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As the moon rose high in the sky, Eva was about to say something, Victoria's instincts took over. She burst into the room, her fangs bared, and attacked Eva.
Victoria had always despised humans and their weak, pathetic ways. To her, they were nothing more than food, nothing more than prey to be hunted and devoured.
She lunged at Eva, her fangs bared, ready to strike. Eva, however, was more agile than Victoria anticipated. She dodged the vampire's attack with ease, her movements almost too fast for Victoria to keep up with. Victoria tried again, but Eva was too quick for her. She ducked and weaved, narrowly avoiding Victoria's deadly fangs.
Frustrated by her inability to catch the human, Victoria decided to switch up her tactics. Instead of trying to bite Eva, she began to claw at her with her razor-sharp nails. The vampire raked her claws across Eva's arms and chest, leaving deep, bloody gashes in their wake. But even as blood dripped from her wounds, Eva refused to back down. She knew that she was no match for the vampire's strength, but she was determined to survive. She continued to dodge and weave, using every ounce of her agility to stay one step ahead of Victoria's attacks.
As the two continued to battle, Victoria began to grow more and more frustrated. She was used to being the predator, used to being the one in control. But this human girl was different. She was strong, resilient, and determined. Victoria had never encountered a human quite like her before. Finally, after what felt like hours of fighting, Victoria saw her chance. Eva stumbled, her footing unsteady, and Victoria pounced.
As Victoria are going to bite and the taste of human blood that still sent shivers down her spine.Gabriel's voice boomed across the room, "Stop right there, Victoria." he said, his voice firm and commanding.
Victoria turned to face him, her eyes glowing with the hunger for blood. "What are you doing here, Gabriel?" she hissed.
"I could ask you the same thing," he replied. "But that's not important right now. What's important is that you don't kill Eva."
Victoria sneered at him. "Why not? She's just a human. We're vampires. It's what we do."
Gabriel stepped forward, his eyes locked on hers. "Because I said so."
Victoria rolled her eyes. "Really huh? Since when have you cared about humans? Why can't I kill her? She's just a human."
Gabriel's voice was grave. "She is more than that. She has a destiny that cannot be fulfilled if she dies. Trust me, Victoria. Let her live."
Victoria hesitated, but the power of Gabriel's words was enough to make her pause. She had never heard him speak with such urgency before, and she knew there was more at stake than just her own desires.
"What is her destiny?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.
Gabriel hesitated for a moment before replying. "I cannot say. But I promise you, it is worth saving her life. You must trust me on this, Victoria. For the sake of our kind."
Victoria closed her eyes, her fangs retracting. She could feel the hunger receding, replaced by a sense of duty. Gabriel had saved her life once, and she trusted him implicitly. She would do as he asked.
"Fine," she said, opening her eyes. "I won't kill her. But you owe me an explanation, Gabriel."
Gabriel's voice was gentle. "I will explain everything in time, Victoria. But for now, you must go. Leave Eva be, and let fate take its course."
Victoria nodded, turning to leave. As she slipped into the night, she couldn't help but wonder what destiny lay in store for Eva. And what it meant for their kind.
As for Eva, she had no idea how close she had come to death.
Gabriel walked through the dimly lit room. He's placing a bandage over the wounds on Eva's arms and chest. "You're going to be okay, it's not that dangerous wound." he whispered
Eva nodded as she is controlling her self not to feel so much pain. "I know, I dodged it somehow."
He knew that he would have to erase her memories.
As Gabriel was wrapping a bandage around her arm, she looked up at him with her deep brown eyes, and their gazes locked.
As Gabriel finished putting the bandage on Eva's wound, she leaned in and kissed him. He don't know what he's doing it's like his body is moving on it's own.
It was a soft, gentle kiss at first, but it quickly turned passionate. Gabriel knew he shouldn't get too close to Eva, but he couldn't resist her.
Gabriel forgot everything else. But he quickly came to his senses and realized the danger he was putting Eva in. He couldn't let her remember what had happened between them, for her own safety. Gabriel used his vampire powers to erase her memories of what all happened that night. And he brought Eva to her room that Gabriel give him.
While Gabriel walking through his room he suddenly remembered what happened in his past.

Comentário do Livro (169)

  • avatar

    Very good


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    Maria Vitória Oliveira

    Eu adorei demais,logo de cara já identifiquei com o tema do livro e espero gostar ainda mais conforme for lendo os capítulos


  • avatar

    that's great story


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