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Victoria remained silent, staring at Eva with a cold, unfeeling gaze. Eva could feel the tension in the room, and she knew she had to be careful.
Victoria, a beautiful and striking vampire with long flowing black hair, has suddenly speak to Eva. "Humans are such pathetic creatures," she sneered. "You are weak and fragile, and your lives are so short. It's no wonder we view you as nothing more than cattle."
Eva felt a chill run down her spine as she listened to Victoria's words.
Marius, a more benevolent, romantic vampire with kind eyes, stepped forward. "Victoria, there's no need to be so harsh," he said. "Eva is our guest, and we should treat her with respect." Marius say as he winked to Eva
Victoria rolled her eyes. "Respect? For a human? Don't be ridiculous, Gabriel. They are nothing but food to us!"
Marius, a grizzled vampire with a thick beard, remained silent. Eva couldn't tell if he agreed with Victoria or not. His expression was inscrutable, and his eyes remained fixed on the ground.
Eva felt a wave of panic rising within her. She had never felt so vulnerable in her life. But she was determined not to show any fear. She had teach by Alice all her life to get revenge with them.
"Is that really all humans are to you?" Eva asked, trying to keep her voice steady. "Just food?"
Victoria chuckled. "Of course. What else could you be to us? Your kind exists solely for our nourishment."
Eva shook her head. "I don't believe that. I think there's more to humans than just being food. We have emotions and desires, just like you nor kill you."
Victoria snorted. "Emotions? Desires? How quaint. You humans are so simple-minded. You're incapable of understanding the true complexities of our existence."
Eva could sense the anger simmering beneath her words.
Gabriel stepped forward. "Victoria, enough. Eva is our guest, and we should show her hospitality. Let's not squander this opportunity to educate her on the ways of our kind." Gabriel said without showing any emotions as Eva could feel the tension inside the room.
Victoria rolled her eyes, but she didn't say anything more.
As Victoria and Marius left the room, Eva could feel Victoria's anger.
Gabriel sat across from Eva, staring at her with a cold, calculating gaze. Eva felt a shiver run down her spine, wondering what could be going through the vampire's mind.
"Do you know anything about vampires?" Gabriel asked suddenly, breaking the tense silence.
Eva hesitated for a moment before answering. She had read countless books and Alice told her many things about vampires especially to Gabriel, but she wasn't sure what Gabriel wanted to know. "I know some things," she replied cautiously.
There's something about Eva's mind that she can't remember. "He's so familiar to me, why I can't remember?" Eva said to her mind as the memories of the past are getting unfamiliar with her
Gabriel leaned forward, his piercing blue eyes locked onto hers. "What do you know?"
Eva took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. "Well, I know that vampires drink blood to survive, and they're immortal. They can't go out in the sun, and they have superhuman strength and senses."
"You should stay here," Gabriel said. "I think you know too much, and the other vampires won't hesitate to eliminate you if they find out."
Eva's didn't show weakness as she replied to his words. "What can I do?" she whispered.
"You can stay here," Gabriel said firmly. "At least until we can figure out a way to keep you safe."
Eva gets an opportunity to know even more how to get revenge. And she will grab the opportunity without any hesitation
Eva nodded. "Okay," she said quietly. "I'll stay."
As the night shone through the city of New Orleans. Gabriel, a vampire, stepped out of his ancient mansion. As his fangs glistened in the moonlight.
Gabriel was a vampire who had been living for over two centuries. He was feared by many, but respected by those who knew him well. He had seen the world change over time, and yet, he remained the same, never aging, never dying.
When Gabriel is not in the ancient mansion, Eva tried to began to search for information about Gabriel. She searched every room, every drawer, every book, looking for any clue that could help her find more information about him.
She began to search the mansion for any clues about Gabriel. She started in the library, scanning through old books and manuscripts, but she found nothing of use. Next, she tried the guest rooms, hoping that Gabriel had kept some memento from his past there. But again, she came up empty-handed.
Finally, Eva decided to try Gabriel's own bedroom. She knew it was a long shot, but she had to try.
Suddenly, Eva heard footsteps in the hallway outside the bedroom. She froze, not wanting to be caught snooping around. But before she could hide, the door to the bedroom opened, and in walked Victoria. Victoria's eyes were cold and calculating, and Eva couldn't help but feel a shiver run down her spine.
"What are you doing in my brother's room?" Victoria demanded.
Eva stammered, trying to come up with a convincing lie. But before she could speak, Victoria continued.
"I know what you're looking for. You want to know about Gabriel and vampires. But trust me, human, you don't want to know. My brother has done things that would make your blood run cold. He's not a vampire that you are thinking."

Comentário do Livro (169)

  • avatar

    Very good


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    Maria Vitória Oliveira

    Eu adorei demais,logo de cara já identifiquei com o tema do livro e espero gostar ainda mais conforme for lendo os capítulos


  • avatar

    that's great story


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