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A Name For A Duffer Like Him

Seo Yun POV
“No girl has ever dared touch you before, Seo yun” Ju won sparked, sitting on my desk. “Who the hell does she think she is?” Ye jun half yelled, standing close to me on my seat.
“Does she even have an idea of who your father is?” Ju won further said. I only smiled, staring at her empty seat.
“We should teach her a bitter lesson” They both chorused, and I turned to look at them with a smile.
“Seo yun, you're smiling,” Ye jun said with widened eyes. “To say I'm hurt is an understatement guy. I don't know why, but I feel attracted to her the more,” I told them, grinning very hard.
They looked at each other's faces and turned to give me a look-like I was not in my right senses.
“She's so beautiful, isn't it?” They just glared at me. Whatever.
I rubbed the cheek she had slap, still feeling a little pain; her hands were so tough.
“Seo yun” I glanced up to saw a prefect standing at the class entrance. “You're called to the principal's office,” He said, and left at once.
I reluctantly stood on my feet.
“I'm sure it's about that witch girl” Ju won gritted out, and I could feel my heart shook.
“Mind your tongue, Ju won” I warned him sternly and walked out on them.
I walked into the principal's office and surprisingly, Audrey was there too.
It was Mrs Park, the vice principal.
I learned the principal was not around.
I bowed to her in greetings. “I sent for you Seo yun” She began. I glanced at Audrey, she was staring down at her feet with her hands crossed backward. “What did you do to Audrey to earn a slap in return?” She asked and I breathe out softly. “I removed her headphone from her ears” I confessed in a low voice, I didn't know what I've suddenly become.
“Is that so?” She turned to Audrey and asked “Yes” She blurted.
“And why would you do that?” She questioned in a grim tone. “I already warned them all to f**king stay clear from me,” She said angrily, obviously trying not to yell.
Mrs Park eyes dilated in surprise. “You swear?” She asked in total disbelief as she brought down her glasses a little to look at Audrey properly. Audrey kept quiet, with her head down.
“Whoa. I'm really surprised now. In fact, I'm dumbfounded” The vice principal said.
“How old are you?”
“I'm eighteen,” She bit out.
“But your file stated you're seventeen”
“I'll turn eighteen soon” She replied sharply.
Mrs Park sat up again in her swivel chair before shaking her head sideways…” You slapped someone on your first day in school, please tell me how the rest of your days in this school will look like?” She hit her hand against her office table, causing myself and Audrey to cringe.
“You see, you should be thankful Mr. An- the principal is not around, Otherwise…”
“But then, I'll have to report this to your mom. She never told us her daughter was like this,” Mrs Park shook her head, disappointed.
“Ma'am…” Audrey called in a sympathetic voice. “Just go back to your class,” The vice principal said as she operates her cellphone.
Oh no,
“Ma'am…” I also called.
“I said you should go back to your classroom,” She yelled.
I flinched a little.
I've never seen Mrs Park like this, she was always loving.
I trailed behind Audrey as we headed to the class. “I'm sorry, Audrey. I was being foolish, and I never thought this…”
She turned to me abruptly with a dangerous look, my heart beat skip.
“Let this be the last time” Her teeth clenched as she talks. “I repeat, let this be the last time you'll ever stand close and utter a word to me,” She warned in a very pained voice and strode off at once.
I sighed deeply.
What could be her problem?
I just hope she was not back from work.
I knocked on the gate but got no response, I knocked again. “I'm coming” I heard the gatekeeper said in Korea language after some seconds. He opened the gate and smiled widely upon seeing me. “You're welcome, princess,” He greeted in Korea language again.
I bowed lightly and walked in.
I glanced ahead to saw her two cars parked in the garage, meaning she has returned from work, my heart sank immediately.
I breathe in and out before walking into the house. “Hi mom” I bent down a little and pressed my lips to her hair, lightly.
She didn't respond, her eyes were just fixed on the TV screen.
This is it.
I released a rueful sigh and made to walk away.
“Why are you doing this to me, Mi Cha?” I retreated my steps, but I didn't turn around, it was clear in her voice that she's pained now. F**k, the vice principal!
“What could he have done, for you to slap him?”
And that got me wild as I turned to her immediately. “He f**king stood close and even touched my…”
“Shut up!” She yelled as she stood up, making me took a step back.
"How many times have I warned you to stop using the 'f' word?” She asked, angrily. “You even had to use it in school” Her eyes dimmed.
I just took my eyes away from her figure, seething inwardly. “Well, it's no problem, I already decided you're no longer visiting the States” I raised my head swiftly to look at her as my shoulder drops.
“You won't do that, mom” My voice wavers. “Yes, you watch me do it” She retorted and settled down on her previous seat.
Tears gathered in my eyes and I quickly took the stairs to my room.
Min jun POV
“And how was school today?” Dad asked, not removing his eyes from the TV screen, it was a live football match.
He just joined me in the living room after he had his dinner. “Boring as usual” I replied simply, and my heart traveled to psychopath.
“Dad” I called, sitting up on the sofa.
“What's it, son?” He asked, still not glancing at my side.
I picked the TV remote control beside me and turned it off. “Hey! What's wrong with it?”
He turned to me abruptly, and I raised the remote control to his face, smirking.
He laughs quietly and I ended up smiling too.
“Alright, let's hear you” He said in a serious note now. “We had a newcomer today,” I began, and he nodded curtly. “She's a girl,” Dad smiles.
I rolled my eyes as I adjusted the throw pillow on my laps. “A crazy one at that,” I quickly added.
“What do you mean crazy?” He asked curiously, adjusting on his seat.
“Could you believe she told the whole class that she doesn't interact with guys and warned them not to try to come closer,” Dad's eyes bulged.
“That wasn't all, she even slapped a guy who tried talking to her,” I further said and Dad's mouth went agape.
I nodded.
“And you said today was her first day in school?”
I nodded again.
“That was so bad,” He shook his head.
“What could be her reason for not wanting to talk to guys?” Dad asked curiously and I shrugged. “I already gave her a name though,” I chuckled out, turning on the TV again.
“Tell me”
I folded my lips before speaking up. “Psychopath” I told him quietly and we both laughed so hard.
“She mustn't hear this from you, son,” Dad says after the laughter had died down.
I frowned. “Of course, she can't,”
Dad hummed, and I raised a brow at him.
“Nothing, I just have this feeling she's going to hear it from you” He winked at me and stood up, yawning loudly.
“Go to bed, Aaron”
“Tomorrow is another day” He added, and I watched as he ascended the stairs.
How would she hear it from me?
It's not as if we'll ever talk to each other.

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    LacanlaleMc raven

    love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I!


  • avatar
    T MA CK

    goods wr


  • avatar

    Best storyy!


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