room. He's freezing and his clothes are wet too. The last thing he remembered was he vomited inside the restroom and then he fell asleep. He didn't even remember that he took a shower. He wasn't aware that a pair of eyes were looking at him right now. He just went back to the restroom and he immediately removed his clothes to ease the coldness in his body. Good thing, he found a piece of bath robe on the bed so he just took it to wear temporarily. He felt a sudden nervousness when he felt someone grab him and hit him numerous times.
“Ouch! That hurts a lot!” he yelled as he was thrown at the bedside table. He looked up just to know who's that stranger attacking him and he was surprised after realizing that it was a woman, a pretty woman to be exact.
“Gosh, you don't hit like a woman, are you a wrestler?” Randell asked with full disgust on his face. He also took his time to glance at that woman. Her eyes were glaring like she was about to kill someone. Randell was also quite amazed by looking at that woman who has a small face and proportional body, she's tall too.
Those views from her made Randell's mouth wide open. Probably, that's Nanay Remmy's granddaughter named Martina.
“You slept in my room, you even wore my bathrobe. Don't you have good manners and good conduct? Are you aware of that?” Martina stressed.
While she was hitting Randell,she felt the coldness of his body. It was because she soaked him wet with the water bidet last night. But even though his body is cold, Martina felt like she was grilled because of Randell's way of looking at her right now.
She wants to curse loudly if she can. Randell's eyes were hypnotizing and the more she looked at it, she felt like she would unwillingly follow what Randell wanted so she broke eye contact between them and kept her fierce attitude. “Remove your bathrobe, faster!” she rudely requested.
“I can't,” Randell insisted. At this point, Martina threw a hateful glare towards him. “But why?”
“I don't have clothes aside from this robe. Just sympathize with me, even only at this moment. Or else, you want to see me naked,” Randell timidly explained. Martina rolled her eyes before looking down on the floor. She saw Randell's wet clothes there. This is awkward.
“Is that so? Just pick your wet clothes before you leave!” Martina yelled before she went out of the room.
Just as when Martina already went outside, she immediately felt her heart thumping out loud like she ran fast. She couldn't believe that Nanay Remmy would pick a guy like Randell for her.
“I think this was all a prank!” She bit her lower lip due to her assumptions and also to the fact that if she was careless earlier, she might see that man naked.
But she can't deny, Randell looks hotter when he's awake. She's right after all. Randell has eyes like the eye of a cat, chinky but sort of rounded. It was very attractive to look at. Randell also looks like he belongs to a rich family.
“Hush, Martina. You can't trust that guy. Do anything to make him leave this house!” She was talking to herself like crazy.

Comentário do Livro (277)

  • avatar

    i really like the words that writer used. a simple word make easy to read and understand .


  • avatar
    Shanum Nariswari

    im so lucky to know this novel. it makes me increase my words in english. im so happy maybe i will recommend this story to my friends and my familly


  • avatar
    jihahi haha

    the story is very good


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